If you need anymore reason to hate white women remember both the “Trump is fucked” and The “GOP is dead” poster are both liberal white women from Twitter who obsessively post here because they think it’s a hotbed. Honestly fuck your guys for being here though because Leftists have flooded this place. Especially after the midterms
>(((white women))) I see you rabbi shekelgrabberstein
Christian Ward
Honestly I don’t care that they post here, their constant useless flailing is entertaining.
Tyler James
> irradiating people's bodies with UV light or injecting them with…alcohol Spring Break is now an approved medical therapy. Will insurance cover my trip to Cancun to get irradiated and sanitized with liquor as I drown in pussy?
Xavier Collins
>stock >in Isopropyl alcohol get a load of this complete fucking retard
I bet Trump has stock in these "ventilator" things he's constantly talking about every state needing!
Angel Roberts
>34 cents per ounce >industrial sized IPA is $2375 yeah big fucking deal. Both you and the twitter thot are single digit IQ.
Jacob Walker
If one eye is bigger, it's a sandnigger.
Wyatt Myers
>liberal white women from Twitter who obsessively post here user, no women post here.
Julian Perry
Trump’s net worth has declined from 4.8 billion in May 2015 to 2.0 billion in April 2020. His mutual trust in one of the thousands of companies that produces the Anti Malaria drug is valued at less then $1,000. You’re in a cult. You need help.
He's such a stupid fucking faggot. This dumbass lost me today. If he extends this shit I hope democrats win and schiff sends him, his faggot ass son, slut ass daughter and literal faggot ass kike son in law to fucking jail. Fuck this orange faggot I hope he gets this virus.
Jackson Gray
> $0.34/fl oz price clarification right next to the $2,375 price tag Jesus, she's stupid. I'd still fuck her, though.
What anti malaria drug? The one that’s off patent? The one that nets $500 in dividends? Seriously, it’s either a script or you fucking retards think repeating shit makes you knowledgeable
>He's such a stupid fucking faggot. This dumbass lost me today. If he extends this shit I hope democrats win and schiff sends him, his faggot ass son, slut ass daughter and literal faggot ass kike son in law to fucking jail. Fuck this orange faggot I hope he gets this virus. 0/10 effort, kill your boss and then burn down your workplace with you inside
I agree. I was saying you can’t profit off a very small investment in one of the companies that produces a drug with no patent for almost $0 dollars. I was also pointing out he’s lost money as president. This idea that he is enriching himself is cultish
Lucas Walker
>with a snorkel user, it's a respiratory infection.
Ryder Walker
After the left tried to make it so that Trump was the CEO of Hydroxychloroquine INC. I don't think there is anything they won't try.
Logan Bennett
Did everyone remember to inject your fish cleaner and inject your disinfectant?
Ryder Stewart
>ironically posting epic cringe shrek and literal furries because it's afraid of catgirls Life must be tough for mexican intellectuals