You know Bernie Bros there was actually a time when a Social Democrat WAS infact elected in the US.
Won 4 fucking times a row in his VP won twice after him.
Want to know why?
He didnt force our kids to go to School with Niggers.
Johnson did that shit, and the country has been headed sharpley right ever since (Regan-Clinton-Bush-Trump-ect)
If the Left wants to start winning working class votes it needs to embrace working class social views.
No one in this fucking country making less then 30k a year believes trannies have a right to piss next to 6 year old girls in public bathrooms.
Democratic Socialism
Some people just arent brave enough to stand up for whats right on the internet. Even if they vote sensibly they wont stand for it.
Sure. But do we really want to split the democrats like the republicans split with the tea-partiers?
I'm fairly convinced that making trannies a major political issue was played up by the right just so they could have a boogey-man. That the democrats didn't call bullshit and embraced it was a mistake.
can they not get their own style of comic?
We're not going to compromise our beliefs just to please a few fucking morons like yourself. That's what neoliberals do. We support free healthcare, the democratization of the workplace, and other worker benefits. Conservatives will NEVER advocate for worker rights and all you could do is project. Just ask the average US farmer who voted for Trump - they regret it. You are just another useful idiot.
I don’t know what this is even supposed to mean I just know it’s trash (you)
You’ve never met s farmer in your life
> a few fucking morons like yourself.
>>a few
How many US and UK elections do you have to lose before you realize the fucking working class ain't fucking with you on social issues user?
Go ahead.
google the fucking levels of "homopobia" "sexism" and "racism" in communities of people who make 30k or less a year.
Anti-Racism and Social Liberalism are pure fucking bourgeoisie constructs perpetuated and invented by the very ((((Capitalist Elite)))) you claim to oppose.
Case in point.
"Wome in the work place"
I dont think ever before in the history of the god damn world there wan an economically leftwing movement that was retarded enough to support AN INCREASE in the labor supply driving wages down and further comodifying the masses to the whims of the Capitalist Class.
But the Fucking American Left embraced that shit and even cheered in the fuck on calling it "social progress"
Same with immigration.
It trully would be funny if it wasnt so God damned sad lol.
> Just ask the average US farmer who voted for Trump - they regret it.
You have never asked an American who voted for Trump anything except whether or not you could get fries with your meal you fucking tone deaf champagne socialist retard cuck.
Except I have, retard. I worked in farms until my boss passed away.
Farmers love Trump. And your whole point is bullshit anyway because he bailed them out. No way they aren’t voting for him.
>Conservatives will NEVER advocate for worker rights
Sure they will. They'll do whatever to get votes and stay in power. They won't DO anything about it, but they'll blame immigrants for destroying the working class (they're not entirely wrong). But they OWN the meat-packing plants, the yards that get mowed, the farms with the strawberries. They're not going to imprison the rat-fucking bastards in organized crime ILLEGALLY EMPLOYING foreigners. Oh, did everyone somehow forget that this crime takes two? Yeah, let's just ignore the crime lords giving away all that money. No, let's blame the workers. tsk.
What you're basically saying is: I'm withholding living wages and medicare because there's people (((sucking dicks))) somewhere. And you have the nerve to call yourself pro-worker? This is a pathetic fucking argument.
>What you're basically saying is:
Fucking hell dude, haven't you seen any of those Peterson videos? You've GOT to stop doing this.
i live and work in an Iowa town of 1500 where 75% of the population works on a farm or has family who farm and the cognitive dissonance is really fascinating to see. the farmers are going broke (lot of dairy and onions farmers around here) and climate change, economic warfare, crashing prices are making many people in town have to go deeply into debt or sell their farms, but they remain conservative. I volunteered for Bernie and got a lot of doors shut in my face- Biden carried the town easily, and Trump will win Iowa by 20-30% i bet.
>have you seen any Peterson videos?
no, because after 30 seconds of watching that charlatan i could tell he's basically a motivational speaker for disaffected, alienated young men, regurgitating Jung mixed with the Hero's Journey
no wonder he got addicted to Klonopin, it must have been exhausting to come home and look in the mirror
I'm not wrong. This is basically how conservatives think. You like when the left advocates for workers, you just don't like their social policies - so you turn to a right-wing ideology who fucks over workers instead.
>What you're basically saying is: I'm withholding living wages and medicare because there's people (((sucking dicks))) somewhere.
No user.
What im saying is that when a working class mvoement does NOT accept working class social values it has no right to expect the support of working class people.
You dont get to say a Trump voter is "voting against his interest" when the alternative is literally shilling for "reparations" where by working class people of his skin color would be held responsible for the crimes the economic elite committed 150 fucking years ago.
Similar reality with affirmative action.
If the working class ISNT backing you despite you offering them the moon on a god damn stick its because you fucking pissed them off, likely with some autistic shit that was invented by trust fund kids on college campus somewhere.
When 90% of lefty talking points are tranny bathrooms and 10% perscent economics people are going to accept your first and primary issue is ensuring their 5 year old daughter has to piss next to a 35 year old sexual deviant in a wig.
Which is bullshit.
And is why they arent going to fucking vote for you.
>you just don't like their social policies
Their policies include my replacement with global scabs. Pro-worker my ass.
You know its funny guys.
Its almost as if people naturally want and a political system that is economically left wing and socially conservative.
I wonder if anyone ever tried that shit before???
>Being this stupid
These people know conservative policy isn't what caused their problems, but liberal policy. You don't even understand the basic economics of your own ideology yet call conservatives dumb. Guess what? Farmers are smart enough to know that their farms will be seized by the state under socialism. They don't want that. They don't want state control over their farms because they need to make money. Therefore, the smart farmers will be conservative so that they can CONSERVE their livelihood, values, and traditions. It's not that fucking hard to understand.
It's only strange to you because you still believe in a left/right dichotomy. You are politically illiterate and should lurk more before posting.
I don't want to agree with you, but yes. It's at least worth another shot considering the incredible early results.
>he's basically a motivational speaker for disaffected, alienated young men,
. . . yeah? Do you think alienated young men don't need motivation? He's a clinical psychologist.
>What im saying is that when a working class mvoement does NOT accept working class social values it has no right to expect the support of working class people.
Well yeah. You're not going to win them over by having trannies hand out pamphlets about how to solve class divide.
>You dont get to say a Trump voter is "voting against his interest" when the alternative is literally shilling for "reparations" where by working class people of his skin color would be held responsible for the crimes the economic elite committed 150 fucking years ago.
Yeah we do. We know Trump is fucking them over. We can absolutely say that.
What you can't do is make a false option by hoisting up a straw man of "the alternative". But sure, I agree that reparations for our ancenster's bullshit is a crap idea. Maybe for the literal nations we've fucked over like native tribes that still exist as organizations that got fucked. But "blacks" in general? Naw.
>Similar reality with affirmative action.
Affirmative action is federally illegal. It went to supreme court and it got shot down. It's blatantly racist.
>When 90% of lefty talking points are tranny bathrooms and 10% perscent economics
Yeah, we're pissed about that too. The social bullshit sucks in so many into stupid fights when their rich overlords are laughing all the way to the bank. But some people would gladly go broke if meant they could "stick it to the man". Even if the man is just a strawman put up to distract them like a jangly set of keys.
>And is why they arent going to fucking vote for you.
Only if it's framed that way. Which foxnews has worked really hard on you. Show me clips of Biden saying anything about trannies. Oh? No? You're just falling for the narrative foxnew's owners have laid out for you.
>What im saying is that when a working class movement does NOT accept working class social values it has no right to expect the support of working class people.
The solution is to keep advocating for social issues to reduce negative stigma towards minorities. If most people accepted them, more people would go towards the left, who in turn supports the working class.
>You dont get to say a Trump voter is "voting against his interest" when the alternative is literally shilling for "reparations" where by working class people of his skin color would be held responsible for the crimes the economic elite committed 150 fucking years ago
Nobody advocates for this except edgy 2014 tumblrites. I'm part of many lefty circles. Nobody actually hates whites. "Mayocide" jokes aren't proof of this (just like how saying 'nigger' jokingly doesn't make you a racist). Also reparations is still a highly debated topic even within the left. I lean towards yes.
>Well yeah. You're not going to win them over by having trannies hand out pamphlets about how to solve class divide.
Well, glad you arent completely fucking nuts on that, good job.
>Yeah we do. We know Trump is fucking them over. We can absolutely say that.
Okay sure but you cant say its any worse then the left would do, even in the case of sanders, opening the flood gates to third world rapists like europe did and Bernie wanted to ("climate refugees" need i remind you) is about as fucking bad as not giving poor people free helathcare.
>But sure, I agree that reparations for our ancenster's bullshit is a crap idea.
What is this fucking "our ancestors" cuckoldry?
I dont know about your champaign socialist ass, but my ancestors were dirt fucking poor Yankees who worked in factories in Northern states for as far back as our american heritage goes.
>Maybe for the literal nations we've fucked over like native tribes that still exist as organizations that got fucked.
Fucking WHY?
What fucking write does any group have to claim reperations from the ancestors of those who transgressed?
If a guy robs your house does his son need to fucking pay your ass for it???
>Affirmative action is federally illegal. It went to supreme court and it got shot down. It's blatantly racist.
And yet its still here
And defended by the "Left"
>Yeah, we're pissed about that too.
Lol YOU are user.
Because you are a slightly less autistic version of the left who at least vaguely understands what the fuck im talking about when i point out that your motto should be "no war but class war"
Still tho i doubt you'll be able to pull all the fucking warren fans, and entitled niggers, and NPC SJW faggots towards something vaguely intelligent.
Frankly you'd probably have more luck convincing the Right to accept universial healthcare just like Trump got the right to accept Tariffs. (assuming you were willing to give up the anti-white bullshit)
>Only if it's framed that way. Which foxnews has worked really hard on you.
Fox News is objectively a propaganda outlet
But before you go around claiming to be so proud of being "uncontrolled opposition" remember that it isnt fucking Communist advocated an end to the market system and the abolition of wage labor who get censored by the giant multi-million dollar media corporations that own social media.
Its guys who question Jewish Power and the dogma surrounding race that do.
Whatever you espouse
Its nowhere near viewed as much of a threat to the ((((Establishment)))) as National Socialism is.
>Show me clips of Biden saying anything about trannies. Oh? No?
Didnt he like litterally say that he was considering a trans gender running mate like fucking yesterday?
>Working class whites, we promise to give you the things that we're already giving to non-whites, but in exchange we're going to flood your neighborhood with more non-whites, thereby eradicating your identity. Be grateful.
Shit, I wonder why working class whites "vote against their own interests".
>The solution is to keep advocating for social issues to reduce negative stigma towards minorities. If most people accepted them, more people would go towards the left,
"The solution is to keep ramming our fucking values down the god damn throats of the working class hoping it will eventually get them to agree with us and then we can hall hold hands and vote for the Jewish Commie for pressy!"
Good luck with that.
>Nobody advocates for this except edgy 2014 tumblrites. I'm part of many lefty circles. Nobody actually hates whites.
Bro i fucking lurk lefty pol and the chapo trap house subreddit
dont fucking pull that "NO ONE ACTUALLY BELIEVES THAT BIGOT!" bullshit with me. kek.
> "Mayocide" jokes aren't proof of this
No but they are kinda evidence.
Which is why again no one is buying your fucking bullshit.
>just like how saying 'nigger' jokingly doesn't make you a racist
Glad we managed to shift the overton on that one so much in the last 5 years.
>Also reparations is still a highly debated topic even within the left. I lean towards yes.
Yeah, as expected.
Which again.
Is why you should never exepect any white working class person to vote for you in ANY election under ANY circumstances.
If you wanted to win after 2016 you should have gotten down on your knees and sucked off the white working class for 4 fucking years straight saying how evil and wrong you were for Ever claiming they were the problem with America.
But god knows you only want to cuck to niggers.
And as a result you're going to keep lossing ground to the populist right who is more then willing to coopt your economic policies if it means fixing the demographics of the country by
>Okay sure but you cant say its any worse then the left would do,
Yes we can. We can absolutely say that making a safety net would remove the #1 cause of people going broke. Healthcare. Most people can't really afford a hospital. Even with insurance. Education is the #1 means of upward social mobility. Getting everyone as much education as they can handle would improve so many people's live and lift them up. Their kids would have a shot. (And hey, a lot of democrats are FINALLY on board with mentioning trade skills as an alternative to college).
Biden has some problems, no joke, but his support for the working class is UNQUESTIONABLE. It's like his defining feature. He would absolutely help out the workers. (Possibly at the expense of the companies...)
>I dont know about your champaign socialist ass,
Dirt fucking poor irish and german peasants. The Palentines were literally serfs sold off to be shipped to America. And fun fact, my gransparents came over AFTER most of the slaves. So black people have deeper roots here than I do.
>Maybe for indian tribes
>Fucking WHY?
Because the USA broke deals with tribes. Same way that Hong kong went to china after 100 years. Because the word of the USA is supposed to be worth something. And... just to be clear. Not all Indians. Just the specific tribes we had deals with. Liiiiiike, those poor bastards we took the land for the monument in the Dakotas. Crazy-horse. That group. They've got billions in a US bank somewhere that we've already agreed to give them for their land. They just haven't picked it up yet because they still want their land.
IE, pre-existing contracts. If your daddy's company agreed 100 years ago to pay me $100 today in exchange for whatever the fuck, then I'd damn well owed that money. Not from you, but from the company. And the USA still exists. It's been around a while.