/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3412

► Detected: 2,714,366 (+82,581) ► Died: 190,383 (+6,317) ► Day: 105 (-03:08:23)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 3,388 strains have been sequenced —


Politicians get ready to reopen based on antibody tests

88% death rate for patients on ventilators in NY

New study shows China massively underreported statistics

Tigers and lions can become infected

Last remaining cruise ship in the world has docked

Infection causing sudden strokes in young adults

Treatment with HIV drugs ends in failure in controlled study

Survivors will need rehabilitation due to neuromuscular damage

Virus doesn't show up on throat samples

People that had mild symptoms might not be immune

Coronavirus spike already visible in Dutch mortality rates

US not counting at least 2700 nursing home deaths in official toll

▶ 18 new cases and 1 new death in Australia
▶ 29691 new cases and 2083 new deaths in the United States
▶ 1920 new cases and 173 new deaths in Canada
▶ 2481 new cases and 260 new deaths in Germany
▶ 55 new cases and 2 new deaths in Czechia
▶ 7 new cases and 2 new deaths in Bahamas
▶ 108 new cases and 3 new deaths in Nigeria
▶ 9 new cases in Tunisia
▶ 205 new cases and 9 new deaths in Colombia


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 190,277
lol, still only 190,277.
How many days has it been stuck at 190,277? Four days? Five days?

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I don't feel so good.

The famous Danish “lock everything down, now open it all up again, wait, cancel that lock it down again” epidemiological model

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I don't want Trump to feel sad bros

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I wish China wasn't so arseholey about giving information. I think the best way to think of how we're gonna get hit by this is to compare what happens in China to the west.
Are they still being hit hard? Multiple waves? All information that would benefit the globe.
Tell you one thing though, this quarantine has brought some absolute fucking idiots online. There are more nothing shills than normal posters now.

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What is wrong, friend?

What is up with these people saying we need more stimulus? Unemployed idiots are getting an extra $600 per week. That's $2,400 a month. That's more than Yang or anyone in congress is currently proposing. The only people not getting money are people with jobs and people who had no income in the first place. The vast majority of Americans are in a better position financially then they were before the virus. Am I missing something here?

does anyone have the line graph with the stupid stuff trump said about the virus and does anyone know the peak day for number of deaths

We can close the thread guys.

Trump said we can inject disinfectant or use UV inside of the body.

love u and checked u gary

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888888 Cases

Russian scentists have presented an amazing device that is going to be a salvation for doctors in the fight against coronavirus.

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when do you think the cancel phase will come?

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I quit my job in january so I dont qualify for unemployment
The factory I worked for now has over 25 cases and counting
plenty of people are fuloughed and dont qualify for unemployment
Many people have had reduced hours and were not fired

>999 999 999 999 999 predicted dead
lol, still only 999 999 999 999 999.
How many days has it been stuck at almost 1 quintillion? Four days? Five days?


I just want more essential worker payment compensation, friend

Human behavior and betrayal applies to all of us. It exists within ourselves. You love somebody. Do you? What is love? You have to have hope and spirit. Be an optimist. But can you handle all your human behavior or other's behavior? You don't want to be good, but great.

blackpilled again

truckeranon here, just went into a truckstop south of atlanta, a lot or people inside, not a single mask, no social distancing

prepare for the supply chain to collapse


you forgot to apply heat as well

>I wish China wasn't so arseholey about giving information. I think the best way to think of how we're gonna get hit by this is to compare what happens in China to the west.
Fucking THIS. And nobody talks about it. It's obvious they are just pretending shit I want to know what's actually happening.
How come that we never even see Chinese people talking anywhere? No videos or anything either. Can any Chinanon tell what the fuck is going on there? Officially they are "free" again and barely any cases but who believes that shit? They also probably had like a million deaths.


Praise Gaben.

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Is there a fan on top blowing downwards?

I need an exact quote

#1 United States 878,408 (49,742) #2 Spain 213,024 (22,157) #3 Italy 189,973 (25,549) #4 France 158,183 (21,856) #5 Germany 153,129 (5,575) #6 United Kingdom 138,078 (18,738) #7 Turkey 101,790 (2,491) #8 Iran 87,026 (5,481) #9 China 82,798 (4,632) #10 Russia 62,773 (555) #11 Brazil 49,492 (3,313) #12 Belgium 42,797 (6,490) #13 Canada 42,110 (2,147) #14 Netherlands 35,729 (4,177) #15 Switzerland 28,496 (1,549) #16 India 23,039 (721) #17 Portugal 22,353 (820) #18 Peru 20,914 (572) #19 Ireland 17,607 (794) #20 Sweden 16,755 (2,021) #21 Austria 15,002 (522) #22 Israel 14,803 (192) #23 Saudi Arabia 13,930 (121) #24 Japan 11,950 (299) #25 Chile 11,812 (168) #26 Ecuador 11,183 (560) #27 Singapore 11,178 (12) #28 Pakistan 11,057 (235) #29 South Korea 10,702 (240) #30 Mexico 10,544 (970) #31 Poland 10,511 (454) #32 Romania 10,096 (545) #33 United Arab Emirates 8,756 (56) #34 Denmark 8,073 (394) #35 Belarus 8,022 (60)…

#1 United States +29,691 (+2,083) #2 Russia +4,774 (+42) #3 Spain +4,635 (+440) #4 United Kingdom +4,583 (+638) #5 Brazil +3,735 (+407) #6 Turkey +3,116 (+115) #7 Italy +2,646 (+464) #8 Germany +2,481 (+260) #9 France +2,239 (+516) #10 Canada +1,920 (+173) #11 India +1,669 (+40) #12 Peru +1,664 (+42) #13 Saudi Arabia +1,158 (+7) #14 Mexico +1,043 (+113) #15 Iran +1,030 (+90) #16 Pakistan +981 (+23) #17 Ireland +936 (+25) #18 Belgium +908 (+228) #19 Netherlands +887 (+123) #20 Sweden +751 (+84) #21 Belarus +741 (+2) #22 Ukraine +578 (+13) #23 United Arab Emirates +518 (+4) #24 Chile +516 (+8) #25 Bangladesh +414 (+7) #26 Romania +386 (+21) #27 Portugal +371 (+35) #28 Indonesia +357 (+12) #29 Poland +342 (+28) #30 Ecuador +333 (+23) #31 South Africa +318 (+10) #32 Israel +305 (+3) #33 Philippines +271 (+16) #34 Dominican Republic +243 (+5) #35 Egypt +232 (+11)…

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Numbers increasing too slow for my taste

50K incoming

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Post your gas masks lads.

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>Payback, bitch

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Holocaust 2 when?

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who here ready for their UV shot?!?!?!

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It only takes 1 infected before hair dressers and barbers become airborne aids machines

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Haha wtf? Why do they even say that sunlight and heat kills the virus? Have they not looked at South America and Australia?

>#1 United States +29,691 (+2,083)
Did it go down from few days before? What time is it on most of the US? Still early evening?

Most reliable information I've heard is that it is still out of control, but theres now a heavy push from the government to report even suspected cases to them so they can come pick up people showing symptoms, they REALLY don't want people spreading this, and this is China we're talking about.
I think they know something about this, something more serious. No way China would react the way they have and repeatedly try to point fingers at other countries if they didn't know something serious.

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They want you back to work. And Trump wants to inject you with UVC and isopropyl....

Shhhh! :3

We have to be quiet now, okay? ^ω^

Or we will get in trouble... ;_;

I just wanted to make sure you're okay!

*huggles* (^▽^(^▽^*)

Are you?

You better be!! (´・ω・`)

Or I'll have to do this...

*wuggles extra hard* ヽ(°∀°人´ヮ´)ノ

You're super duper important, okay?

Remember that! ᕦ( ˘ᴗ˘ )ᕤ

-Boops your cheek, nose and tummy tum tum-

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>Can any Chinanon tell what the fuck is going on there?
I love Big Brother. The virus originated in the US as a bioweapon

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I'm making more money sitting on my ass drinking alcohol and playing video games and collecting unemployment than I did actively wageslaving for 40 hours a week

Why would I want this to end

>I quit my job in january so I dont qualify for unemployment
So you fall into the category of people who had no income before the lockdown. You are in the same position financially as you were before

>The factory I worked for now has over 25 cases and counting
This isn't a financial issue

>plenty of people are fuloughed and dont qualify for unemployment
This isn't true. Furloughed workers qualify for unemployment

>Many people have had reduced hours and were not fired
Small group of people. My statement that *most* Americans are in a better position financially still holds

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they forgot that modern business and economics and life is ran indoors and with air conditioning


24:09 remaining


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>No way China would react the way they have and repeatedly try to point fingers at other countries if they didn't know something serious.
user, the rest of the world would not respond this way if they did not know some things too.
whatever this thing is, it's bad.

Based german cuddle poster

It's because if the countries in the B&RI start talking shit to China about their responsibility for the outbreak, they'll have more leverage to renegotiate their loans and stuff.

Why do Americans pay income tax, sales tax and property tax if healthcare and universities aren’t covered?

Those rumors about Kim being brain dead....
Maybe Trump is brain dead?

>"I would like you to speak to the medical doctors to see if there's any way you can apply light and heat to cure. You know. If you could. Maybe you can, maybe you can't. Again, I say maybe you can maybe you can't, I'm not a doctor. I'm like a person that has a good you-know-what."

>"Deborah, have you ever heard of the eh the eh heat and the light relative to certain viruses yes, but relative to this virus?"

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Jesus fuck

Unironically asking for a friend, what is the situation in gun stores? Are they still cleared out? I have a retarded latefriend asking me for advice.

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>UV shots
Gamma radiation, on the rocks my good man

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another big tyson plant closed recently. hearing more and more about food processing workers being pushed into unsafe working conditions. drive safe, bro. watch out for bear traps

fuck the ccp and its endless faggotry

I am cutting my hair myself for years and I became quite the pro at it. Friends flocked to the barber shops immediately.

After the 21°C summer party in Denmark, it'll be interesting to see what corona chan has in mind for us

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Sorry we traded that for taco trucks and gang violence

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Oh shit mang, I have coronavirus and you just hugged me!
Guess you'll be vibing too!

user fucking delivers

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Why is the youtube livechat like 10k cases more in Usa than worldometer?

We gotta support Israel somehow!

rolling for ca nuked third time

keked checked and saved

>New York State Governor Cuomo said that preliminary findings from an antibody study conducted on 3,000 people at grocery stores across New York State found a 13.9% had coronavirus antibodies, suggesting a 13.9% actual infection rate statewide (21.2% in New York City), which translates to an estimate of about 2,700,000 actual cases in New York State (10 times more than the about 270,000 cases that have been detected and reported officially). Governor Cuomo acknowledged that the official count reported by New York State (which still is not including probable deaths as recommended by the new CDC guidelines) of about 15,500 deaths is "not accurate" as it doesn't account for stay at home deaths. Based on Worldometer's count (which includes probable deaths reported by New York City) of about 21,000 deaths and the 2,700,000 case estimate from the new antibody study, the actual case fatality rate in New York State could be at around 0.78%

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and fuck ccp lackeys too

>I think they know something about this, something more serious. No way China would react the way they have and repeatedly try to point fingers at other countries if they didn't know something serious.
It's probably serious but you don't need that to explain the reaction. This is China and they caused that whole shit. So they will easily murder as many people as they need to now to be clean ASAP and show the world how glorious they are again. They pretended to already be clean after the end of the lockdown, it was THE BIG Chinese propaganda, so the biggest fear they have now is people slowly getting it was all a lie because we do not see pictures and because people will report the truth sooner or later and because we can still notice that their economy is still semi-dead.
I wouldn't wonder at all of the started panicking and gulag'ing everybody that could have symptons soon, probably including their family.

▶ 11 new cases in Uganda

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Will the US ever have it's "Emperor has no clothes" moment? What does he have to stand up there and say so that the illusion is broken?

2 minutes in a microwave should do it

Happening over

Like what do they get? Cops and the military I guess
Oh and an education...

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RIP Bruce U

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>stuck with girl cousins
>out of game ideas
Anyone have some two-three player games? We already played risk a bunch and chess has been played out. Maybe card games?

You have the power

So I heard coronavirus works by fucking up your lung surfactants. in that case could expectorants like mucinex lubricate your lungs and riase your o2 preventing severe outcomes?

How is the weather in Brazil right now, user? I wonder if what Trump says about the sunlight and heat being good to combat the virus is true. I want this shit to end. Also stay safe fren

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lel, I love Trump even through his blackpilling miga bullshit, always makes me laugh somehow

naked twister

Do you use only clippers or also scissors? Been looking at scissors will it be bad if I go for a 50$ pair instead of a 100-150$ pair?

I think Americas actions are quite telling, they don't want to quarantine no matter what and I think its because they're STILL downplaying the severity even after all this time.
Christ we still don't know the long term effects, didn't SARS survivors have a healthy checklist of after effects?
This seems like a really inconvenient time for this to happen doesn't it.
We're in for a wild ride ahead user.

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Nope and I love the fact he is an idiot. It only accelerates what is to come

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still going to get the 2k checks so whatever

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Vitamin C and Zinc user, take em

bragged here already

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this is bait, you know exactly what anons are going to suggest

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vote biden and you will know mlark