Nurse counter protesters are actors-heres proof

Everything staged
never let a good crisis go to waste boys...

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bump this shit
more normies need to see this

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Who cares man? My friend showed me this today and I'll tell you what I told him. You show this to the average normie and they'll go "oh damn" and go back to being comfortable stuck in their home watching Netflix. They won't do anything with this information. Nothing will change until people actually get together and do something do something about it. You can retweet it all you want. You can share it on faceblog til your hearts content. Nothing will happen.

my opinions always been no matter how pathetic everyone may seem they still deserve some bit of truth. Someone or something woke up everyone here-so always at least try so they have no excuse in the end

See that number next to the date in my post? Try clicking that before you respond to a post.


Who would've thunk those perdect photos were staged

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these people have already forgone reality as a source of information, there is no redpilling muh normies.
whats funniest is that distractions laid out for them dont even need to be all that compelling or involved for them to disappear into them, its not just willful ignorance theres a demand for it.

a violet that is tended gets uprooted by the wind in a lustful storm

the protestors are probably fake too

Intentionally bad optics?

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I have no idea what is going on

I must be retarded, I don’t understand what’s going on in that video

Crisis actors were around before shills

Fake news with fake nurse blocking protestors for fake news opportunity.

Nurse walks up.
>Hurry get the shot
Quickly run back and wait for another photo op. That's not counter protesting. That's staging fake news. He's not a medical professional.

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That bitch sounds crazy

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Absolutely fucking this, i don't know why people
think they're uncovering the truth!!
nobody gives a shit really.

It's always staged bullshit

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>wahhh stop sharing stuff

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yeah my normie friends even tried to justify tik tok nurses as "morale boosters" and the fact that drones being sent out is a good thing

I don't get it, how does she know it's not a real nurse

the era people could claim a lack of information was years ago at this point.
the financial crisis 10 years ago and the subsequent bailouts was the turning point, you can go out into the street whenever you want, find 100 people regardless of what they claim to be their political affiliation to be and then ask them "do you think politicians, the media, corporations and the banks have your best interest at heart?'
100/100 would laugh and say of course not. do you know what else happens? from that same 100 people, if you then handed them a pamphlet with all of the establishments crimes, their proven scheming and a bunch of links to more information, they would instantly tune out, people simply dont give a fuck even though they already know.
its a redpill newfags will find out themselves in time, look at this dystopian NWO bullshit we are living in right now ffs, nobody cares

It's literally right in front of their faces, but Tiger King is on Netflix so why do anything?

Well obviously

I dont even understand this level of samefagging

The News is complete Fake
If I knew how to make videos I would put this Network speech with all the fake news. The times that CNN has had what appeared to be fake war coverage in the Gulf War, the Syrian Conflict with Syrian Danny, stuff about the Gulf of Tonkin, and then show stuff with pictures where there is a crowd of 20 with an angle that makes it look like a lot or when there was just a bit of water after a storm but it looked like a flood, or when they went after that Maga hat kid. And stuff like that. With the video of all the reporters saying the same thing.

Yea my b meant to address this user
zoned out and clicked own post. I-I'm not disabled am I?

Just remember too, the death rate is still below .01% in the united states of people who are tested.

Even lower if you look at the numbers of people who probably already had it.

Oops didn't mean to repeat that same video

Then do something about it, nigger.