Not All Blacks are low IQ, Many are Intelligent Conservatives

I am a typical Conservative, I work-hard, follow the law, go to church, support the police, educate myself, and I'm black. Before you say I'm just a "dumb nigger" keep in mind I'm getting a degree in MARKETING MANAGEMENT at a UNIVERSITY and am doing pretty damn well. I resent victimhood culture and dislike entitled SJWs. What does Yas Forums think about people like me? Are we just "useful idiots" or are we based as fuck?

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good for you. You already know what people on here are going to say but seriously that's a good thing you aren't like the typical nig stereotype.

Proof or gtfo. Underside of foot with date and Yas Forums.

We're all niggers here. No one gets a pass.

I was expecting more educated and thoughtful responses on the topic were. Keep in mind I am getting a degree in marketing management, I am a businessman at heart, I expect an educated discussion.

>doesnt know what the normal distribution is

I don't really care about you. Do you want a pat on the head for acting like a normal person?


>a degree in marketing management

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conservatives are fucking retarded, i'm not impressed nigger

I mean I'm black, I work at NASA, I got a BBC. You dont see me bragging

Oh wait, I am. Thank God for affirmative action and diversity hires LMFAO

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You'll always be a nigger. Affirmative action will not change that.

What do "conservatives" conserve, exactly?

I did not take advantage of grants to African Americans, I prefer to earn my place.

How is a degree in business studies cringe? I plan to work for the technostructure because I am not an anti-capitalist loser.

>Normal person
If by normal person you mean one of society's elites than sure.

true Yas Forums welcome high IQ people that are anti communist regardless of race. That however does not mean ignoring large group statistics regarding race.

Truth and knowledge > everything

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>notice me: the post
>i want your validation
fuck you

The constitution, democracy, gun rights, the court system, American family values, the American flag, national parks, the world perception of America.

This is my issue. Niggers always want credit for behaving like a decent person.

good for you user. most blacks are very dumb though.

I do not deny statistics. I am here to point out not every African is a nigger.

Obvious LARP is obvious

You do realize that capitalism with privatized banking is just as enslaving as socialism, right?

>One of societies elites.
There are millions of people with degrees.

of course not, anyone who thinks that a skin color is a catch all to overgeneralize a sterotype. Just like how someone who thinks mass immigration is a bad idea is automatically a neo nazi wignat. it works both ways. Anyone not playing race baiting games or thinking they have a more of a right to be proud of their heritage than another is cool by me, sadly its a rigged game though.

>assuming conservatives have high IQ's to begin with
>liberals = traitors / conservatives = facilitate their treason
Which is worse user? I like a real nigger whose all about his senpai and free gibs than I am some token black trying to snuggle up because he knows the game that a hood nigger has known for 100 years to get something out of whitey.

Go back to the hood uncle tom.

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I'm happy for you. It doesn't change the way I feel about the rest of the nogs and what they've done to my culture but I'm sure you're an okay guy with decent intentions. Just don't go around touting your degree, it really makes you look a lot worse than you probably are. Western "education" is boomer tier larp.

Yeah, maybe gender studies. Not many people get marketing management degrees which land them top sales jobs in fortune 500 companies where they get massive bonuses and a spot beside the company President who lobbys the American government meaning they have power over the American government.

It's not me or the usual YT giving you shit, it's your own race. How many blacks call you 'uncle Tom' and 'sell out' just because you got some sense to leave the dim plantation.


Conservatives have always been sterotypical degenerates. David Vitter is arguably the most degenerate man in Washington, he cheated on his wife with a prostitute. My point is I don't respect Conservatives for their personal lives, I like their IDEAS. I don't care if they are gay or trans if they have good ideas.

okay. We understand that not all blacks are niggers. If you have any experience in the real world, you'd know that most are good people. It doesn't excuse niggers for being niggers though.

And let's be honest there's a lot of blame being heaped on Whites for Black shortcomings. If we push back, we need to point out these discrepancies. We can't dance around them.

Congrats on debt enslavement.

I believe you're a bigger because you can't help but bring it up on an anonymous forum. Niggers have to let everyone know. If you're intelligent and civilized enough, we'd never know you were, but you just had to bring it up. And you come off as annoying in your post. Fuck you.

>debt enslavement
I actually am planning on working for the banking sector. So if I run the banking system how can I be a slave to myself? I'm the one who people are debt-enslaved to lmao as a future banking elite.

>blah blah blah muh niggers are smart see
fucking faggots and thier pets both need the rope

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Well, whats your IQ? Be honest.

Either lazy larp or obvious diversity hire, because you post like a moron play acting at intelligence