/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3415

► Detected: 2,718,139 (+1,333) ► Died: 190,635 (+107) ► Day: 106 (-23:59:59)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 3,408 strains have been sequenced —


Virus lingers in eyes even after clearance from nose

New study shows China massively underreported statistics

Politicians get ready to reopen based on antibody tests

Blood thickening associated to infection

Tigers and lions can become infected

Infection causing sudden strokes in young adults

Virus binds to ACE2, first route found

3 babies in Wuhan were born with COVID

Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

New mutation threatens possibility of developing a vaccine

Test kits in the U.S and 30 countries are flawed

Very high excess mortality in Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden

▶ 6 new cases in South Korea
▶ 31 new cases and 3 new deaths in Bolivia
▶ 174 new cases and 2 new deaths in Panama
▶ 13 new cases in Venezuela
▶ 8 new cases in Uruguay
▶ 6 new cases in China
▶ 12 new cases and 3 new deaths in Sudan
▶ 1089 new cases and 99 new deaths in Mexico


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Other urls found in this thread:


This dumbass literally suggested injecting bleach inside mutts kek

Do amerifat really trust him after this?

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Hellowo!! :3

I know it's been a while... :(

Sorry... ;_;

But I knew you'd be okay! ^ω^

But I'm not...

My huggle meter is on empty

So... ȌωȌ

*super duper hard huggle* (^▽^(^▽^*)

Mmmmm.... Half way there!

*Wuggles* ヽ(°∀°人´ヮ´)ノ


*snuggles* (´・ω・`)

So warm and comfy... x3

There we go!

Remember, take care of yourself!

You're, like, super important to me! ᕦ( ˘ᴗ˘ )ᕤ

-Boops your cheek, nose and tummy tum tum twice-

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Press F

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They’re gonna give out more trump bux right? $1200 ain’t shit for enduring two months of this

Say it with me: "the coronavirus is a nothingburger!"

And do you know what's in a nothingburger?Here are the ingredients:

1. Racism
2. Nothing Else
3. Lettuce

That's right. All you coronatards are nothing but a bunch of seething incel RACISTS.

Do you think he left her something on his will? I wouldn't

Who /not a human being/ here?

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I think so... Isn't there a thing going around talking about how it's going to be up to 6k for a month or something?

Let me fuck

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Ignore nothing burgers. Dont waste your energy.

how do i bring the light inside myself?

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who is this dumb bitch

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lurk moar newfag



Beyond alive

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LEL this shit is fucking golden, roastie whores make me so sick, I wish I could burn them alive like the good old days

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Its in talks, nothing on paper yet. We'll have to see how opening up goes.

Did she throat fuck his corpse cock?

>OG boop poster
I missed you...

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holy shit I'm so sorry for this man jesus chirst.

His face just says "I"m ready to die" AHAHA LMAO rest in prayers bruh but shit... like still nigga LMAAAAAOOOOOOOO

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Anons... the fatality rate is beginning to spike with no survivors. Stories of second wave symptoms and month long coughs are everywhere.

Recovery is off the menu if you catch it. The only question is how long until this thing kills you.

are wops really in any position to talk

This dude on the whitehouse stream today talking about weather and sunlight "having an effect" on it, trying to imply a previously seen originating by China before agenda that it would be seasonal or recede in the summer, stuttering and stammering to get out a line of words that didn't make any sense when he was confronted on countries with those temperatures having infection rates. Los Angeles for example is nearly the top of what Human's can stand to be comfortably exposed to at 85F which supposedly "kills the virus after 6 hours"
>"Based on CDC recommendation, I-i-i"
What a load of shit, these clowns are in charge of.
This is the most hilarious happening that has ever happened, it's pulled their pants down for what they really are, again

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#1 United States 880,204 (49,845) #2 Spain 213,024 (22,157) #3 Italy 189,973 (25,549) #4 France 158,183 (21,856) #5 Germany 153,129 (5,575) #6 United Kingdom 138,078 (18,738) #7 Turkey 101,790 (2,491) #8 Iran 87,026 (5,481) #9 China 82,804 (4,632) #10 Russia 62,773 (555) #11 Brazil 49,492 (3,313) #12 Belgium 42,797 (6,490) #13 Canada 42,110 (2,147) #14 Netherlands 35,729 (4,177) #15 Switzerland 28,496 (1,549) #16 India 23,039 (721) #17 Portugal 22,353 (820) #18 Peru 20,914 (572) #19 Ireland 17,607 (794) #20 Sweden 16,755 (2,021) #21 Austria 15,002 (522) #22 Israel 14,803 (192) #23 Saudi Arabia 13,930 (121) #24 Japan 12,368 (328) #25 Chile 11,812 (168) #26 Mexico 11,633 (1,069) #27 Ecuador 11,183 (560) #28 Singapore 11,178 (12) #29 Pakistan 11,057 (235) #30 South Korea 10,702 (240) #31 Poland 10,511 (454) #32 Romania 10,096 (545) #33 United Arab Emirates 8,756 (56) #34 Denmark 8,073 (394) #35 Belarus 8,022 (60)…

#1 Mexico +1,089 (+99) #2 Panama +174 (+2) #3 Bolivia +31 (+3) #4 Sudan +12 (+3) #5 Venezuela +13 #6 Uruguay +8 #7 China +6 #8 South Korea +6…

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Actually scratch that it's about 3 miles or so and 25 minutes is not very impressive.


been around longer than you have been alive, but im an old codger now I cant be fucked to keep track of filthy ewhores and their isntagrams and onlyfans

College is a mistake.

What do Boopers want?

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it would kill the virus technically

Why does this make me happy?


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But it's the fractured part that makes no sense to me. The push for retroactive infections is happening at the same time as Trump fucking breaks down over this shit, and he's the biggest back to work shill out there. And governors are starting to freak out and either forming state pacts to deal with this outside of the federal government, rushing to open ASAP, or bunkering down in complete silence. Meanwhile, Europe is bouncing up and down depending on the country and the week, Africa is almost untouched and South America has people dying in the fucking streets.
There doesn't seem to be a coordinated narrative that's sticking in even one country, let alone the world. Everyone is going at everyone else's throats, all while everyone pins their hopes on Flattening the Curve, not dropping it, but making the new deaths per day hit a cap every day.
It just seems so wild.

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If you intubate, it's pretty much game over.


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Wizard here, so not a human.

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Will gooks ever evolve as a species past the ‘withhold the truth to save face’ culture?

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>and take care of my mom for the rest of my life
Doujin please?

>880K US cases
time to bring this bad boy out again.

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Recovered: 0

based and wizpilled

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>its just more dead infants bro

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Why no India cases???

Jews fixing death certificates in New York. Class action lawsuit incoming. Will probably sue trump personally just because.

>screencap this

Please 3.

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Are you guys done being schizos yet

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Jay-sus these threads are a complete piece of shit now argie
Not even my shitposting can save them m8

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wait a sec I just recognized her face, NEVERMIND LMFAO

I feel so bad for him... he is finally free from this hellscape, but probably burning in a new one for making such a filthy horrid demon creature

what the fuck are you talking about? she was from before they were a thing

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>880K US cases

Checked and kekd.

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You cut them open, never thought amerifat could get even more bestial and cruel.

Poor guy

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I'm ready to take my position.

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kek aight

Can someone post corona chan lifting her arms up in the air. I can't find that gif.

>real human bean


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ok nigger monkeys, let's see what mr god says
The fool hath said in his heart "There is no God"
They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.

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Can anyone find a single poll that says the lockdowns are not supported? I cant

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Recoveries getting called WAY too early user. It’s a sleeper virus. AIDS/FLU hybrid. 6 months to live max after first infection.

Lets get some insight into the future wizard.

Most of the transmissions are happening indoors in AC user

I don't even care.

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I didnt recognize her normie in-public face user, not immediately, lel


danish sex addict thinks everyone is a sex addict

>have a 7 month old infant
oh no. bros, im getting a little worried

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based terry posting, I miss him bros

metzitzah b'peh

▶ 544 new cases and 18 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 5 new cases in Jamaica
▶ 5 new cases and 1 new death in New Zealand

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Here, but I lost my chance at wizardry 4 times in my life. 2D is safer and cheaper and doesn't go stir crazy like roasties do.

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As it has happened before, so shall it again

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Pray the virus kills people so they don't starve to death.


>force-feed Xi JinPing's daughter, you say?

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3 or 5 please

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Ho boy

>I got a call yesterday
>I found out my grandmother got the virus.
>I put on PPE and drove across town.
>She was in bad shape.
>I visited her in the hospital.
>I opened the door and got on the floor everyone walk the dinosaur!

There you are catalan user, how're you doing?

what is that?

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Will this thing become seasonal? If it comes back next winter is it gonna be the same strain or something different?

>Jay-Natalie, who had already struggled with a heart condition
I wouldn't worry too much user

No one wants to be the one who gets it. The only people who want to end the lockdowns are retards who think they're too healthy to ever be infected, and also don't care if others die because they don't know them.


Kys lol

You know how.

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Thankfully my son is white and strong

Instead of kys
>Go outside faggot

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>tfw it's only you and the argie checking 4stats

pic related

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Such old magic

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I’m having a good time working from home. I feel for other industries though.

Ideally they open fun shit back up but continue to require office workers to stay home.



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Seasonal yes. Doctor said on tv that if it does mutate it wont be a significant change and that if we make a vaccine for the virus as it is now, it will work on the new form.



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Collapse predictions anons? When will the power go out? Where will the first food riots and lootings begin? What country will be the first to collapse?

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I'm sure you set the standard for peak fitness

All of the happening faggots seem so feminine to me. “China lied!” Anyone with an internet connection (ie everyone) knew what was going on in Wuhan, so we knew this was coming here. China isn’t responsible for what happens to us; we are. It’s our responsibility to care for ourselves. And our actions have consequences. It’s a foreign concept to women, so it makes perfect sense that feeeeeelings were the driving force behind ruining our country. And just like women, everyone supporting this retarded hysteria thinks once the CDC decides the virus has subsided (because #trustscience or whatever the fuck) everything will just go back to normal.

It won’t. We’re looking at 30% unemployment at best in June. And anyone who decided we should wear masks, “stay the fuck at home,” and social distance is responsible. We’ll see how much you really believe the “lives before the economy” horseshit when you’re standing in line at a food bank.