were benzos specifically designed to black people out during MKUltra experiments so subjects woulnd't have any recollection of how they were handled? Its hard to believe that they were discovered by accident by a Jew.
Redpill me on benzos
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Its SOMA buddy, just keep taking them and errything will be hazy and cozy. Just dont run out or you will an hero
I'm prescribed them "clonazepam" and I have no issues. I take 6mg daily.
Pretty nice to deal with the clown world and might as well be on benzodiazepines.
worst withdrawal ever. demon pills
They make u have hiccup
Holy shit, my doctor didn't want to completely screw my brain, i got half a milligram every other day prescription of clonazepam
If you cannot function in society without taking your daily Xanax, then something is wrong with you. Flumazenil is the antidote. Benzos can stop a seizure from alcohol withdrawal
They're trash. Diminishing returns and eventually a paradoxical effect, not worth the zombie hangover unless you're having a panic attack. Will turn your girlfriend into a combative retard with no short term memory. Withdraws are supposed to be gnarly.
They were created to replace quaaludes because quaaludes weren't addictive and they needed an addictive alternative to get the masses hooked on.
You can die from it too
Don't take kike poison you retard. Your dick is dead forever otherwise.
>tfw the entire field of psychiatry was founded by kikes along with all their poisons.
I got off xanex bars because the blackouts and got switched to Adderall. Now I can't sleep
avoid taking them, use it as a last resort measure (for things like schizophrenia and such).
I was "forced" into taking olanzapine for a year - absolutely fucking wrecked my life and brain. Took me about half a decade to start being something akin to what I was before taking them, and only ten years later catched up in terms of personal development.
withdrawal was something special, though. It was so fucked up I couldn't even think clearly on how to off myself (although that was fortunate, in hindsight).
Why the fuck would you take it if you have no issues? I'm starting to wonder how common big pharma drugs are among the populace, sometimes it seems like I'm the only one who isn't taking something.
Xanax lmao popped 5 as a wee lad two of them at the same time because I was a fucking idiot. I almost died.
not promoting benzos but ever since I've been prescribed kpins I've been able to make friends and talk to women, all my anxiety is gone.
Fake and gay. Wtf kind of psychiatrist would switch someone from Xanax to adderall? They’re two completely different medications for entirely different sets of symptoms. I am aware some people get both prescribed because the negatives of addy can be mitigated by xans but no
>I'm prescribed them "clonazepam" and I have no issues.
>I take 6mg daily.
stupid leaf nigger
I'm presently on 4mg of lorazepam. Interesting. Heard you can do it only once due to tolerance. Welp here I am with you fags. And I love you
Fug link
Olanzapine isn't a benzodiazepine, it's an anti psychotic (like seroquel)
They really are the perfect drug for their intended use which is cancelling anxiety. Only issue is, it’s a crutch so you’re not actually making any social progress. Unless you want to pop kpins every single time you socialize from now on, you’re going to have to face your issues sober.
I was hopelessly addicted to benzos for a year. I started with etizolam. I would take 3-4mg every week. Then, I started taking it every other day. Then, daily. I ended up at 10-12mg a day. After that, I found Clonazolam. I ended up at my peak taking about 25mg of that a day for 6 months. I ran out and seizured all alone in my dark apartment three times. I lost 75 pounds. It took me a year to recover. I couldnt stand going outside, and I could barely open my mouth to talk without mumbling.
Worst mistake I ever made. I still wonder to this day if i suffered brain damage. Please anons stay away from benzos. pls pls pls
>your dick is dead
That’s SSRIs, not benzos. Totally different class of drugs. Benzos are relatively safe in the long term as long as you don’t use them every day. Actually they’re pretty much just like alcohol.
i buy the grey area legalish ones out of india, they are fucking dope but who knows if they are still gettable
Anti psychotic meds are even worse though. Those things should basically never be used, they have the same effect as a lobotomy (basically shuts down the prefrontal cortex). Sorry for your loss user, but you will recover be stronger than before you ever took those God awful drugs.
I seizured too bro. It happens, it's over, we made it through. Don't go back fren
>psychiatry was created by kikes
Honestly this. It's not even an objective science, the doctor just "observes" you and has the freedom to diagnose you however they want. It's not based on any kind of physiological measurements.
Perfect tool of the jews. They have complete authority to dictate what is "normal" and what is "mental illness". Psychiatry was weaponized by the soviet union to dispose of political dissidents (Lenin was lobotomized)
Benzos are just a sedative not am amnesiac. They work the same way as alcohol but with fewer side effects
My wife grew up in wealthy suburbs and all of her friends grew up in nuclear happy families, all white very wealthy and have the whole world handed to them on a platter.
yet almost all of her friends are on anxiety meds and see therapists regualrly for their anxiety attacks. all are about 30 years old. none with kids, even one of them who is actually married, her husband is a total weeaboo dork who is also on anxiety meds, they say they dont want kids.
meeting these people years ago they made me feel like because i was slightly conservative in their eyes, and not from their wealthy suburban clique i was somehow unworthy.. yet theyre the ones failing to cope with life all on extrememly harsh pharma drugs just to get through their miserable lives.
honeslty every single person i know who is about 20 years old is either a complete stoner/alcoholic, or theyre on these benzo drugs and addicted to social media//computer life.
this is interesting and sounds about right
This is not at all true. Psychiatry (not psychology) relies heavily on neuropsychiatric tests which give numerical data and can map out what regions of the brain are having problems. Psychiatrists also still use IQ measurements
recovered this by taking 1p-lsd. had another psychosis and was put on aripiprazole since i got fat on olan and feared getting diabetes. aripiprazole made me feel like having brain damage. shit sucks, this stuff is pure poison. they wanted me to take ari and olan, if i ever end at this place again in minecraft i will burn it down.
Doubt thats why they were invented, then again I'm not a paranoid schizophrenic.
They are only good for stopping panic attacks or very short term management of social phobia which is a dumb idea anyway because of the slingshot effect it has coming off of them, it doesn't fix shit.
And the withdrawals are some of the most evil shit, you might feel fine aside from a little trouble sleeping or some vivid dreams, and then suddenly like lightning from a clear sky - pass out cold and start seizing.
If you are the least bit depressed going into it, you will be absolutely suicidal in the withdrawal period too.
At the same time, I understand why people abuse it. Numbs your feelings (even if you think you are pretty numb naturally), allows you to socialize easier, completely removes any feeling of anxiety/phobia, etc.
It's "I don't give a fuck" in pill form, pretty much.
some docs are prescribing aderall bipolar symptoms in people without bipolar now
I haven’t worked since October largely thanks to those bastards. I feel like they are having no effect and eat handfuls. I have fucked up on those and other shit but they just seal your doom when you go under into perfect psycho mode that you never remember. It’s not hard to do. Not big or clever. I am kind of giggling though. At least everyone’s fucked now.
How is your wife? Is she just like her friends, or is she different? If different, do you think you had an effect/influence on her? Do you think her friends are like that because the men in their lives are failing to be worthy figures (assertive, force kids on the girls, etc)?
Stick to weed faggots. The pharma jew is killed by weed.
Just take opiates instead. Tram in particular doubles as an antidepressant that actually works, you get the comfiness on top of a mood lift on top of being relaxed enough to actually sleep well. Been taking it for close to 7 years because of a fucked back and can't get out of bed without painkillers, never had any signs of addiction like the "twitch" in that time. It doesn't do shit for some people though. Others like me it works great. Just start off with something weak. Going straight to oxy or any other high end opiate is how like 90% of addictions start.