Daily reminder that the kikes litterally adopted "their" religion from the persians (indo-european aryans) and didnt...

Daily reminder that the kikes litterally adopted "their" religion from the persians (indo-european aryans) and didnt believe in monotheism, a concept of heaven or hell or the prophecy of a savior born to a virgin before that.
"Modern Judaism owes much to Zoroastrian influences. Some scholars assert that Jews learned their monotheistic theology from the Zoroastrians"
Daily reminder that jews are infact desendenats of the people god told his chosen to slaughter in the old testament
The ((((cannanites))))
"More than 90 percent of the genetic ancestry of modern Lebanese is derived from ancient Canaanites, according to a paper published today in the American Journal of Human Genetics."
"If a common heritage conferred peace, then perhaps the long history of conflict in the Middle East would have been resolved years ago. For, according to a new scientific study, Jews are the genetic brothers of Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese, and they all share a common genetic lineage that stretches back thousands of years."
Daily reminder that God COMMANDED his chosen to genocide the Canaanites and they were VISIBLY DISTINGUISHABLE from the isralites living in Jesus's time
>"16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. 18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God."
Deuteronomy 20:16-18

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"21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
25 The woman came and knelt before him.“Lord, help me!” she said.

> He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
Mathew 15:21-26

Kikes are the Synagogue of Satan.

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Stop connecting Zoroastrianism to Abrahamic filth. All Abrahamic filth stems from kikes.

Abrahamic 'filth' existed before Jews did so it's kinda impossible you dumb fag

But he's explicitly separating Zoroastrianism from Judaism, retard, while condemning Judaism as a conniving mockery of the faith. That's the whole point of this fucking thread.

Zoroastrianism came from Northern Central Asia and the steppes near Oxus. It had nothing to do with Mesopotamian or Abrahamic traditions. Stop haphazardly adopting bastardized interpretation of other traditions to justify your own filth.

Retard, Christcucks, Mudslimes, and kikes are all shit. Sassanids persecuted all of them. Cyrus the fuck Imbecile was just one Shah who made the grave error of sparing the kikes. If it were another Shah like Ardeshir I, they would have all been massacred. Every single Christcucks, Mudslime, and kike deserves to die, without exception. They deserve to die with scaphism and chants from the Gathas. Fuck you, you disgusting kike worshiper.
Every single kike and Bedouin, including Jesus and Muhammad, deserved to die. All of their adherents can eat shit in the House of Lies too, you included. Leave my tradition the fuck alone.
Kartir Hangirpe had the right approach.

Wow. Someone was triggered. I guess you've never read Boyce's multivolume history on the subject.

LOL. You don't have a monopoly on it. Besides, if its any consolation, you wouldn't have any of your own records if it wasn't for Greek and later Christian scholars.

Okay. Why are you telling me this you uncivilized nigger?

Abrahamic religions existed before Judaism, Judaism is less than 2000 years old,

I have read Mary Boyce.
The Gathas and many other texts were preserved by Parsi and a few others. Greeks and Christcucks had nothing to do with. You don't have shit to do with the Zoroastrian tradition. They're just superficial similarities but plenty of irreconcilable differences exist too.

I don't give a shit about Levantine or Near Eastern religious traditions. You can go be a spiritual Semite and self-flagellate yourself over such filth.

You couldn't even hold onto the details as well as the Hindus, who are you trying to fool? You don't have a single text in the time period you are referencing. You don't have ANY real written records, and the entire history rests on a multitude of assumptions about language.

Secondly, Zoroastrianism contributed about half of what we call modern Judaism to Judaism.

>You don't have a single text in the time period you are referencing.
The Gathas are the unaltered words of Zarathustra. It was written in Old Avestan and differs from the Young Avestan in the rest of the Zend-Avesta.
>Secondly, Zoroastrianism contributed about half of what we call modern Judaism to Judaism.
Just kys, you fucking retarded fucking faggot mutt. You don't know shit about my tradition besides memes. Stick to kike worship.

This is dumb. Probably a LARP. Comparing the awesome religion of the Babylons with the kike evil practices. Don't forget that they were slaves of the Babylons, that's why they destroy them afterwards.

Zoroaster was one of God's first true prophets. Jews perverted his doctrine.

The Hebrew religion is a sort of offshoot from Mesopotamian or Sumerian ideas. Zoroastrianism was preceded by the native Persian religion, which would have been related to those middle eastern religions. Stemming from teh same source, but the Hebrew faith being a nastry perversion. Zoroastrianism I would say is a purified version of the original asian religions.

That’s why Jesus calls them the Synagogue of satan. John 8:44 the god associated with Saturn was the one for child sacrifice it’s holiday was saturnalia. Kikes tried to kill Jesus yet again by merging his birthday with it.

LOL. Def triggered. Your oldest TEXT dates to the middle of first millenium... common era. How embarassing.

I wish I could read your face when you read this:
The Assyrians were monotheists before you. By about a thousand years.

The Gathas dates to around 1000-1500 BCE based on the linguistic analysis of Old Avestan, which substantially differs from the Young Avestan in the rest of the Zend-Avesta. Even Mary Boyce argues that.

Wrong. They were all pagans. They adopted monotheism from the Assyrians.

You're a filthy faggot.

I don't think Zoroastrianism was monotheist. It was ditheist. I don't think Ahura Mazda created Ahriman. In Abrahamic traditions, God created Satan, which is kind of a sick idea. Mardonfarrox's "Doubt-dispelling exposition" talks about this. Regardless, the Gathas dates to 1000-1500 BC.
I don't believe Abrahamic faiths and Zoroastrianism have as much parallels as people like to say. Some influences did come from Zoroastrianism though, but it is hard to determine the extent. Moreover, they have different regional origins.

That range is different for every scholar that picks it up. Unfortunately you have NO written texts to prove your points.

Go back to sucking kike dick. The biggest mistake in history was Cyrus the Idiot sparing the kikes. If I could travel in time, I would slaughter all of the JEws and ensure no Abrahamic faiths emerge.

Old Avestan is a weird language and in-depth analysis places Gathas in the range of 800 to 1500 BC. It was preserved via oral tradition until being written down in Sassanian era. The language does not resemble anything else in the Zend-Avesta's Younger Avesta.

>Younger Avesta.
Younger Avestan*

Even Boyce points out that the Zurvanite "heresy" is a fiction of Western scholarship. They were pagans and they only became monotheists when they interacted with Assyrian systems. The Kabbalah is a malformed version of the Assyrian tree of life, which was monotheism for the political elite of Assyria. Zoroastrians like Cyrus saw the value of systems like this and began to reform their religion around similar concepts.

Persians are the true aryan master race.

This is bullshit, and you haven't read Mary Boyce deeply. Mary Boyce admits the Gathas has a singular voice and dates to ~1000 BC, retard. Zoroastrianism came from around Yaz horizon or steppes near Oxus. The Gathas was not influenced by Mesopotamians during its formation. Zoroaster did not interact with Assyrians when he orated his teachings. They came from different areas.
Cyrus was a Mithraist piece of shit who should have slaughtered the Jews. I prefer other Shahs like Ardeshir I.