He’s lost Drudge. It’s over. I’m not sure how much longer I can support him either. That was beyond stupid today

He’s lost Drudge. It’s over. I’m not sure how much longer I can support him either. That was beyond stupid today.

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you never did, fuck of jew

He sold out.

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Drudge developed TDS a while ago.

>Gay conservatives are based.

Do you know how many trump retards are actually going to try this, Screen shot this fucking post. In the following weeks your going to see news reports of americans dying from injecting Disinfectants into themselves. You americans are dumber than niggers straight out of sub Sahara africa

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>believing Q

What's your BMI, boomer?

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Well Matt Drudge is a jew so that checks out

The trump presidency has officially jumped the shark

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Trump admins said high temperatures + humidity along with cleanliness is known to kill the virus,they never said inject that shit into mouth.This is on the fake news media if trumptards off themselves.

Qanon finally [icked up on it? Drudge has turned against Trump since the end of last year. Qanon is fucking slow as shit to find out something that everyone. He's just catching up to it now cause he's a LARP, when real insiders in Washington knew it a while back.

Fuck Jim Wtkins.

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Quit being a lying con artist, If you watch the conference trump says verbatim that they want to "try it out" If you unironically think injecting disinfects is a good idea you're a moron. You dont need a PHD in the medical field to understand that injecting your asshole with fucking dial soap isn't going to cure a fucking virus. kys you fucking unbearable retard.

>injecting uv light into our bodies
luminous beings are we...not this crude matter

Maybe 10 right now I lost some weight over the last couple years
Oh yeah Drudge has been gone for a long time but I think he is just pointing to that it will become public soon.

of all the memeflags to use, you chose the faggiest of them all

I think Qanon is revealing something he just found out abot and wants people to be angry about. Plu Drudge is a competitor for eyeballs, so if Q can schism to GOP he'll be able to rake in more cash for 8kun.

Drudge literally sold out to a mysterious organization last year. Drudge Report is now just another liberal news site.

>tfw no big titty mommy gf

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It's literally not Drudge running the site anymore:


Drudge has cracked

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see and kindly eat a bag of dicks. Faggot.

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So what did he actually said trumpcocksuckers?

trump usually take "executive time" for about 3 hours during each work day, which is probably nap time

ever since covid he hasn't had any time to "get away" and i think his brain is fucking up big time

> appears

It's Based and Redpilled for a reason, you're supposed to also take the Base.

Actually you can use something akin to UV inside a patient to see infectious organisms. I managed a medical study where they used a modified intubator to slip in a combo UV/laser/sprayer thing. You misted the inside of a throat and turned on the UV-esque light to see the infectious organisms. Then you used a laser to photoablate the little faggots.

Having a pandemic from China kill nearly 50,000 Americans and destroy the economy while the Democrats and media attack you 24/7 can take its toll

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