/nbg/ - Nothingburger General #15


>190K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day

• 1,061,200 people die every week

• 4,244,800 people die every month

• 50,900,000 people die every year

>muhh exponential broooo
Been below the peak for what, 19 days? Hahahahahaha

The doomer cult /cvg/ got hyped up by the echochamber of schizos, blue check marks and sensationalist news, they're too bitter to admit it.


>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>Illinois gov. confirms that ANYONE who dies while infected is considered a COVID death

>Corona BTFO by USC

>Only 3% of ALL active cases are serious/critical
>1,646,202 / 57,104

>Tests show postive for ANY coronavirus, not just COVID

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

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Friendly reminder that Sweden had no lockdown, yet everything is perfectly fine.

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>1.7 Million New Yorkers have already had Covid-19
>CFR closer to 0.5, likely lower cause we can't test everyone
/cvg/ eternally btfo

Is this what happened?

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Holy schizo, I'm not reading all that bullshit

Based thread

Hapooner fags SEETHING

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>Massachusetts became the fourth state to in the U.S. to record more than 2,000 coronavirus deaths on Wednesday. It also announced that 1,744 more people tested positive. Right now, about 9% of all people who tested positive are hospitalized, but more than half of all 18,000 hospital beds available statewide, including makeshift ones, are currently unoccupied and available for patients.

> more than half of all 18,000 hospital beds available statewide

Why are we in lockdown?


>Because mitigation is WORKING
>Yeah, but mitigation was already built into the doomer models before
>Hahaha, mitigation is WORKING

Doomers confirmed as shills & retards

I'll have you all know that this is a very serious health crisis that could kill millions.

it seems that anyone who gets diagnosed with covid-19 just has symptoms that are just the normal flu and they recover within a week. the only exception is really old people who virtually always have other conditions aside from covid-19.

bump for the btfo of doomers

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>news freaks out, says "there's not enough ventilators!"
>rush to get everyone on ventilators
>88% of people on ventilators die
the stupidity is really out of control and its all the internet's fault.

We got fucking played again.
Are economies are fuckes, and our bought out western governments are more than happy to watch it all go to shit.
The Jews hate us, they subvert us by destroying our basis of morality.
The Chinese hate us, they fight us economically.
And our Western politicians are all corrupt plants educated and set up decades ago by the Soviet KGB.

We fucking lost the cold war even after our enemies died.

We need a mission to Mars then nuke Earth from orbit. It's the only way to be sure...

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itt: boomers and chinese shills.

>hurrdurr its a coronavirus the flu is a coronavirus
>spanish flu was a coronavirus too eks dee
>spanish flu 100million ded but dis coronavirus isnt srs i swer its a scamdemic u guis

You may as well start posting links to 5G being the cause just to cover all your bases.

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I'm glad you can see how deadly this thing is. Our brave respiratory therapists can barely save anyone!

That is because Sweden has more white people

Currently Infected Patients

58,678 (3%)
Serious or Critical


We're on a

USA just hit 50k deaths.
It took about 8 weeks from the first known death.
A severe flu season kills 50k in 6 months.
Right now we're losing +2000 per day with no slow down in sight.

People keep spamming "If the measures are working it'll look like an overreaction!" whenever I bring this up.
Yeah, you know what else will look like an overreaction? AN ACTUAL OVERREACTION.

You’re literally waifuing a virus. Pathetic.

>Right now we're losing +2000 per day with no slow down in sight.

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>CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%
>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower
Do you even read your own posts, dumb nigger.
If the CFR is about .1% that is equal to the flu.
But if its 50x more contagious that means 50 times more people get it and 50 times more people died.
So if a typical flu year is 25k deaths, corona deaths would be over 1 million.

8 weeks makes it sound like a shorter time than two full fucking months for 50,000 deaths, of which 100% are older than 60

Literal 0% death rate for those under 30. Fuck off with your retarded happening shit, being VERY mildly worse than a normal flu season is not some apocalyptic pandemic

>>spanish flu was a coronavirus too eks dee
Thats facts though

no, there is an upper limit to how many can get it, because the population isn't infinity. at 70% infected it stops spreading. 50x more contagious just means the ride will be over faster.... except we are stupidly slowing it down. just get it over with, there isn't a way to avoid everyone (well, 70%) eventually getting it, unless everyone lives in a literal bubble 24/7

Because we all know everybody that catches the flu reports it or is even sick enough to care.

But I do appreciate how you guys have moved from "5% death rate!!" to "OK OK, its not that deadly, but think of the old people! You will have blood on your hands for that 0.2%!". If you're sick or old, stay the fuck home then. Or you can roll the dice every year like you always do with coming out during flu season.

>8 weeks makes it sound like a shorter time than two full fucking months.
Damn you flubro niggers are morons.
However, we still have a death count over 2000 per day.
That's with a full lockdown and no sign of it slowing.
What do you think the death count will be in another 2 months?

>we are stupidly slowing it down
that's the whole point of the shut downs-to slow it down.
Instead of a million people going to the hospital in one week it gets stretched out months.
Are you flubros so stupid you dont even realize that?

they literally attribute every death to coronavirus

"oh this guy with stage 4 cancer coughed right before he died? well, coughing is a symptom of covid-19, so we'll say he died of coronavirus.

this is LITERALLY what is happening in hospitals across the country, especially new york


The world population became such fucking sheeps It's unbelievable. Nobody questions the authority anymore, nurses and doctors are treated as saints, science is put on the highest pedastal than ever before as the absolute truth and only truth. Don't believe me goy? Come take a look at this jew reviewed article stating you need to get a cancer filled vaccine in you disgusting obese piece of garbage flesh written by me and my colleagues. Hey look, it was reviewed by some name endind in "berg" or "silver" but pay no mind to it, it must be just a coincidence. They are experts btw, graduated in Harvard, believe them... They brainwashed almost the entire World into believing there is no other way of living and the goys must adapt to this slavery or die.

Really activates my noodle

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Ah yes, those infectious diseases like cancer, suicide, and fire.

Probably like 100k at absolute most, in a nation of nearly 400 million with TERRIBLE prevention measures. 'Oh we have a full lockdown!!' No you retarded nigger, we let it spread freely for nearly a month and then shut down our entire economy while 'quarantining' everyone with their families so it can spread in a closed environment.

Hopefully it will be 101k when your retarded ass kills yourself because coronavirus wasn't a le epic mad max fallout apocalypse. Cope harder.

Yet 2000+ people a dying each day.
In NYC alone gets more dead people in a single day that from all causes in an entire week.
NOBODY knows the death rate and it will not be calculated until YEARS after this is over and the dust settles.
The only accurate numbers we know are the dead bodies piling up. 50k so far.
2000 per day for the last 2 weeks. Keep in mind the first death was (possibly) Feb 29.

the doomer cumbrain has the majority of posts in this thread