How dare you wrong think!
We Pravda now.
>The censorship bein imposed by Youtube, Facebook, and others trying to crush any resistance to being locked-down. This documentary has been out for years.
>They are now reviewing anything that exposures the truth of the World Health Organization and the corruption that is systemic.
>Taking this documentary down which has been out for years is a major warning of how we are entering an era indistinguishable from the old Soviet Union and Pravda – the Truth. >Nobody removes conspiracy theories about aliens or alien abductions. So why remove anything that calls into question vaccines and the World Health Organization. I bet is anyone came out with a youtube post calling into question Bill Gates and his wife and what they are making from vaccines it would be removed.
YouTube Removes Older Documentaries Showing Corruption at WHO
Other urls found in this thread:
It's such fucking bullshit. How is all this any different than burning a library or museum?
There's no telling how much awesome vids they have deleted.
>How is all this any different than burning a library or museum?
It's not.
It's as bad as what the Taliban do.
You are just envious of WHO's power.
This. So much this.
Well, my YouTube posts no longer show after I wrote about Jews destructive behaviour and Corona hoax. I knew YouTube was censoring for years.
More along the lines of fear, not envy.
If you like liberty, you would not want WHO to have power over your personal life.
Why would anyone be envious of a Chinese puppet organization
>Murdered by YouTube
Hello, CRINGE department?
Don't stab Susan Wojcicki with a knife. Don't do it! Don't kill her.
More than anything it is pity for the sheep, they never knew what is happening and if you tell them they still don't understand
I was around when the nasim thing happened but I wasn’t following her work. Is that a real quote from her?
Yes, and pic related
>Well, my YouTube posts no longer show after I wrote
I’ve noticed that too. Did that recently happen within the last few weeks? Also, are you using your phone to post or desktop? I post on my phone and I’ve noticed it stops showing up, I can no longer even upvote my comment.
that betch has got my DNAs
nice dubz
Thank you. Got any more? I only know of her holding a white rabbit and dancing in a leotard. What did she do in her videos? Did she talk?sing?dance?
I'm sure you've seen pic related.
I'll put a few more up.
she warned of the chinese
I’m particularly interested in those provocative quotes.
I think this is all I have.
Thanks fren
so? tell the owner of the video to put it on mega
Im out, later.
Why are there no threads about wikileaks?
Some subtitled videos can be found here:
Her English language videos are lost to history (taken down by Youtube before they could be saved).
>e-ville companies have no business as public leeches prostinograping user data around town via taxpayer funded tubes without being fined or otherwise held accountable for privacy violations and infringement of inalienable rights in a shifting web of unregulated lies
>e-ville social media corp is a platform claiming neutral party immunity from lawsuits
>e-ville social media corp is a speaker editorially censoring free speech for publishing
pick 1 or 0, or 1010, pick all the ones that are good for you
Dear Friend,
There's no need to cause fights, simply burn the Bill of Rights.
Don't think it harsh or make drama, just ban the Supreme Court's decision in Marsh v. Alabama.
Content rating litigation nightmares aren't fair, share hell with "the modern public square".
Whether you object or not, constitutionally protected material should rot.
Bake the cake and like it too, civil rights are for niggers, not you.
End goy, you're A(((i)))DS.
>Jannie Tranny Fanny, BABA
>Precedent & CccpOohpOoh
>E-Ville Incorporated, an illegal subsidiary of The Game
Pleez Subzcribe
-1 = 1, if you don't concur you can get bent.
Taking something down is the same as putting it up, read the fool proof in Free Speech and the Regulation of Social Media Content.
Petty Pleas Scribe
If you prick us, we do not bleed, our growing old does not lead to death.
Your guns we need not heed, we draw profit from your last breath.
Peepee Poopoo Pusspuss Snot
(You)'s a fag. Czech mein got.
Peter Piper Picks Pepper Snacks
>kikeghoul image captcha
>anonymously posting facts
>Blockchain, Distributed social network, Decentralized computing, Ad blocking, Do Not Track, H-1B visa#Fraud, Competition law, Scams in intellectual property, Commercial use of copyleft works, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Atomic spies, Sayanim
How to get a Nasim gf as huwhite man?