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Is that really her ? Look fat.
She’s in France right now. Why the fuck isn’t this board talking about her, or trying to spread the news?
> 2014
Hot sounding voice if anything. That's always nice
They all need to be executed on public stage. So tired of this fucking bullshit.
why did she shill so much for the ocean? What are they hiding down there?
Reminder: Don’t let slide threads like these distract you from threads about Epstein. These are divisive and are meant to disrupt any meaningful discussion. They’re on the board right now
Everything you need to know about slide theards, and more.
Are you the Argentinian user who made the pepe game?
kek I wonder why
This user is asking the right question
....You do realize it isn't her, don't you...? Don't you??????
This thread is getting slided and jannies are too fucking lazy
God she is so hot...
No she isn’t. Whenever I see her or her smug boyfriend’s face, I feel an indescribable kind of rage
its been a big deal on Yas Forums back in the day
they wanted to build some kind of colony for the richest people on the planet, completely cut off from the world and from the laws
not on my watch
WTF this was pretty boring
Of fucking course it's Charlottesville. Does anyone believe there's something sinister about this town yet?
You're just not jewpilled enough to appreciate her and her khazar milkies
Whitney Webb confirmed the hideout is owned by the Rothschild family. She's in the UK confirmed, not in Israel, altho she may have relocated. Supposedly the Rothschilds got her and Wexler immunity.
Webb also reported that nearly 500 girls in Florida are missing who visited Epsteins and Wexler's estates care of Maxwell. She also reported Maxwell and Ivana Trump were BFFs in the mid late 90s. What does Ivanka know about them?
Fuck you, coomer
I did it yesterday, was ignored
Got a better pic of khazar milkers?
You know how scientists are always clamoring about how we know more about outer space then we do our own oceans?
Maybe there is a fucking reason for that
1. The ocean sucks
2. Who wants to be around some faggy fish
3. Fuck salt
Let me explain to you something Yas Forums
We never need to explore our fucking oceans because theres nothing cool down there
So dont you go looking because your going to waste your time my time and humanities time
I dont understand why anyone would wanna go check out that bullshit
If you wanna get the same experience just go to the deepend of the pool or a pond and its the same exact shit just deeper
I repeat there is nothing cool in our unexplored oceans and aint nobody got time to find it out