what's the best state for a Yas Forumstard to move to? sick of all the spics here in texas.
been looking at idaho, montana, vermont, maine, or utah.
Best state?
heard idaho and utah had a spic infestation though. anyone know how bad it is?
I live in south Florida. Lots of mestizos like me but lots of white people from Tennessee and the Carolinas recently moved down here
Alberta, Canada
Weat Virginia
Move to Europe. I am but I was born there
This. Bug out in Alaska or the Yukon
Fuck off we're full
I have lived all over the country, in at least 20 states. My favorite is TN. I live in CO right now and I am moving back.
People are white, and friendly.
If nogs move in they help them move out, quickly.
Eastern TN.
Idk but keep your degenerite filth to yourself, scumbag
i need snow
no. im american born and raised. ill go down with the ship
alaska is 50% minority in the births. its fucked.
New Hampshire or Maine, other states in New England are white but too left wing.
having lived in South Florida and now in Maryland, please only come to these places if you have a legit job. Still then, you are still shortening your lifespan from stressful commutes and rampant degeneracy.
Georgia. We need more white and our gun laws are fucking cherry. Plus, southern white girls in the summer...just saying.
Niggerville. Lived there, no thanks.
Alabama is better then GA.
Southern Florida is better than both.
fuck off Anna
A man of culture. My suggestion of MN is out until we can curb the Somalian Question. Hell I'm living in FL in the meantime.
So far all I'm seeing is a strong case for Eastern Tennessee
I do enjoy looking at tubs of mayo dressed in crop tops & daisy dukes.
from south florida, now living in east tn.
place is great, even if you don’t wanna life in knoxville proper anywhere outside of here is absolutely kino, just depends how rural you wanna get.
What part of Florida?
There's nowhere to run to you fucking retard, haven't you read anything that's been posted here? There isn't an escape.
I used to live in Sarasota and then Port Orange.
What part of Eastern TN? I want 10+ acres but somewhere near civilization. (I want to be able to shoot and it not fucking matter).
based and injunpilled
Indiana , get the fuck over here user it’s great as long as you stay out of Fort Wayne , Indianapolis , and Gary
Same, im thinking pnw or the appalachians.
Idk, just move to a mountain town anywhere and you’ll be fine. Suggestions would be sierras and rockies.
We don't take kindly to southerners in New England. You wanna come to the most Yankee of all states? You even know how town meetings work? You understand how New England towns work? You know a quahog from a cherrystone or johnnycake meal from rye? Fuck, in Maine, they don't even like people from New Hampshire. Stay the fuck west of the Hudson River if your southern fried bbq grits eating ass doesn't want to get rode out of town on the rails.
Fuck Colorado, these people here are the single most paranoid, low self esteem fucks I have ever met.
romance white women as they are good mothers and this includes excursions with hard, pulsing members and dripping white holes
Stay where you are faggot - NH
The feeling's mutual yankee scum.