What non-food animal has aided humans the most to get to this point in our development? All the best civilizations create monuments to the horse but what do you have to say?
What non-food animal has aided humans the most to get to this point in our development...
Is that dog ok?
rip dog
Our brains
wtf is this real???
Run fast doggo
Horses for sure, cattle are the runner up. Dogs are great but aren't the x factor like these two were
Probably not, mate
>NoooooooOOOO! not the heckin pupperino, muh widdle bork bork, muh fur baby mlem mlem!
Horse: Come here dooge, doge go BRRRRrrrrr!
Probly horses. Cats and dogs underrated.
Probably not
Narrowly escaped with his life
they fucking your mom as we speak, how the fuck you gave them freedom?
Early agriculture would of been impossible without cats as they kept the mice population in check, allowing for substantial yields. It's why the Ancient Egyptians made statues if them OP.
Why tho?
>non-food animal
get a load of this guy.
but it's not the horse, it's the oxen.
All animals have commonly been used as food. Beasts of burden in general have been helpful, but so have other working animals such as dogs.
Outside of specific religions or local distaste for eating specific animals, most have been used for both work and food.
Mongols had the most extreme run for their money with given technology in history and drank mare milk heavily. The first world power to realize this will be unstoppable.
Horses probably, Red Injuns didn't have any transportation until the Europeans brought horses
The goy aided humans the most.
Mammoth Donkeys > horses. Horse are overrated. They are mediocre where the mammoth donkey is superior.
Allow me to ride this ox into battle and then three million miles to deliver a letter. Oh no, the other side didn't saddle them so now we're all dead! NOOOO
The merino sheep's wool literally made the spanish empire.
Cats are useless and are killing billions of domestic birds.
Merinos are one of the least attractive sheep. They must do good in the dry because it's all I saw in the new world.
Ever see the movie alpha? Makes an interesting case for wolves/dogs being our greatest ally. Without them we wouldn't be as successful hunters and those tribes probably died out.
Obviously the mosquito has kept the most savages at bay.
Birds, humans dream of being able to fly
Horse aka the organic car
the entirety of civilization rests upon the development of agriculture which was built upon the yoke and oxen.
Sociology 101....the dog. The domesticated dog helped man overcome ice age conditions in the past. One of the most predominant features of the social survival relationship between man and dog besides obvious hunting and alert guarding benefits was that of the alleviation of mental fatigue do to harsh conditions wherein dog and man formed friendship bond roles. That last is Often overlooked
Lol, fuck dogs.
As a cavalry enthusiast, horses are pretty based.
I personally think it's the horse. I have good insider information that they will be the next big step in our future development as a species too.
is he ok
Cats kill mice and prevent famine and disease.
Hey, at least they didnt use guns, right?
Agreed they are ugly, personally I like the English Romney overall in terms of all categories. However the merino wool was similar to Chinese silk in terms of its desirability, and it was practically more useful because silk is entirely vanity based. Its undeniable the sheep, specifically the merino was one of the most influential animals in history that wasn't used for its meat.
Without cats rats would multiply enough to eat all crops and the only ones who would survived are prepers with their in house chicken farms.
>As a cavalry enthusiast
Horses are assholes so probably
Packs of dogs for hunting prior to farming
Then oxen and horse for farming and trade
Probably also chickens because eggs are plentiful protein
Arguably most mammals have aided himans in some weird way. If nothing else than by observation.
Women ?
>As a cavalry enthusiast, horses are pretty based.
As written, that sentence says that horses are a cavalry enthusiast. It’s called a misplaced modifier. I get what you’re saying, but you should instead say
>As a cavalry enthusiast, I think horses are pretty based.
Because you’re the cavalry enthusiast, so that clause modifies you.
I'm not denying they're useful. I was through the cape and QLD and it's all I saw and that's a barren place. I want a couple of ouessant sheep soon. They are the ultimate.
>What non-food animal has aided humans the most to get to this point in our development?
Lab rats.
Cats, we didn't even have to domesticate them, we have a symbiotic bond.
Back in the day to dispatch them we used to put a zip tie on their necks really hard and just throw them away. I still think about the fact they hated to die.
Ain't gonna bother, coomer.
Pretty nice tit collection ngl
No thanks to its owner , who just took pictures instead of trying to help the good girl .
Don't fool yourself, the existence of cats is an ecological nightmare and they should be banned.
They are excellent sheep, just kind of hard to find. I prefer the Romney however because of the amount of wool they are able to produce, plus they are to be sheared twice a year so your income is more consistent.
Speak English , NiggerAnon , we dont understand monkey gibberish around here .
Cat for the rat control, doge for the nigger control
kek, is the horse gonna bite him?
Faggot owner desu. I would’ve put a bullet in between that fuckers eyes.
It is the horse.
>used for hauling shit and working the fields
>used as means of transport
>used as fighting machine
>in desperate times could be killed for food
Indians are brainlets for worshipping the cow.
Anything is a food animal if you're chinese enough
why the fuck would you use so much dogs against a deer
>kill wildlife
>host for toxoplasmosis
If you need to get rid of rodents, get a fucking owl.
One day. I want a couple of opposite colours that already know each other. Maybe one day. I just want them as little pasture friends that I can take in the house sometimes.
This adorable pipsqueak has unwittingly pulled off the greatest eugenics program in history.
People who hate cats but come to the website that is known for fellating cats are the only ones that should be banned
Boomerbook exists for you to post your maymays about pibbles, you digusting normalfag.
Wasn't it his little back buddies?
owl will hunt to keep itself fed, cats hunt for sport
That's a Chinese horse about to eat lunch
If you want to go all technical about it, it was the bacteria residing in his back buddies.
bullshit, catfag
The owl is the king rodent killer, higher on the egyptian .
Cats were used by inbred egyptians royalty as "guards"
There are some downsides