Why did the alt right fail so badly?

Let's put all memes aside for a moment, the alt right, in 2016, was a phenomenon.

It was politically incorrect. It was dangerous. It wasn't shown on your TV set.
It was edgy, it was the new punk rock. It upset the squares.
It was cool.

That's the best word to describe it. The alt right, in those days, was very cool. Jordan Peterson, Brittany Venti, Joe Rogan. These men walked like giants on the land in those halcyon days of the last election cycle.

Sure, many people on Yas Forums will claim otherwise now. Now that the dust has settled and with the benefit of hindsight everyone is trying to distance themselves from it all. Trying to whitewash history. 'I was never part of the alt right!' I hear you say. But deep down you know that the glory days of the alt right were a lot of fun. Anyone who denies this wasn't really there.

Somewhere along the way, though, things changed. The alt right stopped being a young hip movement, and became something else. It shifted from the most cutting edge scene on the planet into the realm of Fox News Boomerism. Stale fb memes and hollow platitudes.

The alt right stopped being cool.

The question is, why?

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they failed because they came to the conclusion having a contrary opinion was 'edgy'; which is the saddest fucking thing ever. Fuck the IDW.

Gayest post this month
Alt-kike was ,is ,and will ALWAYS be a tepid glowfag op that bricked...
Good luck with your (((culturewar))) Fucking Glowfaggot.

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Alt right never existed. It was made up by it's opponents in a desperate attempt to name and shame a nameless movement/sentiment.

Because they grew into a hippie protest group instead of a militia.

the new generation had a choice, become NatSoc or libertarian. The choices are being made. Many are choosing NatSoc. That was the goal of the alt-right; to capitalise on the hype created by the left surrounding drumpf and open the door to actual national socialism. Its the same reason why groups like National Action had an aesthetic with their propaganda that made it more likely to attract younger people and the reason why Identity Europa bridged the gap between Le Trump and actual White Nationalism.

Depends on what your definition of the "alt right"
Shills define the "alt right" as a loose collection of public flawed personalities that can be smeared, criticized, and destroyed.
The real definition of the "alt right" is any person who meets these three criteria:
>They know race is real
>They believe whites deserve homogeneous homelands
>And they know what the Jews are up to.
If those three things apply to you: you can be accurately described as a "member" of the "alt right." All people suggesting that the "alt right" = people and not ideas is a shill.

Because "culture wars" and meme debates is not actually doing anything

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It wasn’t a real thing to begin with except for being a honeypot first retardant and glow niggers

Why does Joe Rogan look tall? That nigger is short.

Contrarianism is a cornerstone of Yas Forums though too.
It's why more people are becoming lefty here although they will frame it otherwise to save face.

If the alt right had refused to embrace unironic unregulated capitalism then things might have been different.
'Globalism' is often used to mean 'capitalism' by people who don't want to admit it.

Another hypocritical thing similar to this is how people on the alt right will say 'the weak should fear the strong' and all that, while not realizing that they themselves are the weak. Soros and his buds are the strong. They're the strong by virtue of being ruthless and amoral to get to the top, that's the truest sense of 'the weak must fear the strong'. If you don't like that then you can't say you're 'alt right'.


I don't even think the alt-right exists, it's just an umbrella term used to group up and attack us.

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>alt right
lefty cuvk sam harris
>lefty bro joe rogan
>lefty gay 4th from the right
>2 bitches nobody has ever heard of
>2 based brothers, one moredo than the other
>michael shermer - kek
alt right... fucking kek

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only libtard cnn trannies actually used the term alt-right. everyone else who called themselves alt right were just the edgy contrarian minority that is always there to piss off lefties like you

Your pic gave me AIDS, OP is a faggot


Jewed too much... jewed too hard...

>reddit spacing
>post completely fabricated view of something retarded
>thinks the alt-right is real
its like your not even trying

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>The alt right, in those days, was very cool. Jordan Peterson, Brittany Venti, Joe Rogan.

I don't know who Brittany Venti is but both Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan are live long left wing liberals. Just because they don't fully support ID pol and transgenderism doesn't make them right wing.

Right wingers are like battered housewives who are so abused they latch onto the first person who doesn't hit them and then convince themselves they love them.

the drama was fun back then but in hindsight all the altright dudes were pretty cringe

It never existed faggot, just a bogeyman word for the media to use. I hate you fuckers

Calls joe rogan alt right lmao hes a cucked lefty but still entertainin

The alt right was never real, just a made up boogeyman by the left to cope with their historic 2016 loss.

Russia stopped propping then up

normies adopted the movement, so a contrarian website like this stopped supporting it.

It didn't fail, its just adapting lol

Because it really was Fox News boomerism all along. You retard.

There's no such thing as the alt right. It's a boogeyman generalization made by leftists for anyone to the right of Mao. It's the one you use before you totally lose it and just start calling conservatives a Nazi.

The alt right wasn’t about contrarianism, it was about e-celebs making money off the bandwagon.

Because "alt lite" manchildren adopted the movement in their culture wars against Disney and culture. Who cares about Captain Marvel or some comics? But these fucks basically co-opted any real debate to be even more cringe than SJWs. Gamergate, comicsgate, all this shit led to grifters wanting to make money out of controversy. And these grifters are two faced cunts using grassroots anger to make money. Ecelebs destroyed shit. A constant barrage of out of date meme words getting mad and throwing conspiracies out because their manchild garbage has been taken over by SJWs. Their manchild shit that was mostly made by Jews anyway.

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>Brittany Venti
She's just some Twitch thot that showed up to the Shia Labouf thing

There never was an "alt-right"
It's a phony made up meme to further polarize the plebes

Because the FBI planned it that way

I just don't know user, it held such promise

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>why did the controlled opposition that adopted our watered down talking points with an added pro zionism narrative fail?

>*shakes xanax bottle*

>alt right failed
>blamed for anything bad happening the extreme left
i'm pretty sure they are winning actually memeflag

Joe rogan is a niggertier faggot.

>Rogan dressed like a beaner
I'd argue "white" anything is cringe now as people realize there's too much diversity within whiteness. Look at the EU response to coronavirus. Northern Europeans think Southern Europeans are just lazy, while the South thinks they've been screwed over by the North just for the benefit of a few countries, especially Germany. There is no "unity" in a literal supranational org built around whites!

The same thing is happening in the U.S. where white protestants and protestant heritage people are getting tired with Catholic pedos and facilitators of illegal aliens.

Basically, the alt right concepts are now too broad. People want even more localization than "race."

The Alt-Right was them laughing at you.

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