>OHHHH NO......but we still trusted the Chinese...
Canada is fucking gay
Other urls found in this thread:
>incoming leafs cope by directing attention towards america in 3..2...1...
Drumpf did this!!!
not understanding trump is backstabbing us so when China offers us a helping hand it would be stupid not to take their generosity with extreme graciousness. I feel Canada has a lot more in common with China than America.
There we go, don't forget your garbage PM donated all of your PPE to China
It unironically has wayyy more in common with the chinks.
you smell like sweet and sour dog, han pig
ching chong chang
This is the state of the Canadian Government. I think that Weeaboo Black Pidgeon even made a video about how the Liberal Government covered up and destroyed reports by the RCMP and CSIS saying that the Indian's and primarily the Chinese were buying Canada's economy and land by piecemeal and that the government needed to stop it.
You don't need chinks to make you masks whats the point of importing all those low cost rapefugees if you can't use them as factory slave labour
China owns about 37% of Canadas service industry so .... yea
Canada only brings in high skilled labor, that would be America who brings in slave labor
>He thinks Canada is all Vancouver, circa 2014
Bro the GTA exists, the high skilled immigrant meme is dying
You are probably right, I just go by what the Canadians told me, which isn't the best idea
Shut the fuck up you chinkshit dog
I hope you get put in fucking camps and shipped up to Nunavut when we glass your faggot country
subhuman bugman
then why is every fast food place around me 100% staffed by Filipinos?
Canada isn't very nationalist though, I doubt you'd find many whites up there who say a Chink cannot be Canadian
Maybe those are recent arrivals? I don't know, I'm just saying what other Canadians told me, that you mostly took skilled Hindus and Chinese.
it's all just insectmen propaganda.
>I'm just saying what other Canadians told me
You mean Changs and Guptas?
I'm not Chinese by any means, I hate them very much, having to live around them. But I just don't know any nationalist Canadians personally, and I live right across the border in New York.
Some Guptas, yes, but mostly whites because Canada is mostly white.
The mighty "based" province whose best city (Calgary) chose to elect a muslim as mayor.
Awesome. But why aren't Canadians dying? like seriously. This shit is fuck boring. I was hoping to get a job, digging graves leafs for the next 1,000 (thousand) years. But nope.
You would say that Ming Lee.
>Bacterial filtration.
>Doesn't filter all bacteria
>The largest virus on record is an order of magnitude smaller than the smallest bacterium on record.
In short, these things won't do fuck diddly squat against a virus of any variety.
nobody likes chinks around where I live. there's also an increase in racism against asians in Canada now due to COVID.
Well that's a good sign because their presence here is a big reason why we have it. I also know people are a lot more moderate in public than they really are, but I've always felt Canada was far more liberal than America. Even in Democratic New York people talk a lot more frank about race.
>high skilled labour
> FOB poojeet is handed a trucking job and blows through stoplight at 100 km an hour killing a bus full of schoolkids
>every single companys
lol fuck off faggot
the stay the fuck out iceniggers, when the borders open you fucks are pouring over here to buy your shit to avoid high gst and overpriced garbage . go straight to fucking hell you icenigger bitch
——- Groceryjew Detected ——-
Consider this thread infested with a proxyfag
Threadly reminder that these posts have been disproven many times before. This faggot, aka groceryjew, started posting these on Yas Forums as "Canada Is Collapsing" threads and has moved on to pretending to make "election" or "politics" threads, and posting this bullshit on /ck/ to avoid this copypasta, but it's the same proxyfagging nutjob.
This kike has rudimentary knowledge of proxyfagging and bumps his own threads with a variety of proxies from Canada, the US, and the UK especially. If you pay attention to the diction/posting style/CAPS you can easily see they are the same person, varying between 2-3 posting styles, and doing upwards of 50 posts each thread to keep it bumped. He often deflects his true origin by (((accidentally)) outing himself as a Pole, but he’s really an Americanized Jew.
He’s likely under the employ of the Kinsella consulting group, hired by the conservatives to divert attention from the Jewish influence in Canada.
Although Corona has put a break on his grocery posting, he’s still spreading the same lies and half-truths of the past years to push xir Jewish agenda.
In order to maintain the illusion that Canada has high food prices, he posts prices from remote communities where food has to be flown in.
If anyone is actually curious if there is an issue with food prices in Canada, go to literally any forum online with Canadians and ask them if they struggle with their food bill. It’s that simple.
This is pasta and and the poster will not be sticking around for replies. I invite fellow leafs to copypasta this to all this nutjobs threads, and don't forget to sage; the proxyfagging becomes really obvious when he has to scramble to bump his threads.
Redditspacing is intentional and done for maximum exposure and clarity
same are you in Niagara or Erie county? Ice niggers come here to buy their shit them throw all the packaging in the parking lots to avoid the duty on it. not only are they littering cheapasses they actively avoid the heir high taxes all while touting Canada as superior to the US.
get fucked ice nigger cunts
>every single company's call centre employees can't even speak fucking english. fucking useless your job is to speak English and answer fucking questions and help people by speaking and you're a useless turd mumbling in an impenetrable foreign accent
>highly skilled
The average white Canadian is a cock suckling Sweden tier liberal
"An Interesting fact about vaccines right now is that if you have the flu vaccine which are most people who are vulnerable, elderly or what not; you have a 36% chance higher likelihood of getting coronavirus." --Ontario Nurse 10:25 youtube.com
Canada is way more liberal than America. Canada got an infusion of tory boot lickers at the end of the american revolutionary war
Weirdly, it doesn't work like this.
Masks are better at filtering very small particles like viruses and large particles like droplets than they are at filtering small particles like bacteria.
>Canada is fucking gay
No argument here, leaf.
You need our common border opened up much more than we do.
Me, I'd keep it closed, and teach you a lesson about your place in the world...
Next you'll try to tell me all these anti microbial things will totally work on a not microbe aka virus!