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There needs to be punishments for journos who lie to the public to advance political agenda. I'm thinking the gallows.

why the fuck would you want to spin this?
This guy is a fucking retard.
Americans are about to get state mandated bleach injections

Donnie boy why do you have to make this soo yuge and yard tell your masters poo poo pee pee

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No dude, you're a retard.


Why do foreigners care so much all the time
Its really hard to watch

>haha look at your meme flag
Time to go inject some dial soap into your veins retard

Get higher than a motherfucker!

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With Trump you have to plow through it, you can't go back. We should say he was referring to endoscopic treatment.

Prior examples exist:

As for the intravenous bleach...
>The intravenous administration of hydrogen peroxide has been reported to benefit patients with pneumonia and to reduce Plasmodium parasitemia in experimentally infected mice.


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And they love him.

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“Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light ... and then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re gonna test that,”

There is absolutely no way this guy isn't desperately trying to lose reelection. Jesus Christ.

next he asks McAfee for help

>>No decrease in the level of bacteremia was detected at the maximum intravenous infusion rate of hydrogen peroxide physiologically tolerated by the rabbits (2.0 mumol/h).

NS, aka natural saline, is a disinfectant and you'll be shot up with that shit all the time in a hospital.

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Go eat a tidepod, faggot.

He didn't suggest it lmao people are spinning what he said like they always do. Faggot fake news as usual.

Follow your president, drink what ever is under your sink you fucking mongoloid.


fake news faggots. now go dilate.

Imagine actually believing the media.

he literally said could we check to see if we could include disinfectants in the vaccine
he's just retarded

>this is the best the lefty cripplechan raid can muster
sad, really

and hes still your president
>cope seethe
cant wait to watch you faggots cry and seethe again when hes reelected for another term

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At yo lemme get ah uuuuuuhhhhhhhhh lemme get ah uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh Crunchwrap supreme

if only there was a disinfectant that could interfere with a viruses ability to reproduce. Maybe call it Interferon and make it an injection.


only if the gallows are made from the bones of politicians who sell out the public


he says it himself unprompted

Let me tell you retards what is happening, because trump does this to you over and over.
There will be some sort of new treatment the7 have discussed with him where it could be considered a "disinfectant" that will be introduced into the lungs. Ytump goes out of his way to vaguely suggest this, so all the lamestream comic news, laughs about it, and then a week later they have to tuck yale in between thei legs and say "well it still sounded dumb, lmao we burned him!!"

It happens ever month

>he doesn't know about the UV rays

Double Cheesy Gordita Crunch and a Chicken Quesadilla with extra cheese and extra chicken.

Remember, Trump singled out Birx to answer the question of maybe a treatment, is it possible? she said she had heard of nothing. Now why would a Dr not even know about a treatment that had been used & could be?

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>There needs to be punishments for Trumptatds who lie to the public to advance political agenda. I'm thinking the gallows.

Based Trump, now all the trumptard NPCs will kill themselves with bleach injections

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So bros what brand of bleach is best to inject? Gonna go to the beach later and sit in the sun with no sunscreen. Lots of UV. Thank you trump for the cure

That's not actually what he said. He said that he has been made aware of an advanced medicine that when injected, kills viruses inside your body.

>Matt Steib
Oh I see, it's all part of the Jew Coup.

based and cancer pilled.

So many kikes trying to spin this. He literally says that we should make something to kill the virus like disinfectant does.


President doesn't do jack shit it seems. More concerned who my governor is since the governors do things. President just sits on TV and says dumb shit.

Two crunchwrap supremes, six gorditas, three Mexican pizzas and a diet Mountain Dew

Oh and the governors have so much more power than Trump in the situation that it is amusing.

Haven't heard about shoving one up your ass therapeutically before

>He said that he has been made aware of an advanced medicine that when injected, kills viruses inside your body.
He literally said "the disinfectant where it knocks in out in a minute, is there a way we can do that on an injection or cleaning inside"
fuck off you kike shill

Trump confirmed for OG early Yas Forums shitposter

3000 more mutts died today and the world became a cleaner place.

he is a tremendous retard

meme twatter
>i drank 1 cup of bleach and it cured me!
someone is dumb enough to fall for it

Cope more

The fucking guy has no idea what the fuck he is saying