These things scare me to Death

These things scare me to Death...

Attached: alien-0132.jpg (283x436, 22.26K)

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>mfw nice joshua tree bro

Attached: 1584381386165.jpg (609x474, 24.81K)

Literally a psyop for you know who...

probably because they've taken you.
they're real, but they're not physical entities from outer space, that idea is the psyop.

Nah that’s actually just a pysop on top of another pysop. Ayys are real and the JQ is another problem if it’s own.

This guy gets it

nice blogpost
why do you save and post the image then

these things are demons
the are so scared of Jesus, you can already torture them by mentioning his name

look at this one. Now, notice it's trying not to smile because you're going to lose a staring contest; and the fear fades away.

Attached: CommunionAlien.jpg (1050x743, 58.23K)

You ever having children scares me to death. Your parents fucked up.