When will social distancing end?

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2 weeks

2 weeks bro


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depends what you mean

Fauci has come out to say tinder hook ups are ok

but normal people must maintain distancing until a vaccine is invented

just don't fucking buy any stocks and shares right now it's about to be obliterated

you never leave your mom's basement incel. what do you care?


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>he doesn't have a GF (male) to cuddle with.

I wish it would never end and robots would have to be made.

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maybe 5 years from now. and I'm actually being optimistic.

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She wishes she was white so badly lmao

In looking to get me some Canadian oil companies stock myself, I don’t care if it raises 10 years well see triple digit oil prices again. The leftists will make sure of that.

At least have good taste in traps.

Fall 2021

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>source: (((JP Morgan estimate)))

I'm a big Mexican, I love destroying my little 90 pound white whore's pink boy pussy.

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Where is her dick?

Unironically never
Unless we can prove everybody already got the disease and it goes away cause theres no more hosts

Please tell me it has a penis!

yes. and it's more accurate than anythign else. why? because they don't care about politics and only care about money and want to make more of it. they can't make money off wishful thinking and lies that the governments are spewing.

sure, many gov's will stop the quarantine but they won't do it because it's safe now... but because of the economy.

SARS will be with us for many years. vaccine for Coronaviruses is impossible.

Lol. The next time they issue a stay at home order do you seruously think anyone will give a fuck again?

>still shilling this disgusting wetback

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for you? never

when jews are done with bailouts and passing surveillance laws

no, I'm just telling you that the disease won't just magically disappear. it will continue killing thousands of people per day fro a very long time.

and survivors are extra fucked and will suffer too.

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Hopefully never.

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White people are all autistic and social distance by default.

> Muh personal space!
> So touchy!
> I need my alone time!
> No, I'm too busy, we'll hang out later. (Never.)
> People are literally too afraid and have too much social anxiety to call a pizza restaurant with their order and go spend minutes shuffling through menus online. Same with self serve restaurant kiosks.

Corona social distancing just seems to be the logical conclusion of atomized "white" society.

>there are people walking around right now who don’t realize that we can literally never go back

You thought shit sucked after 9/11? We are months away from complete collapse of everything we have ever known. This is the reset button you retards kept begging to be pushed, but all of a sudden it’s not so funny when you realize you won’t survive your own selfish wishes

It won't end until the populace realizes they've been had and forces it to end.

when the economy is raped, then the NWO will begin. Tedros has already announced it, the new world will not be like the old.

>going on about a "glow up"
>but it's just plastic surgery, filters AND makeup

As long as niggers exist.
Plague will continue.