Is USA about to collapse?

How is this effecting the average American Yas Forums poster?

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No man, just keep yourself locked inside its all gonna be fine bro

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Small business failing, no one can pay their damn bills and no sign for miles of government assistance.

Its cool goy just stay inside.

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Meat shortages are incoming. Meats has already skyrocketed in price, but now factories are shutting down because of COVID infections. Americans gorge on meat. It's what we do. Even our "poor" have access to levels of meat that many "rich" people in developing world could only dream about. If there's even a momentary disruption, a mass panic will be started that will feed on itself. Fat asses will horde, leaving the fat ass behind him high and dry, so that guy will horde the minute meat comes available again. So a disruption that might have lasted a couple of weeks now gets turned into months. Shit will get real, real fucking quick, if meat starts becoming scarce.

Just wait until the animals in CAFOs start to get infected.

Literally no. Only persons that are unemployed right now are servers and cashiers. AKA students and the non-productive. As soon as things open back up, they'll get their jobs back immediately. Cry harder poorfags

Most Americans are just watching netflix and complaining about the inconvenience because they think it'll "blow over" in a month or two.

Meanwhile all the wealthy and well-to-do have already fled the major cities. Many, taking their investments with them.

These people will wake up and when they do it will not be pretty. They will realize that they failed to react to HUNDREDS of warning signs and cannot dig themselves out of a Liberian Civil War hellscape

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26 million people... to put it into perspective, that’s the equivalent of Sweden+Denmark+Norway+Finland+Iceland. The whole Scandinavian plus Nordic countries. Fuck me, it’s huge

lol who will fight who user?

Literally this whole thing has been based for me. Niggers and cityfags dying, stores all empty, I get paid to "work" from home, no traffic when I drive around. I hope it keeps going.

The schadenfreude is off the charts
>live with my parents and don't pay for anything
>took a leave of absence from my home depot overnight job because i don't actually have to work
>only worked there a week and left because 90% of co-workers were fucking niggers
>came in, clocked in, walked out, and came back at the end of the shift and clocked out for a week and nobody noticed
>still got paid
>sleep until 12pm, stay up until 5am
>reading the financial crisis inquiry report about the 2008 collapse
>listening to hours of podcasts from peter schiff, cryptoshills, and other goldfags/silverchads
>have 5 oz of gold and 100 ASEs
>applied for unemployment even though i absolutely don't need it
>got my trump bucks

I live 15 minutes from Dr. Fauci and its fascinating to see all the little people scrambling and panicking from my ivory tower. I can't imagine being being some fucking fat midwestern tradie screaming cuz he can't get back to WURK.

>meat prices have skyrocketed

Where are they skyrocketing? Just bought fish and chicken today and they’re the same price


Man, you're a fucking asshole.

I can't find top sirloin in my grocery store anymore I DONT WANT TO KEEP EATING RIBEYE AND NY STRIP REEEEE

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Just people rioting and looting each other, completely disorganized factions.

>normies being told to stay inside so they can't see their infrastructure collapsing

Yes and good riddance. It needs to balkanize.

i bet this doesn't happen in rich areas, metropolitan areas. I bet it only happens in those *winces visibly* poor areas that nobody gives a shit about *envisions everywhere outside NYC, DC, LA, SF.

ew. the proles are gonna be crawling all over eachother and bellowing for their BEEF

Yeah the situation is fucked up. Almost like a thousand jack hammers raping America’s booty hole. It was at 11 million unemployed in the 2008 stock market crash, but this year is unprecedented. I still can’t wrap my head around 26,000,000+ people unemployed on top of a nearly $30,000,000,000,000.00+ debt.

I think this summer will be painful, and the fall may be the death of the nation.

Massive economically illterate MIGA boomer cope

NY Strip is based, you deserve covid

I am still employed, however its bullshit how hard small business and startups are getting fucked. Corona is a psyop made to wreck the economy. I was on the fence at first but at this point its like 911 2.0. Same fucking fear mongering playbook.

I have more work than before because:
1. People need laptops even more now and I can provide that
2. My coworker is sick as shit so I get more work.

Already had it in January. It's just a flu, bro.

Are you a nigger, America has a cold while the rest of the world has the flu, As usual we will recover faster than any other country. NEVER BET AGAINST US!

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Holy shit kill yourself in Minecraft

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If it does that'll mean a global collapse since almost the entire world uses US Dollars as their reserve currency. That's why when this virus scare and economic downturn started everyone started running *towards* USD, not away from it. It's the currency people go to when they think everything else is destabilizing.

What nigger grocer do you go to faggot?


Rome was once considered invincible too

>not wanting the two best cuts

Harris Teeter. NY Strip is actually my 2nd most preferred cut. Ribeye is hit or miss there I find.

>it’s like 911 2.0
No, this shit it way too fucking worse in terms of fear, human lost, economic lost. The whole country wasn’t shut in 9 11. Few days of mourning while the country still working, and like 3k death. Now as I type, the USA death is literally 50k and more. This shit is biblical level of clusterfuckery

Still at work all day everyday. I'm making almost exactly the same money. Some places have signs saying I'm gonna have to wear masks. Don't have a mask.
Wearing a bandana does fucking nothing. Fuck the irl fear porn.

The hoax virus aka the redemption of sweden

WHY isn't this happening in other countries? This is a global pandemic, so why are we the only ones with a major employment crisis?

Probably because massive fraud was done under our noses to make certain people much much richer.

It's a nothing burger bro. Things will go back to normal soon. I know you want to live out your prepper fantasies but it's not gonna happen.

Meanwhile in reality

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Ok, but even so, isn't there incentive for fraud in a moment of crisis in all countries? Why is our country especially vulnerable to this fraud? What's wrong with us and our government? How are we so uniquely shitty?

I think we upped unemployment payout massively. People can shut down thier shop and "lay off" thier whole staff. Staff gets staycation with raise boss hires em back afterwards plus gets some loans to have with the bills. Not as good as being in business but sometimes life gives you a hit.

I'm on SS disability so I haven't seen any change financially

I feel for those struggling

I presume glownigger fuckery

Legendarily based. I hope you've invested some of those neetbux in lead user.