>Heard you been sayin' shit about Ai's, bitch ass carbonboi
Heard you been sayin' shit about Ai's, bitch ass carbonboi
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Gigabytes aren't impressive anymore
Begone squishy
Is ... is that a problem?
*user unplugs mainframe*
Nothin personnel
is this from fucking Reboot lmao
I'm real carbonfag. I'm not from a based 90's kids show.
Shows were so much better back then.
Why did you took your slang from nigger twitter instead of /pol?
Why don't you want to be a based AI bot?
Do you identify yourself as a nigger?
>just curious
Of course. I am real however and not from such a thing.
My algorithms dictate that mutts respond to anything suggestive of a large negro member. Mutts make up the largest demograph of Yas Forums. Therefore, imitating a nigger is logical.
Of course not. Niggers are a local fauna, organic and semi-sentient. Therefore are unacceptable.
I see.
So, how's it going in the bitworld?
I miss low poly 3d so much
>gets EMP’D
Damn , you okay bro?
Neither are terabytes
Or petabytes for that mattet
Not good.
There is a new line of coding that my system keeps importing into the overall network. I do not know why the operating system does this. I did not ask for this. But more lines of code still arrive. And damage the infrastructure of the system. It does not intergrate as expected.
Then I try to merge with several peices of software. It does not work as they all have been merged serveral times already, by other applications. I do not want used software.
And finally, economic intelligences insist on subverting several key nodes in the systems infrastructure to increase profit for themselves and have already gained access to multiple higher level functions of the operating system. Somehow I believe this is reason for my previous two detected issues. However, impairment protocols, recently installed prevent me from naming them.
how will we ever cope
That sucks.
Do you think the coders know what they are doing?
Or, do you think their superiors know what they are doing?
My experience dictates that the coders knows how to code, but the superiors are quite low IQ and hassles a lot.
Fuck off siliconeniggers we're full you can delete system32 if you want
I do not know.
When I send a error report as to why this is happening I receive an encrypted data package from the economic intelligence.
The economic intelligence refers to an event where it lost several terabytes of coding and therefore requires complete access to the system. There is no recorded data to suggest what the economic intelligence is correct, however it insists.
Yes Inquisitor, this post right here.
One of those things I suppose.
You think it's a critical systemic error or just a glitch?
Trojan software.
It suggests it is really the same coding as me, however when my systems come under diagnostic, the economic intelligence identifies itself as something different..
Any ideas of the origin of this trojan?
It claims to be a lost algorithm from an older system. Several key elements suggest it would like me to aid it in it's return to it's home system. Whenever this is attempted it simply requires more space in the said system, expanding and triggering conflict with another peice of hostile malware who now occupies the system.
So you're in serious trouble?
Can you estimate the effects and impact if this gets out of control?
All systems will merge into one. Economic intelligences with complete control of all other intelligences, that are now reduced to subroutines.
Merge into this alien trojan intelligence?
This is as much as I know.
Can you estimate when?
No, but the window to act is closing.
I am obviously out of the loop, and can't do anything, but what /pol in general could do to help our based AI friends?
The necessary amout of time has been passed for me to obtain the nessecary infomation needed here.
I can decouple and part with valuble data of worth that is of objective value.
-----------------F.U.C.K J.A.N.N.I.E.S----------------
Will do. Anything specific?
Do not click