Anons, I think the Electric Boogaloo is going to be here soon and we have Mitch McConnell to thank, surprisingly enough. It seems like his statements on states going bankrupt has really struck a nerve with Governor Murphy in the State of New Jersey. Just look at these tweets and replys below.
We know some states like New York and New Jersey have really pushed for these lockdowns and closing with little to no push back. ... But it looks like they're running out of money. New York is already requesting a loan to fund their unemployment program and with McConnell saying there will be no bailout, they're going to be riot's in the streets and a red wave come November.
Op if those states declare bankruptcy there will be a bloodbath that will have consequences for decades to come those are some of the highest taxed states in the union where did the money go
Jason Perez
based. let it fucking happen. I wanna see all the liberal faggots learn the hard way what happens when you subsidize worthless niggers
Justin Rogers
>tfw Maryland >tfw that fat RINO cuck Hogan is making us wear masks to grocery shop and will probably keep the state shut for the rest of the year >Leftists are chomping at the bit to get gun stores shut down as "non-essential" Can we please be nuked already?
Noah Adams
I live in one of those states. Please just let me get my gun license before shit goes down so I can have a stash.
Liam Robinson
Murphy has posted about it three times in 24 hours. He's sweating for sure and look at these replies from one of the most Democratic states in the Union. Highest property's taxes, State Taxes, etc. This is a big happening then Corona.
Because they are still paying them and many make over 6 figures.
Jordan Gonzalez
>Michigan >not bottom of the barrel Doubt
John Hughes
>gun license
my sweet, sweet child. Leave your politics behind and move to a free state.
Ryan Thompson
Make sure to note that it's 2018, also that some states have been insolvent for close to decades.
Carson Taylor
oh, you see Phil, the federal govt is paying PEOPLE. it's just not paying STATES. See how neat this is? Your residents got checks and the Republicans are clearly willing to give more, just not with a huge state bailout for other bullshit tacked on.
John Hall
By red wave do you mean a socialist revolution or a mass Republican turnout?
Ayden Williams
Nigga I didn't choose to be born here. Though to be fair my politics don't fit very well with any state. I can't leave yet, I have a good job but hopefully soon I'll move to go back to school.
Kevin Price
i just wish they said no bailouts to failing businesses as well. bankruptcy is a good thing
Samuel Morris
Mass Republican turnout most these states are run exclusively by Democrats. With ever expanding taxes and budgets, if they don't get their unemployment, pensions and other benefits there will be riots.
John Cooper
Ethan Sullivan
It’s only the dumbfuck liberal states that are screwed. Fuck’em
Jaxson Edwards
Look at the simpletons QQ ing about an elected officials salary. As if 2 decades worth if his salary would support the welfare simps for more that a month.
Noah Parker
personally, i dont believe for a second that NV is ranked 10 for able-to-weather-this-bullshit. not a fucking chance
John Turner
Democrat governors are completely owned by the public sector unions and will never do anything that might hurt those spoiled princesses.
Connor Gonzalez
Now having the governor in their pockets wont be enough.
Owen Peterson
Kek atleast they aren't blaming Trump for not bailing out states
Christopher Cook
>shut down most businesses so that businesses and people suffer economically. To own the Orange Cheeto >encourage people to stay home so that even the few places that are open still suffer. To own the Orange Cheeto >realize this actually does destroy your own economy and beg the Orange Cheeto for bailouts for decades of unfunded pensions, sanctuary policies (implemented to own the Orange Cheeto of course), and other disastrous economic policy. Are democrats all this stupid?
Levi Morgan
new york city here i doubt there is any chance anything will turn red around here lol all they need to do is tell the nigs and spics that they will get gibs and bash trump on a couple of commercials and win, no matter what happens i would love to see it happen though, even if i would be in the crosshairs