Ever notice how "atheists" seem to only really ever go after Christian religion?
RARELY attempting to undermine Islam and NEVER going after Judaism...
why is this Yas Forums?
The False "Edgyness" of Atheism
Because Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life. Nobody gets to the Father but through Him
Because most atheists in the US are actually Jewish. No serious. Search on Twitter jewish atheist and you'll get so many fucking accounts of kikes claiming they're atheists and then posting 30k tweets talking about christianity and white supremacy. Its golden
Then you're an idiot because every atheist youtuber ive ever seen constantly bash Islam
I dont really care about someones personal beliefs myself but organized religion itself is pure cancer
>RARELY attempting to undermine Islam
the new atheists all made their names on attacking islam because, like you said, going after christianity isn't that edgy. but try to hold brown people to the same standards you hold the whites, boy howdy then you'll have some backlash.
although it's dumb in a way, since islam is a much easier target. nothing showcases theistic stupidity like strapping a bomb to yourself and committing murder-suicide in a crowd of random people because you think it'll get you and your family into a fake heaven. at least christians run charities.
>Akshually they do go after Islam.
Sure some of the them did back in the early days (Christopher Hitchens and The Amazing Athiest come to mind)
But con temporarily they've virtually all cucked on their ideals believing they were "furthering hate" by pointing out the pedophilic degenerate and violent nature of islam.
There are hardly any serious voices calling out islam in the athiest community anymore.
None of them want to be cancelled and have their lives ruined by crazy liberals lol
Amazing Atheist is a nobody now because of it.
Because they've been (((programmed))) to attack Jesus
The popular movement that you rednecks saw years ago was a controlled opposition by jews.
Abrahamic religions are so dirty and jewish the list of evidence it's jewshit is endless, yet the effeminate big nosed idiots only repeated their (((script))).
Because the "athiest" is really a (((Jew)))
YES, there are no 'atheists'
just jews
To be fair on Hitch he died before it cucked. Even Dawkins one honest braincell ocassionally tries to stay true to principle. 2010s atheism is basically anti-christosism for groupthunkers.
>He doesn’t know Piss Christ was done by a Christian
Quite sad
I feel most atheists were either w at church or just want attention by speaking out against their own culture.
Wasn't Dawkins the one said "There is no such thing as a Christian child, there is not such thing as a Muslim Child" then stopped himself and said "I dont want to say there is no such thing as a Jewish Child"
I'll give you hitch as at the least an authentic representative of his proported views.
But Dawkins is a giant fucking cuck.
LMAO this is what a comic in 2020 has become
you are a leaf, but for now ok
Remember that "God" guy with the YouTube videos, twitter and Facebook etc? He's literally a jew too which was proved from the Facebook glitch that doxxed him.
A leaf who isn't a shill, who'd a thunk. You're alright Maplebro
because you raise one specific atheists subspices by shoving christ down their throat and telling them that atheists are DEVILS
so here you have edgy teenagers protesting
I for one state that all abrahimic religions is cancer, but christianity is slightly better than 2 others
God bless you!
"Ending religion is a bad idea" says Richard Dawkins
It's because they know Christians are generally beta pussies who won't, for example, behead them or ruin their credit.
They're also often neckbeards who grew up in Christian suburbs so it's the natural thing to rebel against. But mostly they're cowards choosing a soft target.
because of the major religions out there, christianity is the newest, the one easiest to manipulate and twist into a new form, and one of the most attuned to modern times in its basic principals.
Its the best one to pick if you wished to reform a religion into something with a solid foundation to better society.
Its also REALLY easy to find shit dissing on it, so wannabe "intellectuals" build their ego up by shitting on it, but don't want to read about Judaism or Islam.
>because of the major religions out there, christianity is the newest
wot m8?
Islam is newer by like a couple centuries.
>burgers are so cucked by the jew religion that was forced on them they consider rejecting it to be "edgy"
the absolute state of you faggots
Based and Truthpilled
modern christianity is newer. Islam has not changed in any significant way since that one sand nigger burned all the other versions he could get his mitts on and proclaimed his version as the true one.
It is still the barbaric raider religion made by a con artist that it started as, while Christianity underwent multiple evolution and changes in order to better adapt to society.
All the while Islam forced its society to remain the same.
false, all fake goyim controll structures must be destroyed
They are all fucking kikes and teenagers
Atheism is also a Jewish religion, dumbass. Jews invent everything and you follow because you are an inferior goy, akin to an animal.
>I’m an atheist
They’re always saying this at the start and it just reeks of “how do you do fellow x”
woah, such a good christian!
The non-SJW atheists will bash Christianity and Islam equally, only because Christians keep calling atheists out for not doing so. They will not touch Judaism.
fuck judaism the original cancer upon humanity, the original sin of the pedophilic murderous jews, fuck kikes very very especially, if they were to be all murdered in a fortnight I would shed only a tear of joy