See this?

See this?

This is what a real man looks like.

Whenever Canadian white girls ask me where I'm from, they get fucking wet went I say I'm Turkish. I've fucked sooo many girls on Tinder, they fucking love my tanned skin.

I'd never marry those sluts though, ganna marry a virgin chick.

>pic related: i look like that expect 188cm

Feels good nigga, stay cucked whiteys.

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based turk bro

High T>>>>>Everything else, its how you commend respect from the world and watch others cower in fear.

Canadians are the best shitposters. We will wage meme war and we will win, dirty mutts

>T. Turkish user

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Nice meme leafbro

We are the beat shitposters

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Turk here too
I have only fucked Scottish girls.

Imagine saving a photo of a half naked man then pretending that is what you are like. This is beyond Cringe, it is gay and pathetic.

Did u forget mutts law u Gayreek

Tell taleworlds to fix bannerlord

And this is what you actually look like

Attached: Cenk_Uygur_c0-238-900-762_s885x516.jpg (885x516, 52.17K)

Daily reminder that Canadian women fuck dogs
so don't get too proud of yourself.

Nice larp chang.


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Your best weightlifters in history got bodied by a Greeks lmao

Your skin isn't tan, you're a nigger
Everyone calls you a roach for a reason, and it isn't to compliment you

I'm Canadian and still find this post based


Fuck off that's my pic

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Turks are basically the servants of the middle east

This is now a clownpill dump thread

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>a fucking leaf
>homoerotic fantasies of cockroaches

Sounds about right.

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op and his bootlickers

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5 2

>pic related: i look like that expect 188cm
You're a chink

>a roach’s dream journal

all that muscle is pointles though when my 6.5 creedmoor turns your head into a canoe. Cockroach

Kek...this guy is like 5'3"

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This is taken from the Turkish men oil wrestling championship
slightly gay