Why work?

>enrolled in school 7+ hours a day since 5 years old
>missed out of years of family time and natural, traditional life experiences because your brain has to be developed in such a way as to make a good worker out of you
>parents worked as well because two parent income is necessary in most of america now
>"you're doing all this so you can finish school and get a good job"
>"after school, you'll go to university and make lots of money"
>expected to join the rat race and chase money your entire life to prop up the system
>expected to have kids to produce more laborers for the next generation
>expected to dedicate 40+% of your waking hours to work indefinitely

seriously, why are we doing this?

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To survive? What kind of dumb-ass question is this

Good goy

Let it burn. Fuck the USA.

>ID: 4NAPs
let's all just sleep all day

it's either that, work for yourself, live on welfare, or go live in the forest somewhere

I own a liquor/wine shop. I don't "work" really. Just a legalized drug dealer. I only drink on Christmas, New Year's and my birthday. I don't care that half of my clientele are addicted to what I sell. I genuinely don't care.

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>To survive
Lmao, you actually think you need to do all of that to “survive?” People use to work at max 4 hours. They would hunt for food and be good. They would sit around, talk, fuck, and play with each other. You literally live only once and you die. Why would you work your entire life just to die? You actually think that you’ll live forever? Death comes for everyone and everything. So enjoy your time.

Hahahahaha dude da joos are gonna get really mad if I sit in the basement my whole life!

Because dying alone in a cold ditch as a homeless beggar in your 60s is no bueno.
Some people like to retire comfortably until they inevitably expire.

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>Haha, silly bootlicker, don't you know that all the resources need to keep civilization running magically appear on store shelves
The spartans would have thrown your fat baby-like body into the woods to starve to death.

What a long winded way of saying 'live in the woods' (which i mentioned as an option)

You're right. I will remain a bezdelnik.

The Spartans literally did no work at all except training for battle. The labor was done by slaves

I get were you are going but the end of the moral lesson is its not fair to us who had our time wasted because noone will recomp us for that

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Do something you enjoy then OP work is for the goyim.

In order to live in the woods without getting arrested by ZOG you have to pay taxes

Don't work if you don't want to
Just remember that decision when you're old and looking back on your life

user is not training for battle.

>they do no work at all except this hardcore work im about to mention

>The spartans did no work
>except train for battle
>except train for battle
>e x c e p t t r a i n f o r b a t t l e

so your boss can afford his 3rd BMW and his kike stringpuller can buy his yacht

are you dumb?

It sucks. I believe warlordism is the best form of government. I totally plan on being a local chieftain after the collapse.

good goy

^As blue pilled as it gets right there

Either fuck off into the woods, get autismbux, get a job, or kill yourself. Those are your 4 choices in life.

>why can't I live like a baby forever and have other people take care of me
You're suffering from arrested development.

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Good lord. I didn't say you have to bust your balls with 100+ hour work weeks but you're going to have do some amount of work to survive independently. How you retards miss that is amazing.

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get out of my thread

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Paying for your ethnic replacements on welfare
Competing with your ethnic replacements in wages and housing/cost of living
Paying for inflated assets of boomer (houses)
Paying for jacked up standard of living far beyond what your ancestors enjoyed
Paying for Boomer retirement (medicare, social security, government pensions)
Paying for radical new social changes (e.g. single mothers)

rare, a based leaf

you're actually right. work has always been a part of life. only now do we realize that we aren't working for ourselves but for the elites. capitalism is neoslavery

how do you go about buying that?

t. interested in purchasing a bar