Why has the left been winning for the last 300 years at the very least?

Why has the left been winning for the last 300 years at the very least?

Since the Enlightenment, we've been moving slowly towards more degeneracy, more freedom and more liberalism.

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Nice asshole on this roastie

Women voting

What do you even say to a girl this hot?

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Built for black coffee

If a guy told you that this girl took a shit in his mouth, would you look up to him or down on him?

>The middle ages weren't degenerate
>ancient greece and rome weren't degenerate

Read a book about the Dark Ages you fucking inbred subhuman.

>Can you pass me the salt

Gets them wet every time

Conservatism is based around meekly preserving old morals rather than enforcing new ones.

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Because they keep putting chemicals in the water that TURN THE FRIGGIN FROGS GAY!

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"Mind if i sniff your feet ?"

Because people don't like dying in their own shit. Shocker.

No they weren't you stupid spic.

Just say "Hello, how are you? I'm XXXXXXX, what's your name? ....
then just chat about where shes from, what shes up to, if she is single, if she wants to go out later for a meal...the usual, just talk like you want to know her.

money is on the table

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>your mom wasn't degenerate

Because the right's policies and morals just aren't that popular among the majority of the population.

Majority rules in a democracy.

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How does this queer know the secret?

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I want to clean BBC cum out of her.

can *clap* not *clap* wipe *clap* properly

Freedom and liberalism are not mutually inclusive with social degradation and degeneracy. Restrictions on freedom are only necessary to prevent Jewish cancer from pervading society.

A moral but free society is like an animal without an immune system. The Jew will infect it freely and disseminate its sickness unimpeded.

>Looking good girl!
>Heh still got it

That’s a good brapper

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Dude, Wat?
Even right now the left is falling apart.


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The idea that society, should not change will always lose out to the idea society, should change. Because it is inevitable that society will change.

you just stick your dick in her ass .

>Enlightenment was the left

No it sprung from the Church and the left has been destroying the West since the French revolution. If you call that winning you are retarded.


dios mio

>winning for the last 300 years
They haven't. It's been a back and forth for all of history. OP is a leftist asking loaded questions.

I guess I'm asexual cuss like I wouldn't care

You don't tell anything to white women if you're black, you just give them that look and they KNOW.

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Satan = Kazarian = Ashkenazi = Jew

Satan has been running the show for sometime now.

The sooner you realize the bible is real the sooner you will come to understand what's happening.

Get reading!

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You see how you ruined your own thread, OP? That pic is niggerbait.

It's all part of the plan that ends in rejection of the enlightenment:

> If one desires to shrink something, one must indefinitely expand it;
If one desires to weaken something, one must indefinitely strengthen it;
If one desires to discard something, one must indefinitely flourish it;

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Conservatives are fools. They love technology so much but they don't realize that technology changes traditions.

Maybe in some ways but broadly speaking the important values from Christianity should be preserved. There's a difference between liberalism and progress. Liberalism is cancer but progress doesn't hurt. Like I think getting rid of slavery was progress but affirmitive action, reparations and stupid nigger culture isn't progress. Is what I'm saying making sense??

>that chin
it's a trap.