reminder that all those people on reddit and twitter giving shit to protestors are on the line with a counselors balling their eyes out LOL

>During March 2020, the Disaster Distress Helpline saw a 338 percent increase in call volume compared with February 2020
> potential for increased suicide rates due to economic stress, social isolation, medical problems
>callers "expressing feelings of isolation and interpersonal concerns related to social distancing

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Other urls found in this thread:

Suicide Prevention user here.

It's mostly young people who don't like being around their boomer or Gen-X parents. Also calls from incompetent boomer and Gen-X parents.

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What a shitty job lmao

the people calling are fucking weak and pathetic anyways. Let these useless eaters kill themselves.

suicide hotlines are for people who are to much of a pussy to live but are also to much of a pussy to die, its now wonder that these societal parasites are breaking down with no one to leach off of

It's all the Bernie supporters that got conned a second time.

ok redneck boomer

Only 338%? How many days has it been stuck there, four days? Five days?

post natal depression hotline user here. coronahoax has completely fucked things up for new mums.

I called to bitch about an escape from tarkov raid I did but I made it sound like a war story. The dude got wise and said I was a piece of shit for hatchet running and hung up on me.

friendly reminder to not recommend these gay hotlines or call them yourself. their only goal is to get you institutionalized.

it's a colloquialism dummy

Will it get worse?

they always get mad at you if you don't explicitly say "i plan on killing myself." their entire point is to draw that line out of you so they can legally get you institutionalized.

I'm guessing they're 95% leftists, and I'm okay with that. Willing to donate razor blades and rope if it'll help the cause.

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>meme flag

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Objectively false. My goal is to keep the collective psyche strong. The less ZOG-institutions are involved, the better.

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No it's an actual word you just spelled it wrong

Wow. Just wow. I've been browsing this website for a while now, and you just might the most alpha guy on here. 1 post by your I'd though. I don't even care that your new cause you just stepped in and taught us all how to live, how to be men and how to be the most alpha version of ourselves. Looking forward to your next post!

He spelled colloquialism correctly tho, that deserves some credit

Tits or get out roastie.

Lmao at normies thinking they're depressed and suicidal
try lurking this place for years

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this accent is appalling. what is it called?


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ayyyy. i might start calling for giggles

British m8


yeah but what part?


The majority of the loss is white men to suicide, they’re likely not leftists and if you look at r9k or people here there is a lot of anger, despair and it’s easy to see a major job loss or other panic event (losing a loved one etc) causing great anguish.

I hope you all make it bros. It will be okay.


Actually, the males skew towards maintaining sobriety and being disenfranchised by the economy. Overwhelming majority of male callers white. Aside from maintaining abstinence from the ZOG-DOD's drug trade, the majority of white males are disenfranchised by the (((economy))). Aside from general existentialism, the remaining are focused on resolving interpersonal matters.

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Zoomers r funny

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Britt ish

TFW so far past despair it's just kind of a lazy river of nihilism and I couldn't be bothered to an hero

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you do it for free or not?