A based Italian American


A man who literally spits the truth. Is he wrong tho?

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How can anyone not like Italians?

>overwhelmingly rooted in the npc mindset

>WAAAAH GIVE ME FREE MONEY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is up with these people saying we need more stimulus? Unemployed idiots are getting an extra $600 per week. That's $2,400 a month. That's more than Yang, this idiot, or anyone in congress is currently proposing. The only people not getting money are people who still have jobs and people who had no income in the first place. The vast majority of Americans are in no worse a position financially than they were before the virus. This guy is about to stroke out over nothing


He is not italian, stop larping as one. He is just another american with no identity. He speaks italian? NO, he's just like chicanos they dont even know spanish but they larp as latinos because is exotic.

>all italians are like the stereotype muh talmudvision told me so

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>What is up with these people saying we need more stimulus?

stimulus go brrr brrr

He's so close.
He just needs a few little tiny bits of information to name the Jew.

Yep. Seen this before and people were calling him based. What. He's a fucking blue pill loud annoying Boomer. He's literally the cancer killing this country.

>add it to the backend
that's literally what they're doing, it still increases the total payments over the term
he is also reading a teleprompter
is this propaganda so people ask for payment deferrals instead of interest relief?

oh look its some goofy italian sterotype freemason faggot

> Da government didn't do enough early on to fight this virus!!
> We need more gibs!!!
> Now let me say "fuck" and "cocksuckers" and "shit" a billion times because I am without God

Me. I don't like them

I understand what you're saying but the title says
>Italian American

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No one has debunked anything he said.

He's not even asking for gibs tho, he's talking about how we should be adding missing mortgage payments to the end of the monthly payments, since we used our taxes to bail out companies this year.

Fuck off spic
He's not Anglo which is typically meant by American, so he's his own ethnicity. He's

Yes i know, he is not italian american because he is not italian.

He is just american, he has italian blood yes, but to be italian you need more than blood.

It's like calling a nigger an "American". They're niggers.

What really surprise me is all that spit yet no droplet on the screen
What sorcery is this

$1200 covers one mortgage or rental payment for most New York and New Jersey residents. Just one, with almost nothing left over. Unemployment is backed up so hard in these states that people are waiting almost a full month to even get on unemployment. The last two months were financially decimating for a lot of folks.

nigger is an adjective not an ethnicity

Fucking hell what an annoying cunt, why doe he talk like that?

Ok Arab rape baby

Retard Italian boomer spitting all over the camera.
Spaghetti spics need 50 ft to adequately social distance.

cry more bitch

You're just mad that Americans actually care enough about race and ethnicity to characterize Italians and blacks as "other". You however went to South America and created an entire continent of half injun half spic baboons. Good Job

¿Qué dices, wey? sé que eres un latino ardido.

Italian Americans are fucking disgusting. Such putrid and disgusting vermin.

no spaghetti niggers are traitors that aligned with kike criminals, disgusting plastic pastamutt niggers.

Imagine fucking this guy's daughter in his bedroom and he catches you as you are pulling out.

You wanna know how I know you didn't watch the video?

I agree with everything thing he said but jeez willika I wish he'd stop spraying spit everywhere.


What the fuck is wrong with you people? He's 100% correct, why the fuck would you furlough payments during a pandemic like this rather than just extend the number of payments?

Further, it seems like none of you retards actually live in northern New Jersey or New York. Living expenses aren't the same here as they are in the rest of the country. A small 1-bathroom apartment averages a $1200 monthly rent payment here. Salaries haven't been kept up to maintain the increase in housing costs for the majority of middle class families.

Well I don't what makes an Italian, other than the ability to make a good spaghetti. So you're probably right.

>I wish he'd stop spraying spit everywhere
Are you kidding? It's the highlight of the vid. Laughing my balls off watching him hose down his dashboard.

Man, he's come far from wondering if anybody wants coffee.

he is old.
They can't get passed the fact he is a based boomer

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Fucking kek!

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God its like im with my Italian/Polish family at Christmas all young again.

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