B-But I thought the neets would inherit the earth? Not like this!
Blake Sullivan
Don't look at the head to head polls. Trump's approval rating is above 47% in all the swing states. In 2012 Obama won every state he had an approval rating of at least 47%. Trump's base will consolidate in the coming months.
>dude they're going to arrest all the people i don't like now, those other 300 times i said the same thing don't count there are rats that learn faster than you
Yo someone tell the task force to lurk the archives because these retarded “experts” are 4 months behind us. Watch, I give it a month before some report on the Wuhan “doctors” in body armor loading their guns is used as prop for someone.
if Virginia can't go red in 2020 after their Governor has been a giant gun grabbing faggot i don't ever want to hear Virginian anons complain about their shitty state ever again
Robert Morris
This is a really stupid tweet.
Asher Morris
Biden has always been a doofus. See his plagiarism from the 1980s: he's an imbecilic hack.
I don't want leftists indicted. I want them purged. I want the red running in the streets. I want libtards desperately calling the police for help, only to be reminded that they said they hate cops.
Kevin Cook
bitch is just jealous she doesn't have balls to shine an infrared light on
Jaxson Cruz
Ppl are idiots, they actually need a multi-billion dollar study before they will even accept anything now.
Thomas Bell
So buy higher quality ones, silly.
Jayden James
Well what about it? Should we let the poor red states fail so we can protect the people in blue states or keep sending welfare to states that still support a rogue executive branch and have long resisted social progress, a living wage, and pro-human rights issues?
Trump was dangling such delicious bait in front of them and they snapped it up so eagerly it's a beautiful thing to watch
Benjamin Barnes
0/10 larp
Evan Perez
Oh look another case of taking words in their own interpretation- clearly “inject” is being used in place of “insert” not with a fucking vaccine needle fuck honestly imagine if Twitter disappeared
Aaron Price
Apparently not. And as soon as Trump starts saying it too they'll claim it's only because he has a stake in solar energy.
Carson Allen