How do I get off opioids bros...

How do I get off opioids bros? I want to stop but I'm afraid of the effects of withdrawals and the nodding effect is peak comfy. Does weed or kratom actually help?

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Weed and cooming should do the the trick. Also cut all ties your "friends" ASAP, they will just pull you back in.

drink ayahuasca

kratom you absolute retard

Taper down then Edibles and then taper down the edibles

taper of very slowly

Shouldn't have done drugs in the first place dumbass

you are in for one hell of a ride
try to ween off otherwise you are going to want to kill yourself
nothing can calm the withdrawals except for opioids

Just od and put yourself to sleep forever. Life will never be the same.

I went cold I'm an alcoholic :(

Nothing wrong with a junkie jumping off a bridge

Quality advice. Take it now

>Does weed or kratom actually help?
Atleast not if you are actually physically dependent. They take the edge off of the mental aspect.
Experienced drug bro here
Here’s what you do: go to the pharmacy and grab a bottle of DELSYM 12 hour grape. Mix a little bit into some soda and drink that shit slowly.
DELSYM contains DXM polystirex, it’s like half a molecule from being morphine so your body registers it as an opiate and it keeps the withdrawals minimal. Also dxm is non-addictive so it’s easy to stop once you don’t have physical withdrawals.

Weed helped me.

High cbd hemp. Chills you out and lifts the mood without the high. You'll sleep good too.

Try kratom. Get hooked on that the wane yourself off. Try not to mix them, but it wikl trigger your opioid receptors and keep you cool. Get thru that and then wane off the kratom. Its much easier on the body to come down on. I have a friend who did it. I also took kratom for 1.5 years and was able to get off i na 3 day weekend. I also like certain strains fro presentations and other things. Research it. Goodluck!

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Kratom helps. Weed will make your withdrawal more uncomfortable if you're not already a frequent smomer

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Used to snort and smoke the blues.
You’ll be okay OP just follow the instructions. I’ve helped multiple friends get off of heroin this way. Keep your chin up.
Drugs won’t make you degenerate, but degenerates are attracted to drugs, so it makes everyone else look bad.
You’ve got this OP


Id say Methadone but that doesn't work for everyone and you might just become hopelessly addicted to that.

Should have stuck with weed OP.

>Also cut all ties your "friends" ASAP, they will just pull you back in.

This. You wont get off anything hanging around with junkies.

Kratom supposedly helps; i have a friend who used it.
I dont know to what extent you use ie pills or heroin or what, but don't try methadone as a solution. Its 100 times worse.
You could go to the doc and get suboxone but that's just switching one addiction for another.
I came back from Afghanistan, got hooked on pills, and eventually switched to heroin. Ive been clean since 2013, but it was motherfucking ordeal. I kicked for weeks because i had tried methadone for awhile and then switched back to heroin.
You just need to make a decision, man. Quit now, or use forever. There isnt a way to "manage" this addiction. If you can, taper off. You're going to have to quit eventually and its better to do sooner than later.
I can tell you from experience, youre gonna need to want to quit. Like really want to. Or you'll get clean for a couple weeks and say "fuck it. That wasnt so bad. I can manage it". You cant. No one can.
Good luck, man. Thats all i can say.

It's going to be a certain amount shit, no matter what you do...but this is the best cocktail:
>Clonidine - basically eliminates the hot flashes, sweats and chills
>Pregablin - significantly reduces the body aches and pains
>Weed - again, body aches and pains...not as helpful as Pregablin. Also helps a little with nausea, sleep and general mood
>Zolpidem - allows you to sleep
>Benzo (diazepam ideally for longer half-life) - chills you out, helps you sleep.
I became dependent because my (((doctor))) prescribed me Oxy. Gotta admit I loved the high. Eventually the high never came, so I decided to detox to get the high back. That was like 4 years ago. Now I still have my prescription but just use every few days so I don't develop physical dependence and still get that based high every time without increasing my dosage.

>not being able to live without taking lab chemicals doesn't mean that you degenerated into a big pharma golem
Cope harder

Go to a withdrawal clinic.
Ohh right you're american..i am sorry

Hahahaha oh man you're in for a good time. Good luck

>Loperamide - for the shits.
It's an opiate that doesn't cross the brain barrier so some people use it at stupid high doses as a taper method...but there's dangers of cardiac arrythmia at crazy megadose level. Just use it normally to stop the shits.

This is actually great advice

start doing meth with it, then fuck yourself with a big dildo while in chastity and watching bbc hypno videos, you fucking piece of shit.

But dxm is addictive

You need help. Reduce your use overtime and have a trusted friend help you enforce it.

>Zolpidem - allows you to sleep
This really helped with my withdrawal. Sleep as much of it off as you can and Ambien is always a fun ride anyway

drink green tea, drink it all day and it will cleanse you from the opiodjew

Why the fuck would you ever use heroine? You must have known that it's a bad idea. Are you literally incapable of understanding consequences? What did you think was going to happen? Like you won't get addicted? I can't even imagine what's going through your head the first time you used it. Explain this to me, faggots.

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weed helps, support helps more reach out to your family

You can take a fuckload of that shit and it gets you high in a super weird indescribable high. It’s like a head high. It helps for sure but wouldn’t recommend it. You get constipated for two weeks after if you do it back to back days taking like 40+ pills. Now I just do kratom and even that shit blows to come off of. Nowhere near as bad as pills but it’s still shit.