What whites chimp out over, the list

Whites chimp out and loot, too. They just do it in slow motion. Here, from direct observational experience as a grocery store cashier of color, are what white people loot and will chimp out for, in order of rising importance to their race:

10. Leaf spinach sold by the bunch
9. Kale
8. Designer bottled water
7. Toilet paper 8 pack rolls
6. Yeast to go with item 4
5. Caffeinated beverages, especially coffee
4. White flour in the 5-lb bag
3. Bananas. Surprise surprise. Other races eat FEW.
2. Whole Vitamin D cow's milk in a gallon jug
1. Guns and ammunition

ANY shortage even HINTED at in one of these and miggers go instantly ballistic, right down to kicking, punching and hair-pulling in the parking lots and the aisles. Read em and weep, Tyler and family. We see you :)

The above list are your menthol cigarettes and Nike sneakers and you are twice as nigger about them as us

Attached: white sneakers.jpg (1000x1000, 176.97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>grocery store cashier

>White flour in the 5-lb bag

Attached: angry_pepe.jpg (900x900, 42.6K)

>The list embarrassed you

It's not a chimp out if they're purchasing said items legally and not destroying stores to steal them.

What's wrong with bananas?

>when food and ammo become artificially scarce, white people stop allowing kikes to hold power
yes. and when niggers dont get hard drugs and gold chainz, they murder white kids as retribution. same thing.

Spbp. At least you're honest! Whites are freaking. the fuck. out about flour right now in stores. You're all baking bread. This is a race memory and built into all of you. "When times get scarce, bake bread." Built literally into all whiteys.

I'm trying to use this fact to warn chinks to get off it and leave you alone but they won't. The bread baking's a sign. Once whitefear.exe switches on these yellow niggas won't stand a chance. But they can't and refuse to see that. This is it. They're stupid. They've got a death wish.

Ah well :)
>Coming next: all Chinese genocided and streets, trees and athletic teams named after them.

Implying that's not what you're doing


They taste disgusting and are dusty and slimy. White people love the fuck out of them though

Baking is fun retard, you should try it sometime

Bananas only get slimey if you let them get all brown and gross

White breadbaking madness:





And there ya go. Y'all about to pop off, and chinese are so arrogant and stupid they're about to walk STRAIGHT INTO IT. You're going to be lynching and BURNING them in effigy. If the lockdown doesn't quit I give it late June.

Late June Chinese everywhere outside China will be wiped out by whites same way you did us and the Native Americans. They just can't see it. It's going to be funny.

Also are you really trying to paint the ability to think ahead and prepare as an undesirable trait?

I can't find shit and it’s pissing me off. Shelves are empty except for fucking coconut flour, and places like Amazon are price gouging or have nothing. I finally broke down and bought a pasta maker shortly before this bullshit, and I find the maker collecting dust while I buy dried pasta because I can’t even find semolina flour, which most people don’t buy.


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Nigga my black ass was prepped Jan 1, step off with that shit

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Your whole race bought up and hoarded it all. Blame Karen. She (white, female, scruffy, overweight, single mom, 40-65) is the one I see tossing 20 bags of flour at a time onto the cashier belt. Every single time.

I am both amused and annoyed. I’ve been trying to get people to bake for fucking forever. Then we have one freak out where all the bread gets bought, and everybody decides to play baker. Which is actually A GOOD THING. I actually REALLY FUCKING LIKE THIS. People are at home baking bread, figuring out it tastes fucking amazing and costs a whole helluvahlot less. But, they need the time to do it. Oh, wait - We must play wageslave and have the working middle class be financially worse off than people working part-time minimum wage in the late 80’s early 90’s.

I’m only annoyed because WHERE IS THE FUCKING FLOUR. I tucked some away but was operating on the assumption that I wouldn’t have to dip into reserves QUITE this soon...


Are any stores limiting baking supplies? I haven’t seen it. I see limits on bread, meat, eggs, milk, pasta, and rice, but not flour. o.O

Really? Comparing this to yous and shoes? Gotsta get muh Jordanz.

In my state, yes they are. One bag per customer. They had to because of Hoarder Karens.

>4. White flour in the 5-lb bag
>6. Yeast to go with item 4
Funny you mention that. This shit has been flying off the shelves where I work too. I work nights though when the store is closed, so I don't deal with customers

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If only white people buy flower why do you care that its hoarded? White people hoard shit only white people use.

Side note, in my area I see way more black people wearing face masks in public than whites. You guys really buy into that shit.

I'll be fair. Here's what your good friends the Chinese here in America are hoarding, in order of what appears to be their importance to these people:

10. Strawberry Pocky sticks
9. Artisan bread
8. Cereal, like you would not believe, as if crazy
7. Whole Vitamin D milk in same jug as whites
6. Bananas
5. Broccoli
4. Green onions
3. Scallions
2. Chicken (the most organic, pricey and rare selections, the most nit picky kinds, seriously if chicken was kosher and gluten-free that would be what these ching chongs are buying up)
1. Beef (very, very expensive cuts)

Mexicans are buying exact same except remove the Pocky and add tortillas down close to # 1. Other things whites are looting and hoarding up on include black beans, pinto beans, chili mix and VANILLA FUCKING ICE CREAM.

Like crazy. So it's not just about basketball shoes, and we're not alone, now is it. I'd put what black folks are eating but I eat healthy, and I don't live or work in a black area, so no idea.

ever have banana bread?

My brotha I tink you figa out deez crackas weaknes.

Imma tell my niggas bout dis. Wen we start wildin we gonna get dis stuff so crackas cant get any and go crazi.

Crackas gonna starv without dey shit.

You're about as black as Zsa Zsa Gabor. Knock it off, Jason. Black lingo is like fucking, dancing, sports and jazz: you can't do it, and when you try you stick out like a sore thumb. Just say no.

You are a very lucky man. This is the worst I have ever seen it.

I'd tell you what store consistently has it but then everyone ITT would see it, and it'd disappear. I do tell elderly or poor young whites where to find it. Wealthy dirty damn boomers NEVER