”I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute...

>”I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning," the president said
>”People are really surprised I understand this stuff,” he said. “Every one of these doctors said: ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability.”

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You unsufferable asshole OP...
How long did it take you Big Brain polisci masters at Shitblue HQ to land on THIS as your new pivot on Yas Forums?
>literally 10 threads on this bullshit
Fuck I hate the zero-effort nerdvirgins Brock is sending here

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What the fuck are you talking about? What he said was absolutely retarded. There is no defending this

can we all understand that trump literally doesn't know what he's talking about

I like when he said “getting sunlight into the body”. Learn his codes, you won’t look so stupid in public.

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No we definitely can not all you will get are a bunch of retards claiming well he did not say bleach therefore he did not say anything stupid. It’s actually kind of amazing how migapedes have to do so much mental gymnastics in order to defend their kike lover.

This is case in point the migapedes have to invent a schizo explanation just to pretend like what was said is not stupid. Like I said it really is amazing.


Sheldon Adelson, arch-Zionist, is Trump's bro so we get what we get, which is Israeli cock.

He's a fucking idiot and has been proving it daily for decades. His followers are gullible or stupid. Likely both.

a clown

I am not defending the orange kike user so there is not retard defense with any of my posts.
He has been kiked since the very beginning. He hired a bunch of Jews from goldmansachs his own children are married to kikes. He never puts Whites first he always sides with anything the Israeli lobby wants. The fact that people were even tricked by him in the first place is honestly sad to me.

Learn his codes? What? Just accept he’s a real person and says stupid shit like the rest of us sometimes.


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Oh you poor faggot. Birx was given the chance to say she had heard of a technique & she either is a complete retard, a fake Dr or she is simply shilling for big pharma.

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wait do they have a disinfectant that kills the virus? its suppose to stay on a surface for a long time

op has 125k college debt and works for 18 bucks an hour at ShareBlue and they haven't made a dent in Yas Forums in 3 years.

Fidel’s cock is rotting in your gaping back hole

Can I have a job at shareblue I am a shut in and have never had a job before. Clearly I am already a great cannidate because I already make fun of retards online for free. Your telling me I can get paid to do this? Can you send me a link to put my application in?

They'll try anyway...

We all have a double which is our reverse in term of polarity. So if you are an absolute jerk in real life, your double is a saint. If you are an incel, your double is a chad. And so on. Only a few people have find their double.

I have a couple things to say

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yall act like you forgot trump is a time traveler.

He served NIH since 1984 you god damn retard...

Donald Trump's biggest problem is that he is a shill for Israel who went back on almost all of his promises. His biggest problem is NOT that he says things. That is a Late Night Comedy Show critique of the president that men with low testosterone engage in.


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>This is case in point the migapedes have to invent a schizo explanation just to pretend like what was said is not stupid. Like I said it really is amazing.
It's what Q does to the brain.

He has the natural ability to be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.

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Holy fuck this an ascended cope
This cope could take us into new dimensions of thought

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4D Chess is checkmating a virus by injecting UV straight into your veins
>50ccs of photons. Stat.

>i have a big you know what (points to head)
>trump trying to say he's smart forgets the word " brain"

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Soap. You are invited to breath a longful of it

You making this post is why everyone loves GEOTUS in a nutshell

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You're right memeflag the only thing we can do is impeach him now.

>owning the libtards by allowing jewish overlords into the cabinet

trump is the michael scott of presidents

Trump has clearly been consulting with Dr Murderface

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>he does this for free

not big
same shit

Just reported this post and I encourage others to do the same. We cannot allow this anti-semetic racism to continue, KAP.