Why do americans seethe so much including their jew puppet president about pic related?
Do mutts even understand that it will just change not much at all and just replace the ukraine pipeline because urine is not reliable and instead chooses us because we are reliable?
Why do americans seethe so much including their jew puppet president about pic related?
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On top of that most of east europe is almost 100% reliant of russian gas and also NATO members but we never hear trump talking about this instead just "germany becoming a russian puppet".
Mutts are scared because we don't want their overpriced gas.
We don't want you to kick out our military bases
America hates Germany so much that even if it's more reliable it's not desirable. Plus we control Ukraine.
americans seethe because they potentially lose a market and a lot of dollerinos.
we should cheer because this means more independance and should seethe because our dependance just switched between america and russia.
but its still better than without nordstream
All "military" bases here are mostly hospitals for their adventures in MENA and we do not allow america to start their rockets here and instead have to launch them from shitaly.
>muh russia
>muh america
>muh china
>muh muh muh
The only way anything will work in this world is if Europeans dictate their terms above all else and back them by the necessary force, even if that force entails the extermination of others who disagree and subsequently stand in the way of what's best for the whole.
America and Russia are tumors on Earth alongside China. Fucking crypto-jews the lot of them.
You really think I care what Europe does with oil? Why don’t you ask the oil barons.
It means it's just another thing which Europeans don't have to siphon off, via their wealth, into your bloated third world country with a first world currency.
Literally what?
Trump is a nigger
It's the desperate last gasp of a dying empire.
An Empire needs a Kaiser the usa was never an empire just an union so stop larping mutt.
We care because you’re a bunch of faggots who use broomsticks instead of guns for your military’s training. You don’t pay your 2% into the NATO budget like you’re supposed to and you’re entirely reliant on America for your defense.
You cry about how evil Russia and Putin are. Merkel and macron pretend he’s the new hitler. Yet they want a massive gas pipeline from the new hitler?
We can literally sell you cheaper natural gas through our liquid natural gas ships. We can even provide your security with our rammstein base since your faggot cucked military has no chance.
But we don’t want to see you complaining about how dangerous Russia is. While simultaneously providing billions of dollars to them for natural gas when you have a clear alternative.
>the usa was never an empire
Kek nobody here spends one minute thinking about you or your gay pipeline nigger. At best you’re an easy assignment for the 30k soldiers who fuck your women every day.
Incel confirmed.
A Reich needs a Kaiser to be a Reich but America is just a union of a bunch of subhumans.
Right now they are the empire of seethe.
this dudes great grandpa is a russian pinko commie who raped his grandma and he loves it.
hes a great grand cuck
Do you think Germany has a chance of national redemption?
Look at the American replies in this thread—muh American hegemony, muh empire. No reflection whether empire was ever good for middle America. No reflection about the invade all/invite all doctrine that’s turned the US into Brazil for the benefit of kikes. You people are fuckin faggots, try to think about things of actual value rather than how
Many bases the us has
it's not about bases - it's about dick size
look at how many olympic medals we win. Do you think that's because we have bases? It's the dicks
Our current Hohenzollern Prince future Kaiser (Gott HIS) called that germany needs to return to monarchy (england style) to fix our social problems and our bad birthrate.
looks like a vagina
>thinking some dirty oz is white/european
gtfo you thick lipped prehistoric nigger
>everybody stronger than me is baddddd
Nice R selected genetics you have there.
Not smart to build critical infrastructure so close to Finnish Border...
americans dont care but their gov does, OP you are not welcome though you cursed ching chong
If you had your balls still you would know that buying things from savages is a bad idea.
Buy our shit, gaylord. You lost your selfdetermination 80 years ago.
>C.uckmany gayer that Italy.
Imagine my surprise.
Is Nord Stream 2 still happening? I thought it was successfully cancelled by Trump.
trump is a kiked worm
>Talking to the only country with a first world currency.
Bogans, everyone.
>His empire didn't like 15 years
You are implying that the majority of Americans even know what you are talking about, much less actually care about it.
You are not as relevant as you seem to think, Kraut.
this is who you're talking to
Really? Well that's wonderful, Hans. Has he expressed any views on race or the great replacement?
Naah danish ships were building it but american boycotts made the danes to cuck out and russia had to finish it them self but their only pipeline shit was in asia so it needed some time to get to europe but overall no it is soon finished