So Qanon is a Jewish PsyOp?

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q is military intelligence.

No kys faggot.


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Yes, I know the "official" version. All the jews around Trump beginning with Kushner do not look panicked at all. There must be something wrong.

They were communicating through back channels with the Iranian regime since the beginning to appease tensions in the region.

I never understood this post.

>the french anti-Q faggot who makes CP threads false flagging as a Qfag thinks he matters
>filename redditor

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I'm pro Q still but my doubts are growing.

Fuck off and stop spamming Yas Forums.

>>filename redditor
not an argument neocon

What about this supposed white hat ex-CIA nigger saying it's BS?

Its nothing but "Stay at home and do nothing. We got this!"
Just running out the clock like Paul Ryan did in 2017.
Both parties want you dead and replaced.
Both parties want you to have zero rights.
Both parties see you as cattle.
And who is in control? Both parties!
Just like how neocons like Mark Levin are on board as Trump supporter, his real MO is to pretend to support his policies, then next election back a traitor so we can go right back to the steady deathmarch that has been going on for 50 years. The only borders anyone in Washington gives the slightest fuck about are Israel's. The mask has been off since the 2016 and Q is there to placate people and pretend both parties want something different.

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>only people left posting that are memeflaggots

Even Barr is the son of Epstein's mentor.
Dershowitz helped Trump for the fake impeachment.
And so on...

like wtf??

Ok you are slowly getting there
How about others on kun?

I don't go on 8 kun

Ok got it
I am just wondering when Qtards on kun will start the second great awakening and ask the right questions
This is so fucked up cuz there is a lot of research and good people under Qs spell
They need to go back, imho

>They need to go back
>9/10 Q threads are made by redditors, memeflaggots, discord trannys, and shill

The central premise of Q is that the Trump presidency is literally a Zionist coup and that all the based Jews he's surrounded by are going to save our country if we patiently wait for them to fulfill their secret plans.

check these out if you want to know what Q is really about
it's a small group of people close to the president, likely in the NSA

here's some videos to understand what it's really about
remember, if this shit wasn't real then why are shills and the media this desperate?

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Q is either one of two things.
1. Q is a carefully designed COINTELPRO type operation that puts good hearted and truth seeking people to sleep on the fact that the US Government is rotten to the absolute core and has run and officiated child sex trafficking rings to foreign nations, domestic states, for experimentation, and both pleasure and satanic sacrifice. But more so, to put in the public's mind that there is a master plan that will destroy these vile creatures in one fell swoop; this puts those who would rightfully act on their own accord to stop such abominations to rest, to "Trust the plan." Inserting just enough true information so that they're convinced.
2. Q is a channel for an unknown individual high up the chain of government to sparsely leak classified information to the public while throwing in tons of bullshit to muddy the waters for those who would hunt such a leaker.
The first is which I believe personally.

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>haha dude trust my nonsense and uninformed opinion

Yes, it's obvious at this point

Thanks user, I already know all of this.

BOOM here comes the BOOM ready or not...

Trust the plan goy

sup boom boom? How’s the sunken cost going? Q isn’t real.

>Q isn’t real
Well Q legitimately posts so that's just a dumb statement memeflaggot.
What should people be doing, definitely not a glownigger?

its literally just a psy op against good people seeking truth in order to keep them complacent.

This person is correct but I’m afraid many non race realist, neocon, lady MAGA red team supporting boom booms will be triggered by his words.

it's a fucking distraction to make everyone waste their time

Q is useless boom boom


>waste their time
So an information operation that spreads information to millions of people around the world is useless?

What information? What redpills? I’ve literally done more for a nationalist movement by redpilling people on this board on race realism than Q has in his entire life. Seriously what redpills does he drop? He could link two bitchute videos or a couple of YouTube accounts and redpill millions instantly but he doesn’t. What “information” is he giving out? You are in a cult boom boom.

>Doing anything other than trusting the actual Zionists and glowniggers running your hopelessly corrupt government is fed shit

Oh yeah I'm the glownigger

If the information IS the distraction then yes. It's a time waste.

talk is cheap. the "information" is unreliable. delivery is non-existant.

Q is porn for people who can't get their dicks up.

our military is indirectly controlled by israel prove me wrong, ill wait.

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>I’ve literally done more for a nationalist movement by redpilling people on this board on race realism than Q has in his entire life
Yea ok memeflag redditor.
>He could link two bitchute videos or a couple of YouTube accounts and redpill millions instantly but he doesn’t.
Post the links.

Also you've gone over this before. Q isn't ethnonationalist, like Trump isn't. SO for you to imply Q is fake because there's nothing overtly on ethonationalist topics is retarded.
How is information on the 2016 coup, elites, left, and other things like that a distraction?
>the "information" is unreliable
How would you even know redditor?

It's definitely being timed such that normies can't memoryhole major components of it before the 2020 election.
No members of the ruling class benefit from "an anonymous source in the US government" spilling the beans on their organizations for normie consumption.
Shill or retarded purity spiraler, intuition says shill.
Why would Q tell people to pay attention to the Rothschilds and central banking institutions?
Why would Q point out human trafficking, cannibalism, and mass corruption?
Why would Q call out Freemasons, Popery, and the Babylonian religion in a way that is comprehensible to Joe Everyman?
>but muh race realism! muh jews run everything!
Both of those things are divisive and impossible to feed to a mass audience in CY+5.

Lmao newfag muh kushner/jews not panicked have you looked at how he changed? Fucking red bags under eyes, displays unconvincing smile. Fuck you..

its a Steve Bannon joint

Prooof dirty fag dont just make claims I want fucking proof

> redditor


christ you're a faggot. and q is a deliberate plot to waste right wing fury with the outright corruption of the state.

here's some more "reddit spacing" for you. fuck you, q moron.

>Trump and Q are not ethnonationalist

Watch it with the anti-Semitic remarks, they both prioritize the existence of Israel as a Jewish state above all else