Why do people have such a hard time admitting that artists ARE essential workers that ARE entitled to benefits just as...

why do people have such a hard time admitting that artists ARE essential workers that ARE entitled to benefits just as much as nurses.

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>cope from some fag that got filtered by Calc 2 and makes like $45k a year tops as a shitty contractor.



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>and porn

The artist who drew that image is useless

Actually while I think most of this shot is useless I find it amusing that in Canada 2 years ago marijuana was illegal and now it is an essential service.

umm sorry sweaty but it's 2020 and porn is officially mainstream art

Way ahead of you, and doing just fine. Even the best artists (none of which are alive today) were nothing more than a tragic waste of ingenuity, that had it been put to use in almost any other field would've produced substantive benefits to human society.

>yes goyim consume! you cannot live without nigger culture produced and sponsored by chaim shekelstein!

What did they mean by this?


It's all so tiresome.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-23 Porn will never get better than this.png (984x264, 26.7K)

Bliss on Shudder covers most of these.

I agree minus the porn. Porn isn't art, it's Jewish mind control designed to emasculate the man and reinforce the matriarchy.
commit neckrope

>They don't know about the fem bot takeover of 2030
Bye bye roasties

>by Michael Blaustein

This porn is disgusting. I cringe whenever I see another man fucking a woman. Anyone who jerks off to such videos is a cuck.

>”porn will never get better than this” says increasingly erect man for the thousandth time

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Fuck you, fuck artists, fuck nurses, fuck social media, fuck your gay commie-tier Nurse propaganda, fuck your capeshit edits, fuck your quarantines, fuck kikes helping make this pandemic worse, fuck the chinks for starting it, fuck the politician taking away our freedoms, fuck the government for robbing us over a fucking flu

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Artists get thrown out of the city walls.

>Implying shitting on a paper is art
>Implying fucking a guy in front of a camera is art

I'll start to acknowledge artist when they come back from the previous century

Food producers are essential too.

Everyone complains when poison gets mixed in though

I only agree about music and books, maybe poems. But who the fuck reads books anymore? They aren't essential at all. Only faggots can't live without the other shit.

I can see you are Positive about it

"artists ARE essential workers"

But what is art? What art have you sold that I would want?



>porn is essential
Please die and go to hell as soon as humanly possible.

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Very little porn is art, the vast majority is someone filming a instinct that triggers other people’s instincts. Hentai is technically art tho

be honest, books was a stretch but this?
maybe images of paintings, MAYYYBE

Art is essential, yes, but most of great artists didn't make their art being paid as workers, they just made their art and that's all
>Self called artist expect be praised by opening a can and making stupid weird shit
>movies, music
Both of them now are mostly propaganda by jews.

Nope, there's already enough of it all to go around. Art may be essential, but the creation of new art isn't.

ok, I'll just play video games

>it's Jewish mind control designed to emasculate the man and reinforce the matriarchy.

Artists are useless, I make my own art

>spreading your asshole wide enough to fit a winebottle into it

Pick one...

Perhaps you'd appreciate a book on Dunning-Kruger?

Art has made our lives happier and more meaningful.
Thanks to all good artists.

45k is seriously optimistic