>board has logical fallacies pinned to front page
>atheists and kikes still shill ad hominems against Christians every day
Board has logical fallacies pinned to front page
Other urls found in this thread:
prove that
1) god exists
2) he's the god in the bible
>slide thread
prove that
1) god doesn't exist
from the pinned logical fallacies
>poo post
no one cares about protecting zionist organizations kike
He didn't make a claim. He asked you to prove God doesn't exist.
you can't prove a negative, user
The trueness of the negative is the inverse of the truth of the positive argument.
People like you should stop being wrong. Just stop being wrong.
It's not true that all statements are either true or false.
False dichotomy.
"Does God exist?" is a yes or no question.
>anti-science intelligent design creationist garbage with the comments turned off
Imagine using technology based off science and math that functions because the science and math is correct, to tell people that everything else science and math tells us about biology or space or our planet or whatever, is wrong. Imagine using what works, to tell people that what works is wrong.
this is literally the only argument i ever see for disproving god
>No, YOU have to prove it not me
And the answer is the same as asking if Superman exists.
Answer me, does Superman exist?
Alternatively, it could be nonsense.
>the answer is the same as asking if Superman exists.
Mere assertion.
what are you getting at
i'm not watching hours of video that all boils down to "god is real because the bible says so"
you do, yes
Just because a statement has the form of a yes or no question does not mean that the question is meaningful.
The question "does god exist" may fall into a category of statements along the lines of godel's incompleteness theorem that are grammatically correct nonsense.
Appeal to absurdity.
Posting in schizo thread.
No, it's a real thing. It's not a joke.
Amazing Atheist already addressed this
Fallacies are gay and so are you fag
oh noooo you woke up the angry atheist who is too annoyed by the idea of believing in god to look past it all, look at the effect and purpose religion has on the material plane no matter what the fuck people believe about other shit, and come to a RATIONAL conclusion.
Fuckers reeeing about a particular grove of trees and missing the forest as a result.
Ad hominem.
This doesn’t mean that god doesn’t exist, it means that it’s not possible to have a reasonable, logical argument for whether or not he does. You are not any smarter than a theist for assuming with certainty that your own answer is the correct one.
Assertions are based upon....what? Cmon I know you know this one, kiddo. You've got this.
Perhaps you should fuck off with your off topic bullshit.
im assuming youre an atheist. as someone who adamantly believes theres no god why do you provide no proof? for me its more logical that the way Earth is all these systems of life and how complex it all is that theres an intelligent creator, whether its a christian god idk. now go ahead, shoot ur shot.
when will niggers end?
>Fallacies are gay
I agree. So stop committing them.
Ad hominem fallacy.
nice video
>your STUPID
>I don't need to prove anything, its OBVIOUS
>Muh burden of proof.
exactly like I said hereAngry at the religion and trying to destroy it because he does not understand the purpose it serves and it annoys him.
>doesn't even understand the basics of the religion he is railing against.
So many fucking angry children and man-children these days.
implying niggers are a fallacy
Here is a question for both of you.
Why the fuck does it matter so damn fucking much if god exists or not?
You are right, which is why the only reasonable, logical argument for such a thing is called "the prime mover" or uncaused cause, and there is no logical rebuttal to this argument. The difference begins when one attempts to define this concept and give it knowable attributes. That would be taking the concept of a prime mover, and forcing it into a deity box of confinement and lies, calling it "God" or whatever and claiming anything knowable about it except the logical underpinning argument that an uncaused cause exists. And that is why all deities are probably false. They are personal variations upon an immutable concept. Similarly to Superman, who is another version of "allpowerful being". Superman doesn't exist because he is someone's concept of an all powerful being. God doesnt exist because he is someone's concept of an all powerful being. No one's concept of "this is what all powerful being is, what they want, what they don't want, what they like, what they don't like, and every other attribute of a supposedly supreme being named X" is true, because no one can know any of those things about a supposed supreme being. All we can know is such an uncaused cause exists. Anything else is obvious falsity.
so you've got nothing and your only fall back was the burden of proof. nice job retard. I care because I wanna know.
I hate that argument.
Like, I am a Christian, my experience with God is much different from an atheist. I talk to Him, I read the Bible, I watch videos on Him, etc. I know He is real because my life experience, the evil I see in the World, and the fact that I love to study history and how prophecy was fulfilled with History (Read Daniel Chapter 2 for the best example for this, it goes over Rome, Persia, and Rome and modern Europe)
Like, you don't have to believe, God allows you to not believe, but understand I can't prove to people He's real because people rather not care or listen.
>read the fallacies
>didn't read the board rules
Fucking retard.
Religion is off topic.
I will enjoy watching you writhe in agony for billions of Earth years, friendo. Then I'll help you out after.