Is there anyway to evade taxes?

I'll try a hypothetical scenario
>paid under the table in cash
>pay landlord in cash
>store in btc/gold/mattress cash
>settle large transactions in gold or cash
Am I missing anything?

Attached: Mi-MIX-Alpha_13.jpg (1200x675, 128.79K)

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>Am I missing anything
the prolapse of ur anus in prison.

this except register for trumpbux as non filer

Can u buy btc without kyc?

What you would be saving in taxes you would lose in unemployment, social security, and penalties and interest if they catch you.

Fuck you. Pay your taxes, jew.

Attached: 1550794879888.jpg (630x604, 95.69K)

>setup an s-corp
>get it a checking acct
>run all your transactions thru it
>dont ever file ANYTHING

t. Scofflaw

>settle large transaction in gold or cash
You cant buy a house or a car with gold . If you walk in with that much cash you get immediately reported to the IRS. Stop with you fucking retarded larp.

Yes, search about Panama Papers.

u could earn it

Just dont pay your taxes, lol?

You faggots are idiots.
Be me. 50 yrs old.
Own 2 businesses.
Never filed taxes, ever, in my life, never paid a dime.
Fuck off IRS niggers.

>Things That Never Happened Inc.
is the name of your company.

Yeah... Just be the landlord. You write off almost all income with depreciation even though the property is increasing in value. Completely legal

You can't open an account without a social security for BTC which the IRS tracks,
gold is very inconvenient , and storing cash is troublesome because if you put in a large amount of money into a bank or make a large purchase ANYWHERE like a dealership
they'll just call the cops on you thinking you're a
drug dealer, just pay your taxes nigger or renounce your citizenship which is a thing
people do but i wouldn't recommend it an illegal
immigrant has a better chance at tax evading
than you.

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg (1022x731, 68.06K)


This, you can't own two businesses and not pay tax, unless it isn't in his name or he's in a low income crackden.

What happens when you get audited?


you can dump your coins into a coinstar machine, and redeem bitcoins

And if i file exempt at work and my check gets direct deposited into the s-corporation's checking account, what do with my m the 1099? Just not file?

use section 8 to buy a house

>move to Mexico
>sneak a cross the border
>pretend to not know English
You are now superior to 43% of Americans.

Just don't pay them.
What are they gonna, jail you? Just shoot them.

Buy in private transactions, rather than through a car dealership or real estate agent.

>This, you can't own two businesses and not pay tax,

You can own all the businesses you want. You can also run them out of business by tax evading.

>pay us fraction of the pitiful amount you make a year or we'll put you in a facility that costs more than what you'll make in 5.

Things that never happen.

yeah use a peer to peer exchange like bisq
it's not as easy as coinbase but it's a lot safer

>be barista
>earn min wage
>plus tips
>dont report tips
probably the most common form of tax fraud.

>You can't open an account without a social security for BTC which the IRS tracks
are you are retard? you don't need an bitcoin account to own bitcoin. you just need a bitcoin wallet

Coinstar is converting to btc? Nice

Alright go buy bitcoin retard, then try selling it.

>private transactions
you would have to convince the seller not to deposit that money in a bank or claim it as revenue

I stopped filing taxes around 3 years ago. No audit yet but I planned ahead, my account only has a few hundred in it. Nothing to garnish I pulled most of my money a long while ago and sunk it into assets. Sort of off the grid. I only worked for around 10 years so far, wasn't letting them take 4k a year to give to some goblina and her 80 children.

I was wondering what was going to happen after the first year, how it would go down and what I could do to dodge it, then I just stopped caring because they can't prevent my income. Three years later and I think most of the IRS scare tactics is from jew propaganda.

Kinda like that whole Joker thing where he's says "I don't DARE fuck with the IRS" or some laughable shit.

We will see though. I also built 3 permanent structures out here with no permits. I think state will seethe more than feds.