Hey Yas Forums

Hey Yas Forums,

I am a white nationalist and a gay man. My husband is also sympathetic to white nationalism, and we have white son (adopted) who we are raising with pro-white values. Just because you are a white nationalist doesn't mean you have to hate gays. In fact, I think the WN movement has a lot to gain by accepting LGBT folk.

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It’s not marriage, it’s a state-enforced partnership. God took no part in it. It goes in options.

>I am a white nationalist and a gay man.
double faggot, kys twice

some women fuck dogs. I get it. people are mental.

To be fair, your domestic violence rates are lower than interracial and lesbians.
So, can we support gay marriage and outlaw lesbian and interracial marriage? I think that would solve all the world's problems.

Would be kind of based


not everyone
will accept you

shut up faggot your breath smells like asshole and there is a shit encrusted tp booger between your teeth, you should be liquidated in the name of public health if you step out of that faggot closet faggot.

Your husband is a faggot

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There are weekly threads on this board

I’ll accept LG&B but T crosses too many lines

this applies to you faggots too

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Clever LARP.
Never known how to feel about lesbianism. Homosexuality makes sense as a genetic byproduct of evolutionary population control. Most primates have observable rates of homosexuality. I've never believed that homosexual men should be prosecuted from partnership, nor are they inherently mentally ill. Marriage, specifically, is a religious construct, and a pretty pointless one at that, gays actively going out of the way to attack religion makes no sense when they could just do literally everything a married couple does but not have the ceremony.

>and we have white son (adopted)
that you're probably molesting

You will never be accepted by the Nazis and you're only cucking yourself politically by begging for their acceptance, attention, and affection.

Only one side of politics even thinks you have a right to exist.

Join the left and save the world.

Transgenderism doesn't matter, because it was the Jewish corporations that told you certain colors and garments were for boys and girls. If you care about a dude 'dressing' as a girl or being 'fem-appearing', you're nowhere near apathetic enough.

Transsexuality is a mental illness and should be outlawed in all cases, except for birth defect.

Is there any mammal besides humans that have been observed engaging in a homosexual and monogamy relationships?

This blew my fucking mind

I was streaming St. Elsewhere produced in 1982 and they were pushing trannie politics way back then. This subversion has been planned for a long time.

This. Not even probably


bonobo primates?
faggots just love talking about the degenerate monkies

The problem with homos is that they used to end the lineage. But now with artificial insemination, utero renting, it's solved.

Yeah, there are plenty who do, retard. You'd know that if you really were one.
We aren't those people, though, faggot.

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Do you molest the child or is it the other faggot that lives in your house?


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OP is a fag

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>: תמונה.
nice filename you got Chaim

There is no such thing as being gay. You just built your whole identity around buttfucking.

There are many animals that will mount and in some cases rape other males as a sign of dominance.

There are observed cases in many canines, lions, horses, and even some species of penguin

The reason people hate gays is the globohomo / pedo / trans / media / always in your fucking face bullshit that hasn’t stopped since queers were able to marry. It was a Pandora’s box that let every sick fuck in the gay community grab a mic and make everyone else miserable.

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The gay agenda is being pushed to promote population control. As long as guys aren't fucking women and making babies the population will decline.

Sodomites spread disease to us Godly people.

Calm down, Ryan.

Off topic this isn't the fag board

It's miserable for the more reserved gays as well. I can't find a BF that isn't some libshit, or just wants a fuckbuddy.

Really hard trying to find someone else looking for a monogamous relationship in my personal experience.

They want the tax breaks married couples get. Personally I think tax breaks shouldn't be given to married couples and should be reserved for parents.

Also user just know that sodomites are bigger consumers of useless junk equal to or more than women. So big business promotes sodomy for mindless consumers too.

>highly reactive topic where no new info will be posted
>blatant Hebrew in the file name so that somebody notices

Stop replying to slide threads you acoustic tripleniggers

and we can import cheep workers from overseas with the 'declining birthrate' excuse

do you ever do DA with him?

I don't think marriage can rightfully be "gay" or called such and is strictly between a man and a woman. I think sodomy is inherently cursed like all sin, vice, or impurity.

That said I don't think your homosex is any more immoral than adultery. Most straight people are equally immoral and don't consider themselves to be.

I'm not WN, but I'm also sympathetic to it. I'd consider myself a centrist but I lean somewhat right, in the "Progressive" block (not the gay left kind).

Are you going to purityfag me about smoking weed and cigs? If no then I won't purityfag you. But I can at least agree with you that smoking is inherently sinful because it is a vice --- I doubt you'd agree with me on the baseline that sodomy is also a vice.

But we'll see how God judges your relationship, assuming you are a genuine user. For me it comes down to what God says; He seems wise. If he hypothetically blessed your marriage, I'd see things differently. Depends on Him.