How did a handful of Moors manage to conquer the Iberian peninsula so easily and stay there for 700 years?
>It is important to note that the Muslim and Berber soldiers who carried out the conquest formed only a small minority of the population of the Iberian Peninsula
>The Muwallads, or Muslims of Iberian descent, were far more numerous than those of purely Arabic descent. They were composed of those descended from the marriages of the original invading Arabs to the native women of Iberia along with those who converted to Islam by choice since the invasions. The muwallads adopted Arabic genealogies and thus became further fused to the Arabs ethnically over time. By the 10th century, no clear distinction existed between the muwallads and the Arab Muslims and by the 10th century, Muslims represented about 80% of the total population of Al-Andalus, including Christian converts and the Berber Muslims.
Iberians got raped so hard by nafri BVLLS they look exactly like Moroccans now
Why did Iberian women love being bred by big Moor cock so much?
>In Al-Andalus existed well nourished and famous as that of Madinat Al-Zahra harems, at the time of the Umayyad Caliphate which had 6,300 women (including slaves), or the harem of the King of Seville which provided over 800 women when he went into exile. The prestige of a sovereign andalusí also measured by the number of women who could keep his harem and this often included women who had belonged to his predecessors in power
What exactly were Iberian men doing when their women were being impregnated by the thousands in Moor harems for 700 years?
Why did Iberian men let their women by impregnated by blacks too?
>In historical times, there has been a period of North African influence in southern Europe, especially Iberia and Southern Italy, during various Muslim conquests. The genetic effect of this period on modern European populations is the subject of discussion (see below). In more recent history, the peoples of Europe and Africa came into contact during the exploration and colonization of Africa and as a consequence of the Atlantic slave trade.
>Further studies have shown that the presence of haplotype GM*1,17 23' 5* in southern Europe. This haplotype is considered a genetic marker of Sub-Saharan Africa, where it shows frequencies of about 80%. Whereas, in non-Mediterranean European populations, that value is about 0.3%, in Spain the average figure for this African haplotype is nearly eight times greater (though still at a low level) at 2.4%, and it shows a peak at 4.5% in Galicia. Values of around 4% have also been found in Huelva and in the Aran valley in the Pyrenees. According to Calderón et al. 2007, although some researchers have associated African traces in Iberia to Islamic conquest, the presence of GM*1,17 23' 5* haplotype in Iberia may in fact be due to more ancient processes as well as more recent ones through the introduction of genes from black slaves from Africa
That explains why Iberians look like curly haired negroid mutts
The Moors didn't introduce anything to HISPANIA as it was called. Iberia is a modern term. The people of Hispania were Romano-Visigothic people and had Roman style bath houses. There was no witchcraft burnings. You are thinking of the 17th century. Muslims didn't have modern ideas of sanitation. The Romans had sewers while Arabs where washing with dirt, like they still do. Modern sanitation comes from when White people discovered the existence of microbes. Islamic medicine was almost entirely based on the writings of Galen, which was the highest authority in Eurasia and the Near East on medicine for, like, 1000 years.
Justin Sanchez
>it shows a peak at 4.5% in Galicia. Values of around 4% have also been found in Huelva and in the Aran valley in the Pyrenees. According to Calderón et al. 2007, although some researchers have associated African traces in Iberia to Islamic conquest, the presence of GM*1,17 23' 5* haplotype in Iberia may in fact be due to more ancient processes as well as more recent ones through the introduction of genes from black slaves from Africa
The fact that it is the highest in Galicia proves that the genetic influence is pre-Islamic. Galicia wasn't ever occupied by the mudslim Moors.
David Murphy
Hey look, a kike assblasted by my thread exposing his stunted pussy parasite tribes role in destroying Goth Civilisation. I'm glad I was able to trigger you and make you face your ancestors crimes. Hopefully one day you inbred shits will taste physical wounds in tandem with the mental. The holocaust didn't happen but I wish it did.
Romans brought civilization to Iberia. Moors brought years of stagnation. As soon as Iberia was reunited Spain grew into one of the world's premier empires without the shackles of Pisslam holding them back.
Jack Jones
>coping this hard All Moorberian rapebabies have north African, sub Saharan and Jewish admixture
My conclusion is that Iberian """men""" were desperate for Moor and black seed impregnating their women, imagine those thousands of Iberian women bouncing on big brown cocks for 700 years
the "Muslims" in Iberia were native Romano-Visigoths who mass converted to Islam.
The Arabs got kicked out by the Berbers during the Berber Revolt, then the Berbers eventually assimilated into the Iberian population.
Literally all of the Caliphs of the Iberian Caliphate were blondes or redheads with blue eyes.
Abdul al Rahman, who invaded Iberia, was also described as being a Redhead with Blue Eyes, and he was the last survivor of the Umayyad Caliphate which was overthrown by the Rashudin Caliphate
Muslims never controlled Iberia, it was still under control of native Iberians who happen to be Muslims.
Lucas Davis
Because visigoth rulers were shit.
Christian Adams
Spaniards are lazy fucking drunks is how.
Jacob Butler
>MOORZ WUZ NORDIC ARYANZ N SHIEEETT LMAO why are Moorberians so selfhating? They even use the word Moor as an insult despite looking like Moroccans
how easy was it to take the ottoman empire off of muslims, they barely put up a fight. I am sure the muslims who existed throughout history would be ashamed how cowardly their ancestors have become.
Lucas Hill
>muslim propaganda >female warrior yeah... I'm starting to get the feeling that maybe a muslim isn't behind this post.
Ayden Stewart
No wonder Shitalians and Hispanics are dumb as fuck now. They got raped by low IQ niggers. Moors didnt build shit. They inherited and claimed they built it
You stupid fucking retard, you do know that North Africa has always been a Caucasian region right?
Original North Africans were Mediterraneans like Southern Europeans, they were the same people.
The oldest mummy in North Africa is a Redheaded mummy nicknamed "GINGER" , and this mummy is a PRE-DYNASTIC mummy, which means before Ancient Egypt ever rose to a great civilization.
North African Berbers descend from Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal Man like fucking Europeans, they "European" too, just that they settled in North Africa instead of migrating into Europe after the Ice Age.
Original Berbers are Blonde and Redheaded and live in small populations in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco and along the northernmost North African coast.
Queen Ziyad (I butchered her name) who fought the Arabs when they invaded North Africa in the 7th Century, was a Redheaded Berber Queen with Blue Eyes.
You're a retard if you think the modern shitskin mutts living in North Africa have any racial connection to the native population that once dwelt in North Africa pre-Islamic expansion.
>all this wall of cope Why are Moorberians so ashamed to admit they got cucked by brown Moor BVLLS? They knew they got raped so hard they even created a state mandated policy to "clean" their blood after the reconquista, too bad it was too late and they were all rapebabies at that point
How did these same (((great people))) get blown the fuck out of Iberia and pushed all the way back to the Middle East in less than 2 years in that time period.
Landon Long
It's the Moops! lol, fuck off blackbrown faggot and take that shit pedo fake MooHamMud cult with ya, fuck stick douche flute.
Nicholas Ross
They had already emptied their balls in Iberian wombs for 700 years, just look like average Iberians look like looool
Punics were the first real civilization there, though. Cordoba is probably derived from Qart-Juba, for example. Before and outside of that they were probably some variety of Celtic tribal barbarians like everywhere else in western Europe.