Legalizing prostitution would solve every problem in the entire world

Legalizing prostitution would solve every problem in the entire world.

Increase the supply of readily available cheap pussy.

-Women lose all power in society over men
-Men can choose to live their life without being worried about women
-Women have to begin to demonstrate their skills and show what they have to offer to attract a male
-Men no longer have reasons to donate to onlyfans/patreon accounts when they can get a real life hooker whenever they want for less money
-Women lose their appeal overall and are stop being overvalued by society because they know what theyre worth

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This board is a husk of its former self, and no one can deny it. Say whatever predictable cope you want, “Yas Forums was always shit”, you cannot deny that things have changed for the worse

When I mean it’s former self, I mean when this board regularly had threads dedicated to investigating and digging up information at an abnormal efficiency. Look back at the NXIVM, HWNDU. Shit like this doesn’t happen anymore

Just imagine how crazy the old board would’ve been if it did everything it could to make sure the average citizen knew what Epstein did, who enabled him, who Ghislaine Maxwell is, and why she’s hiding.

But alas, it seems this board was pathetically distracted with the flood of slide-threads

*sips tea*
>furries are cool
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
*sips tea*
>am I white
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
>Would you marry a X?
>Whats your excuse for not finding a X waifu?
>X will defend this
Kys slider

Killing the muslims, niggers, mexicans, chinks and jews would solve all the problems.

I'm here for the memes.

A famous rock star (Vince Neil?) once said, "I don't pay prostitutes to have sex with me. I pay them to leave afterward."

We should legalize ot.

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just ask bitches on tender if they wanna fuck why pay money for pussy

legalizing prostitution would solve all these things as well

now half the black women instead of shoplifting can just suck dicks easier

and then if you legalize selling drugs it helps them because they no longer can make money doing it unless they make a legal weed shop and it wont be as gangster and hood where they create crime because someone ripped them off or something because theyre dealing the old fashion street hood way

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If prostitution was legalized then if you think we have it bad with sexualization think again, we are going to become the worst kinds of degenerates you can't even possibly imagine. There will be people going straight to sex school after 18, for old men to fuck. If such is the world we shall live in, then you can count on me to help burn it to the ground.

Welcome to Australia, the most relaxed nation on earth.
Now you know why.

most men cant get any action on tinder its 99.9% women favored

women can swipe any man and get 100% match

most men cant get any matches

if i could swipe on a prostitute who is working for money then it turns into mens favor

mens market

well thats the reason why we have all this degeneracy of people drooling over women and giving them 100,000 a month online just to hear their voice

its way worse than the other route

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enough with the demotivating copy pasta you retarded shill
i see you in every shill thread acting like they represent the active 4 chan user base
just kys

Why post kpop idols as examples? It's not like you could afford one costs like 50k just to get in front of a mid tier one then you have to negotiate whatever else you want. Lord help you if you want a high end one, you probably won't even get in front of one unless you're rich and famous yourself.

I would be afraid to touch a hooker. Might have her strip, kneel, and take a facial, but no body contact. Eww.

Spaniard here. We have top tier & non expensive hookers. Playmate looking girls for like 120$/hour, at 20 minutes from your home, but most of the men prefer to date stupid & ugly chicks expending the same money. So, no, unfortunatly that's not the solution.

youre absolutely wrong dude prostitutes look good enough

theres e-girls who look like shit who make 100k a month

you got to think 50% of the human population is female.

to have this thinking like a women who puts makeup on is a rare god on earth and theres only like dozens of them is absolutely brainwashed by current society and what women want you to think

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>Legalizing prostitution would solve every problem in the entire world.

>prostitution is legal here
>it solve nothing

you fall in the same category as the gun ban libtards.

>Legalize prostitution
>Remove their human rights

what i tell people when they say this is

it has to be
-not pseudo illegal in anyway
-all forms of it need to be legal

and if your country has all that then you got to think surely your incel problem is far less of a problem in your country if they have cheap available hotties around the clock

theyre not constantly bitching about tfw no gf as much

since they have access to girls probably hotter than what they could get a girlfriend

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>solve every problem in the entire world
Nope. But this might.

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There's some top quality b8ing going on regarding instagram models.
I spent a good hour yesterday laughing at this shit

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if its legal business, you have to pay taxes, and there goes your competitiveness and cheapness.

75% of this is the result of pagans and atheists invading the thread

Spain is still a feminist hell and too many men behave like loyal dogs in front of women. I guess men are mostly slaves of women's approval, more than being slaves of what they offer you.

it's already readily available.

New Zealand has legal prostitution and it hasn't devalued pussy men settle for hambeasts over here but we don't have a problem with E-Simps like America.

I think virtual prostitution needs to be banned in the US for legal prostitution to be of any benefit.

read his fucking points dumbass

t. sheep shagger

Prostitution is human trafficking.

In these past few weeks, the same level of investigation has been used here regarding a few topics such as Bill Gates and the pedo stuff.

The tourists can't recognize the works of genuine Yas Forumsacks as it happens in real-time; only after it has happened and the truth was uncovered and a youtube video has been made delineating what happened, that these tourists will understand in retrospect that the people they called "schizos", and the discussions they derailed were actually the works of ingenuinty that led them to come to this board in the first place.

Newfags that they are, they destroy the fabled Yas Forumsack discussions they came here to witness. In truth, Yas Forums is just like it was before, only now you have to search for the genuine article beneath the massive pile of shit that the glowniggers and redditors constantly put out.

It's maddening. Death to all subverters. Death to all those who intentionally/unintentionally destroy the few specks of innocent truthfulness still to be found in this world. Drown in your own shit, glowniggers and redditors.

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Germanfag here. We have legal prostitution but I am still a virgin. It is even cheap and you even get really good looking girls for 100+ euros. And I mean really pretty. It doesnt solve shit. It is good that it is an option but it doesnt do much for germany (except dirty frog tourists, fuck you). We also have a shit ton of literal slaves in prostitution (bought from orphanage in rumania for about 20k). I am a tiny bit sadistic so knowing she does not want to do it makes it even hotter for me. Still I dont, too mch of a whimpy faggot for that

post a pic of you doi g somethi g bitches like. like being in a pool or somewhere like vegas and they will swipe right then you have to lower you standards. these woman are mopeds fun until your friend sees you with them. ps bigger chicks suck dick for sport


your thought and ideas about woman are wrong they are repulsive if you break them down. dont get in your head just stick you dick in them

>when this board regularly had threads dedicated to investigating and digging up information at an abnormal efficiency. Look back at the NXIVM, HWNDU. Shit like this doesn’t happen anymore
You're a retard or a shill or a glownigger. Every good digital soldier is over on 8k doing God's work fighting for the Great Awakening. Only in down time do they visit here.

Gentle Reminder: Prostitution is human trafficking, and there is a lot of gay prostitution and child prostitution. The more you normalize the stuff, the more broken people are spit out by the prostitution industry.
Collecting taxes on human misery is not a way to run a government.

Actual simp detected

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t. fat

>Gentle Reminder: Prostitution is human trafficking, and there is a lot of gay prostitution and child prostitution. The more you normalize the stuff, the more broken people are spit out by the prostitution industry.
>Collecting taxes on human misery is not a way to run a government.

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That quote also often gets attributed to Charlie Sheen. Although the reality is that when time is up and the prostitute tries to leave he has a hissy fit (like he did with Capri Anderson)

How will this not give women more power?

>pay every time you want sex
>make women richer
>more opportunity for women to use sex “work” to make money

settling for a hambeast is not bad in of itself

theres only a problem when women think highly of themselves and think theyre worth far more than they are and people pay up

if its 2 hambeasts settling for eachother theres no issue

maybe your prostitution isnt cheap enough or i dont know the full situation

but in theory a free market escort system where the value of your girl has a price set for it

there would be women who arent gods on earth and they would need a man more than a man needs them

>I think virtual prostitution needs to be banned in the US for legal prostitution to be of any benefit.

no why would someone send 100$ to a girl online if they can get a escort to come over and literally suck their dick for that if it was legal and a real business

the reason they do it is because its shady as hell and its costlier like 300/hr and there is some illegal elements

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Finally one good fucking person on this website.

This is why commie countries like Canada push the "Scandinavian model" where it's legal to sell sex but not to buy it. Anything to fuck over males.

thats what roasties told you

roasties hate legalized prostitution and whine about human trafficking when its only human trafficking right now because its illegal

theyre mad that they cant compete with actual broad hookers making good money and theyre a ugly 4/10 roastie

no the price goes down when you make something widely available

so sure theyre making money but less money than current prostitutes and also they wont be fucking up real businesses in the economy because a good amount of them will go back to sex work like theyre supposed to be

and a lot of them already do make money through being a virtual instagram e-girl already even without having to lift a finger besides to take the picture with their iphone

so pick one

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Look the consequences for prostitution are already low. Only the pimps get it bad if they get caught enough times. Even in the middle of nowhere usa you can get a got blone eastern European or a chinese girl for $120 to your house. Legalizing won't do shit. The men that serve jailtime for visiting prostitutes are absolute tards that have bungled their legal defense.

>no why would someone send 100$ to a girl online if they can get a escort to come over and literally suck their dick for that if it was legal and a real business

Why would men be a paypig for pussy pics when they could just watch porn? They don't simply want sex, they want the illusion of intimacy as well.

>It wasn't real prostitution
How's Venezuela coming along?

If these women already make money without liftinf a finger why would they risk an std for $100?

i live in las vegas the prostitution capital i had a hard time getting a girl over for less than like 300$ and i got scammed a few times and i had cops come and all sorts of crazy shit

its not that you will get in big trouble for buying it , its just that the girls have this fear of cops and sketchiness which increases the price dramatically they wont really begin to give you what you want unless youre like putting thousands in

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I mean, can you really know for sure if stuff like that's a joke?

Well Joes get exposed by a simple misdemeaner so the social repercussions are a huge barrier as well.

>Flood drugs into the market so drugs lose their effect on people
Lol i hate this place

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You do realise that there are plenty of places in the world where prostitution is legal and none of what you have said has come true.

Legalizing prostitution would give many anons STDs

It is in a very sad state indeed
I mean it was always hateful but at least interesting. Now it turned into a cope fest. Either that or the swarms of 15 year-old's have completely taken over.
Jesus fuck if women are stupid thots as you claim- could you possibly shut the fuck about them already-
If your genes are so fucking amazing- than how come you are so fucked up , alone and angry?
Is this board ever going back to actually reading, investigating stuff- or is it gonna continue to be a fucking bitch fest - even the bitching is pasted- I haven't read original thought here in a fucking looooooong time - I'm out

>i live in las vegas the prostitution capital i had a hard time getting a girl over for less than like 300$ and i got scammed a few times and i had cops come and all sorts of crazy shit
Prostitution is illegal in Vegas but Reno has legal brothels.

also you rolled a 666

and you ignored the fact that its not widely available

you cant roll up to the store and pick a hooker

prostitution is the illusion of intimacy

im sure there would also be escort businesses where they unironically pretend to be your girlfriend instead of have sex

a lot of girls would prefer that because its ultimately very safe for them

because they couldnt do it anymore if prostitution was legal

girls can only make you pay them for a simple photo of themselves because they can.

what are you going to do about it you cant get a girl to come over and give you full sex if you wanted to

so you are willing to pay because prostitution is illegal this is a means of getting your fix

all these instagram thots would have to compete with people who are willing to ride ur dick at your house instead of like thinking posting a picture is worth something

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We got the scandinavian model of prostitution here in sort of a strange way. It wasn't really "pushed" by anybody. It was brought in by a conservative government, which did not campaign on making new prostitution laws and had absolutely no interest in doing so. But they found themselves having to do -something- because the old laws got struck down by the supreme court and it's kind of their whole job to legislate, so they just figured everybody would be happy if they replaced the old defunct law with a more leftist one. Both the government and most of the people that are actually involved in the sex industry would've preferred to just leave it the way it was.

But, in the end, nothing really changed. Because before the law got changed prostitution operated in a semi-legal grey area, and after the law got changed prostitution still operates in a semi-legal grey area.

Men: to hell with degeneracy!
Also men: degeneracy is ok as long as me and me alone benefit!