Paying 4 years of college for this

>paying 4 years of college for this

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I graduated in 2008 into the great recession, then this year i finished my PHD and graduated into the covid shutdown.

You can't make this shit up

Business as usual since 2016, honestly. Your job is making other jobs go away. Offshore if necessary, but automated out of existence is better. Do that, and corporate will line up at your door.

Kids committed suicide because their teachers and counselors told them they would being 'nothing' without a college degree



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Serves the anti life niggers right lmao

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Just a reminder that college is pushed so heavily because of society’s acceptance of niggers. IQ tests as part of job interviews were banned by the Supreme Court as racist, so all of a sudden the only way for job seekers to prove basic competence became a 4 year degree rather than a little bit of testing to prove you weren’t a retard.
So because of niggers, we have to drown every generation in debt because we can’t be “racist” and test IQs so employers can find smart people.


My sides

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IQ isn't very accurate tbf. A high functioning autismo like myself might have a 110 IQ but autism would make us next to worthless as wormers beyond menial work

>golden berg
let me guess, she stresses the importance of (((internships))) now more than ever

If I can't get a job that pays 6 figures with my knowledge I'm going to gather my friends who are all engineers and make some very cool things in Minecraft for everyone to enjoy

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at this point, new grads should just get a gun and go shopping

just learn to code

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110 is not very high I consider that barely functional.

College is pushed so hard because the fed gives out stupid amounts in loan money on zero collateral to the dumbest adults in the nation (18 year olds).
Universities know this is literally free money for them so they use their (((connections))) and (((alumni))) to shill for near mandatory university for everyone.

>yes goyim do work for free!!!!!!!!!
What nigger even came up with the idea of internship? Nigger slaves literally got better treatment than them

We tried to warn you about the college bros. No refunds.

>barely functional
>t. dysgenic amerimutt

Captchas on /pol should have progressive matrices that start at like 125.

>based and redpilled
fuck higher education and their deep ass pockets


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But yeah, avacado toast fellow millennial.
We're literally the whipping boy demographic.
Nevermind being a white millennial American, imagine being a white male millennial Canadian that doesn't hate themself?
Not even here can we get any brotherhood, it's always 'yeah fuck Canadians, they like BBC and goats'
Hell even Svens get sympathy for their situation. But no, we're treated like garbage because we 'voted for Trudeau'. We didn't. It's all a fucking sham.

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Graduating with a CS degree in Fall, now I have to compete with fucking woman diversity hires

Been there, done that, now I just buy another share of AMZN every month while millennials go down in flames around me

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Baby Boomers entered the job market and thrived from the 60s to the 90s with a guaranteed ticket to the upper middle class with a college degree. Under their leadership, they are bequeathing to their children and grandchildren one crisis after another, nonstop American foundering on every front. Foreign policy is a disaster, a society without ethics or morals, a noxious sewer of a pop culture, drag queens reading to kindergarteners, the World Trade Center knocked down, a president impeached for lying about committing adultery, decades of open borders, et cetera.

Mid-20th century America was the white ethno state utopia we all dream of.

become the woman diversity hire

I started piling savings into my brokerage account in January and I've already saved up a down payment on a $300k home

Learn To Code

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This. Claim you're a transgender inter -dimensional toaster pastry trapped in the body of a black woman, trapped in the body of a white man.

>the 34yo doomer

did you forget to change the memeflag

Diversity hires aren't competition, they're the incompetent filth stacking literal blocks of shit so you can stand at the top of the corporate pyramid. Don't worry lil frend, you'll be bossing them around in no time!

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>Not even here can we get any brotherhood, it's always 'yeah fuck Canadians, they like BBC and goats'


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Boomer economics fucked us over and Yang unironically has the solution. We need basic income and Yas Forums needs to get their heads out of their ass with their bullshit "hurr durr you don't need UBI just pick yourself up by the bootstraps!" mentality.

Pic-related, the Boomer economy doesn't work for young people.

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