How do we get our companies to move manufacturing away from China?
How do we get our companies to move manufacturing away from China?
Lower taxes, fees, and regulation.
Not hard.
Government mandate, massive subsidies, and competitive wages.
Completely change our entire economy. Which no one will do
Stop buying their cheap shit
tax them the difference between our minimum wage and what they're paying people over there
Slave labour
You won't. Corporate Boomer board members and CEOs hate you and want you to live and then die in abject poverty.
You can't. Corporations do not intend to leave a 1 billion person market.
Ban imports from china. Order the Navy to sink loaded ships exiting China ports.
stop buying things made in china
>Competitive wages
The point is to provide more well paying jobs. Not shitty Chinese wages.
Every other part is on point though.
these days it's not even the cheap shit that's made in china. seems like most technology is, if not completely at least in part, made in china.
At the point of a gun is the only way to stop slave labor exploitation.
Fair enough. But it has to be cheaper for them to be here rather than there. Deregulation and fast tracking new factory plans might help.
Turn your country into a polluted shithole goyim.
Structure big business tax breaks based on how many JOBS the company is providing or creating, rather than just giving them away for free.
Want a 15% corporate tax rate? Or lower? Absolutely! But refuse any of these to companies who export jobs, and hand them out to companies who bring them back. You wanna manufacture all your goods in China? BAM: 40% tax rate. Bringing all of them home? DONE: 10% tax rate.
If the tax breaks are big enough, and the tax PENALTIES for employing Chinese workers are steep enough, it'll become too expensive NOT to employ Americans.
Pass laws restricting companies doing business with China under the guise of national security. Easy.
You can't. Shit got cheaper but wages went down. Now the cheap shit is the new normal. It's not economically viable for people to buy products that aren't cheap plastic.
No we need a hands on approach, not this hands off neoliberal bull. It hasn't helped in the past. It won't help now.
We need to bake it into our tax code. Grant massive tax breaks to companies employing americans. Double or triple tax rates to companies who continue to export jobs.
Lowering corporate tax rates isn't a bad idea but most conservatives and neoliberal get it wrong by not trying those tax rates to job creation. Make them EARN a low tax rate based on how many Americans they actually EMPLOY.
You guys are proposing options that require a lot of overhead.
Let me tell you the true solution.
Every company that becomes infested by MBAs tends towards the same business model of globalization and disregard for America. So Intel, IBM, McDonalds, Boeing, Microsoft are all run the same despite being fundamentally different industries.
We just have to ban anyone with an MBA from working at a business ever again. Simple as.
Unironically a submarine blockade. Only way really
I don't know if that'd stop it but it would help. Only buy made in USA stuff and watch out for shit that claims it is but is actually only assembled here
That has nothing to do with it retard.
Corporations offshore because they react to economic incentives. They are in fact obligated by law to do everything they can to maximize returns for shareholders. So if the CEO knows reshoring to China will increase profits and he refuses to because that's not patriotic, he's not only giving up profits but engaging in a crime.
The only way to stop outsourcing is to change the market incentives. Which means taxing or outright banning imports from China.
Remember when personal computers cost $2500 - $10,000?
But at least they were made in the USA.
i do pic related for summer job lol
That's eliminating a symptom of the problem, one of the CAUSES. It doesn't actually create a solution that brings jobs BACK.
A better form of this would require big businesses to have a portion of their board positions occupied by ground floor level workers (often union workers). This gives union workers that care about jobs veto power over globalist MBA drones.
There are lots of companies in Japan and Europe that benefit from a system like this.
Unless your country crumbles. Wich can be a disaster and/or a hope to go beyond communism and capitalism and all that old school shit.
Fellow proud azn bvlls of Yas Forums how do we cope with Amerisharts being more creative, more intelligent, more athletic, and so much more attractive than us that all our waifus end up getting bleached by BWC?
What can we do against the mentally, physically, and socially superior American, fellow ChinaBros?
The profit incentive in North America also needs to be either removed outright or radically restructured.
Spread the coof in china and the whole world to force people to build a more local economy. Just let the shit implose everywhere.
What the fuck are you talking about you idiot multinational companies were already transitioning to SE Asia even before this shit. Chinese wages and standard of living has gone up which is NOPE for FDI, that and there is too much political burden and not to mention forced seizure and institutionalized theft of IP. Are you a Chinese shill or just stupid?