This face

Why does he always have retarded faces like this, is he a robot?

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Tucker makes that face when he hears a guest say something insane..


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this is what processing info at lightning speed on autism looks like.

He has this face every time, right after keeping this face for a whole minute he started agreeing with the guest

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The more you faggots shill against him, the more we know he's over the target. Fuck off an die, kikes.

he "agreed" with the guest from a position of sarcasm retard. You could tell by the look in his eyes he wanted to stuff Walker headfirst into an oven.

it's the "I can't believe how stupid you are" face

Because he is always listening to leftsists on his show, then he rapes them.

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Tucker is an actual news anchor, and actually a journalist in his own books etc...that has the best comedy on the screen.
Comedy shows are political and unfunny. Its interesting.

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Tucker only one has one facial expression. However, this facial expression can clearly express any emotion in any context at any time; it only takes a level of enlightened understanding that you clearly lack, possibly from brain damage incurred during your early childhood development or from your lowly birth as a member of the plebian class.

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Bc everyone he interviews talks like a child.

>mfw OP unironically hits POST



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You have to be 18 to post here. You’ll understand sarcasm one day, boy.

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Because hes reacting to degenerate cocksucking faggots like you. A mixture of confusion and disgust.
Fucking KYS and give this man peace you fucking cunt.

He's looking at you like you're an idiot, I know, it pisses you off because you are in fact an idiot.

Report in using a new tab, bump inb4 shills
Tucker is fucking based

hes a sexbot that has gone haywire

Like tonight's interview. I couldn't believe that guy.

He has that face because the average IQ has plummeted and he interviews ever more retarded people as the years drag on.

>from your lowly birth as a member of the plebian class.

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its the face of a normie being bombarded with redpills and they are shocked this shit is hidden and has to be found out and fought for

That is the face of hard-core based.

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wow think of the orgies

tucker carlson is a faggot like trump who panders to dumb white golem retards saying extremely dumb shit that white mk ultraed monkey niggers gobble up and think is based when its just watered down satanism.

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This one's one of my favorites

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Tucker is and never will be on your side. Tucker only cares about Tucker and keeping his job. Fear=ratings=advertising=money
That's the formula for starting a right wing media operation. Doesn't take a genius to figure out. Let's face it there always taking your guns away or infringing on your version of religion, and let's not forget murdering babies. Don't you think on the baby murdering that if God was really against it, he would smite them from the heavens. Just saying he's done it before, what's stopping him now.

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Imagine being this shit at shilling

ugly daughters