What's this?
well yes, click on that honey pot.
I ain't clickin that! But hopefully someone can investigate that
Can you click on it for us, OP?
Why would these people even give such file names.fbipedos are stupid.
nigga that shit is 36 years old?
Has anyone clicked on that yet?
pol is going to absolute shit. What the hell is this? fuck you op fed.
We need a Yas Forums renaissance
die in a fire you piece of shit
Wikileaks wouldn't be dumb enough to host CP on their site....right?
it's nothing
it is some italiniggers talking on the phone or someshit iirc
I dunno. Read it, faggot.
Clicked on it so you pussies wouldn't have to. What the fuck is this ching chong wing ding shit? Can someone decode?
its a wav file you dolt
ancient history bro
Lmao retards save the file and open it
yup, that's a wave file opened in a text editor, good job memeflaggot
it’s just some lady talking in italian over 2 hours 30 total
>save the file
You're glowing mad hard nigger
Did I ask you faggot?
I was talking to the two retards who already opened the file you dumb nigger
Fuck you glow nigger.
Italian women on the phone? Why? What is this shit?
fucking pol
no vpns
no real people
mods are comped
Fuck This Place
they are sound files you computer illiterate nigger. go buy some Link and Ripple and keep masturbating to traps. Get the hell off this board.
you lazy piece of shit