Suspect identified in hate-crime assault of 92-year-old Asian man in Vancouver

>Police say the 92-year-old victim, who suffers from severe dementia, wandered into a convenience store and the suspect began yelling racist remarks at him, including comments about COVID-19.

>Police say once outside the store, the suspect shoved the man, which caused him to fall and hit his head. The suspect then fled before police arrived.

>There have been nine anti-Asian hate crimes reported to police so far this year compared to 12 in all of 2019.

Why are White people such pieces of shit?

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>Assaulting a 92 year old man

So much for the brave White man.

>grey and balding
>biker wanna be
>reading glasses

This faggot has pretentious douchebag written all over himself. LMMFAO

Checked and quit generalizing you massive faggot. Chinks are beating the fuck out of niggers all over your country. People in general are fucking retarded

Ok chang. You mad?

This nigga gets it

Dick move, but this begs the question, why are Asian men living here to begin with?

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It's mostly low IQ coupled with a tribal animalistic mentality. I live in Vancouver and trust me when I say the biggest scumbags here are not only the South East Asian gangs but also uneducated low class, white trash, trailer faggots that come to Vancouver from the tri cities like Maple Ridge, Surrey, etc. It's ALWAYS these fucking degenerates assaulting peaceful law abiding citizens, the elderly, geese, dogs, cats, robbing small businesses, breaking into cars, etc. And they all say the same thing if you disagree with their views or behaviour "FUCKING TRUDOPE LOVING LIBKEK FUCK YOU CANADA BELONGS TO ME GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY." Hopefully covid-19 will correct the balance and take these sour milk guzzling fags down but I kind of doubt it.


>So much for the brave White man.

Targeting young male chinkoids is hardly any better. They're all useless faggots

>live in Vancouver and trust me when I say the biggest scumbags here are not only the South East Asian gangs but also uneducated low class, white trash, trailer faggots that come to Vancouver from the tri cities like Maple Ridge, Surrey, etc. It's ALWAYS these fucking degenerates assaulting peaceful law abiding citizens

Okay Chang

I'm not Chinese but I will say that I would prefer to be surrounded by peaceful Chinese families than violent, loud, trashy whites.

Jesus Christ you leafs are annoying cunts

Boomers rise up

Bogan trash identified. Any self respecting, middle-upper class Australian individual who contributes to society in a meaningful way feels the same way as I do about your kind. Animals.

I'm not Australian and there are no white trash communities in New Zealand.

South Asians(Indians) here are worse than SEAs

Like pottery. Invaders get the rope, or dick, which you seem to prefer.

Your Prime Minister is a white trash community.

t. Xiaoxiao

>I would prefer to be surrounded by Chinese
We already knew that.

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You no be raaahhssiss sir i open u wife cloth full body touch

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based. Fuck chinks

Go back to your own country.

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This land is your land. This land is my land. From Cali- oh wait, a fucking leaf. Why are you living in Indo-China?

Neither of you get it. Chinks are shameless invaders that spread disease and when whites fight back they make posts like "WOW WHITES ARE SO UNCIVILIZED". Better to be savage than to be made extinct.

And y'all whitey tidies call us niggers? yous a buncha hypocrats. y'all bigger niggers than we is.
apologize cracka.

petri dishes are not human. He should have killed the bat eating nip fuck

I'd have a comeback but considering your flag it's pointless. Singapore has no national identity

You're all the same. White trash oceanic apes.

Who the fuck wants to argue with a emo white dude.

You're all Asians. Feeds me superiority.

>You're all the same. White trash oceanic apes.

You are not Anglo and you have to go back


goddamn how pathetic. Would be a more fair fight with a midget, absolutely disgraceful.

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