A federal judge on Thursday blocked a California law requiring background checks for people buying ammunition, issuing a sharply worded rebuke of "onerous and convoluted" regulations that violate the constitutional right to bear arms.

U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez of San Diego ruled in favor of the California Rifle & Pistol Association, which asked him to stop the checks and related restrictions on ammo sales.

"The experiment has been tried. The casualties have been counted. California's new ammunition background check law misfires and the Second Amendment rights of California citizens have been gravely injured," Benitez wrote in a 120-page opinion granting the group's motion for a preliminary injunction.

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Commies btfo!

time to get yourself a 50 gallon barrel full of ammo and bury it out in the mojave desert then

Not all heroes wear capes

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commies btfo w/ guns

>spics need to go back
>they arent compatible with western christian values and US spirit of liberty and freedom

Good but not enough.

Wuhh? Good news?

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cracking a cold one for kavanaugh right now

Holy fuck yes while we are not out of the woods yet this definitely gives me hope

based halfbreed from a horny spaniard and slutty irish lass

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Reminder that the Magazine Ban had a hearing three weeks ago and the State got obliterated on every front, it will most likely not stand, soon after an AWB case will be heard and the case against us pretty solid l and now this. Most of you Anons don’t know this but liberal pundits here in California have a term for what is going on right now, gunpocalypse, the day that all this Infringement of the 2A gets inevitably struck down. Hopefully based Benitez goes after he ten day waiting period next

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The ammo on the bottom would be warped. Smaller cans in multiple locations.

>120 page opinion
what country is this? also what year is it?

We need thre hearing protection act to get passed! (Suppressors)

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St. Benitez we thank you for your clemency

Get the ropes for them libs

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If you didn't buy ammo before, now you're really fucked.
Expect ammo supplies to go the same way as 30 round mags.

Feels good.

Indeed, Here also.


9th circuit. I'll hold off on celebrating until it hits the Supreme Court.

Some good news.

he was the one that gave californians Freedom Week where they could buy 30rd mags, right?

Hear, hear.

This is a good start

400 million civilian guns owned....that they know of.

Thank you! Now do the 10 day wait and roster.

They need to though. This land was made and created for anglo saxon protestants

>buying ammo
>not buying components
I switched to shooting a nice powerful .22 air rifle for small game. Also I got a .22 Hornet as well. I have lots of .22LR but I only ever shoot it in my single shot Scheutzen rifle any more.

If CA loses all it's gun control restrictions, I'd move back there in a heartbeat and start an online business in some small town away from the CrAzies.

ive driven through boron, bakersfield, porterville, ventura, etc...i could seem myself setting up in porterville one day


As with the magazine ban, you have a week before the law is in effect again.

When common sense earns you applause you know everything is fucked.

A background check to buy ammo?
You don't even need a permit to conceal carry in my state.
what the fuck is going on in commiefornia?

yes, and now that case has been kicked up to a higher level and the state got fucking decimated in oral arguments

>what the fuck is going on in commiefornia?
Jews and spics