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Why is it always capeshit?
Can someone photoshop ren and stimpy in there.
>only white men getting bowed to
As it should be
The wage is still shit and that artwork won't feed my family.
All these gymnastics they do, instead of raising our wages, it is getting ridiculous and clowny.
Show flag, kike
You clap for me now!
where is dr. manhattan's dong?????
That's more like it
Someone shop something with that quote from Iran about how America’s only heroes are Spider-Man, what a fucking joke
Does anybody have the picture of all the dead of Covid Health Care workers where it's like 90% shitskins and niggers?
Hope we can see some more videos of nurses twerking and tiktok dances. Thank you China for tiktok
i wanna get real sick and get hospitalized just so i can shit my pants every couple hours and make these whores clean it
If you're a healthcare worker you're getting paid way more then you already should. Say that shit to a grocery worker who isn't even given PPE or a living wage.
fukken normie propaganda m8
top fakkin lel m8 it rate it 9/11
why is the world obsessed with false idols?
fuck the captcha, been sitting here for like 5 mins doing this one post.
Post-religious society
I could treat coronavirus. If I felt like it
my personal fav
So powerful the MSM needs to stage propaganda pictures of them.
Enough to make a grown man cry, I miss him anons
My thoughts exactly. It’s all bread and circuses man, bread and circuses.
>None of them six feet apart
Totally. Spreading those germs must really make you super.
Based Bettyposter