This guy offers to inject bleach into your butthole.
What do?
This guy offers to inject bleach into your butthole.
What do?
>Liberal strawman #982374983724893 is in play!
Much like miniTrump, this is a CIA meme.
Here you go!!!!
Bro trump is a fucking retard lol
Go inject bleach with him you fucking mongoloid
Explain his very jewish existence
>Shove lightbulbs and clorox up your ass goy. What do you have to lose?
Get bleach injected into my butthole.
Let him
>Quoting Trump is a straw man
Seriously has he been compromised? How can pol love a jew lover and kike enabler? Shit makes no sense "hes a nazi" well his daughter is jewish and every fucking one around him is jewish and hes prayed at the wailing wall, god id love to see what his note said. This is fucking stupid.
Biden is a kike too
If you don't inject bleach like the GOD KING EMPORER said, then you're a blue pilled faggot. All the BASED people know everything TRUMP says is TRUE
I just dont get it. Makes no fucking sense I cant imagine for a second he gives a fuck about poor or middle class white people. If you're in with the jews... I mean they're not going to let you be sympathetic to poor or middle class whites. Just makes no sense. But conservatives love him? I guess most conservatives consider jews white and get played by them all the time so it sort of does make sense.
hes not going to be impeached
Only if I can fart it out all over OP's face and into his mouth, then slap him like a nigger bitch on my way out the door
The only CIA meme is the faggots shilling for the obvious kike puppet and blatantly lying to people that the kikes are against him as he literally does Israel's bidding word-per-word.
>quoting trump
proof these faggots don't watch the pressers, they just "report" on them
and by "report" i mean completely misconstrue and outright lie about
i take bleach into my asshole like a civilized human being.
Fresh meme
He wasn't compromised, he literally conned us.
That or the kikes hold some kind of nuclear bullet on every president that enters office.
Pull his mask off and see what dumbass Trump-hating liberal it actually is because we all now Trump didn't offer that.
Proof you didnt watch the conference or you're fucking dumb as shit. Trump is a fucking retard that unironically said we should test shooting U.V. lights into people to cure the virus.
kill yourself you retard
so this is the latest manufactured anti-trump narrative? its kinda boring and low effort
The ghost of this girl compels you.
Trump literally said he wanted to test injecting people with disinfectants
Their wish has always been to be fisted by the hog-lord.
They were promised fisting, what they got was pencils. And they blame the left because his hands are so small..
Your face will be red when the results come back which shows that this actually works.
Libs and dems eat their words quite a lot these days.
bleach into butthole defoliates the intestinal walls.
I know because there was a scandal a year ago in my country where protestant kikes("evangelicals") told mothers to inject bleach into their kids butts, and were told that it was "worms that were leaving the body"
many children got hospitalized for this, nobody got repercussions as usual
our pig is dying
Talk tough, internet tough guy. You don't have enough guns to kill all of us as we invade the walls you are afraid to breach.
>what are antibiotics
I really hate the world right, now. I just want to find a really isolated area and just get the fuck away. No communications. Already used to getting supplies once a month.