
Remember years ago back when this picture was laughable schizo art?

Attached: mandatory-vaccone-check-zio-ccine-orcement-sz-on-ddees-com-david-58409100.png (500x729, 152.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You did nothing then. you will do nothing now. Fuck you little bitch. You and your families deserve this and the much much worse that's coming too.

It still is.

It still is.


It still is

Attached: 60092577-692E-4557-990E-0E72F5618F59.png (1055x574, 108.6K)

It still is

It still is.

Attached: 1414624047199.jpg (274x242, 27.74K)

Attached: your a fag.gif (413x192, 1.29M)

It still is..

Nice name

Attached: 1585508873040.gif (200x200, 659.91K)

finna check yo backplates son

This is looking just like a reddit thread

It still is...


What's with the TEL_AVIV thing? What did I miss?

Order 666

Why are you wishing awful shit upon others? You're so fucking hateful you know what YOU deserve death and horror YOU fucking psycho I hope a fucking car hits you like one hit Chigur in NCFOM and you die in the fucking street yet still have enough left in you to think "oh i should have said more hateful things on the inernet" you fucking creep i fucking hate you and every edgy fucking school shooting monkey just like you

Is this a meme or an actual bot script?


It still is

Only meme flags have them it seems

lookin u up rn my man

Oy vey agent 1947299 we must shut you down the goyim knows!

No fucking way. You kikes are too much

Itt still is

Its called derailing a thread because the original point was actually a good one

Can we get more of these? These are awesome.

It Still is

It still is..

Attached: 1482899105622.gif (187x155, 1.87M)

It stilll is

Daily reminder that the jews want to enslave every man, woman and child on Earth.

The kikes killed the guy making this movie (murder suicide) to stop it then made a fake version of it and spread lies about him on jewflix

larping as jidf isn't cute or funny, jidf long ago figured out how to mix in

It still iss

Really makes sense now, you NEED a vaccine to go to anywhere. Some user had a hypothesis with 5G towers, where right now homeless are being chipped in warehouses. If 5G surrounds a wealthy neighborhood, the homelss can't get past the ring of 5G to get in before the popo are called. Interesting

fuck off nigger, report this faggot

Attached: 0rpefmaxxbu31.jpg (771x552, 80.64K)

It's David Dees. He has a really distinctive style I would describe as a "hyperreality" feel.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (352x512, 100.38K)

It zrill is

find me now the fools who will vaccine enforce by road sign so I may strike them dead

Attached: 77781388.png (604x270, 12.22K)


Your mother sucks cocks in hell.

Attached: Screenshot_20200423-155737_Chrome.jpg (720x654, 265.65K)



I would just use a different road.

Based and kikepilled David Dees.


Is itnis




Attached: experts.png (475x578, 105.62K)

I would bet anything that it's some retard pretending to be jidf for (you)s
Might actually be israeli bots though but that doesn't seem likely

Most Americans acted, Euros freaked out and did the opposite passing legislation making opting out even harder. When the mass vaccination campaign starts worldwide Euro posters are going to come here and call us "retarded mutts" that we will oppose it as they bend over and take it. Europe is the homeland and I feel bad for them, but they've lost any ability to rebel.

Attached: download (4).jpg (1136x852, 94.89K)


It still is


Attached: 7a6.png (680x581, 210.45K)

Once you get vacced you cant catch the bat flu so why do you GAF about the mutts that choose not to vacc?

>Bullard laid out a system where every American would be tested every day and would wear a badge with their negative result, similar to the ones people wear after they vote.
>This would help the economy because people “could interact with each other with a lot of confidence,” he said. And the health-care sector would be able to bring care quickly to those in need.

Attached: 1586122280480.png (496x877, 309.57K)

It still is.

tick tock, friends

Still is

Why most of the people got this name?

Have PS and epson printer can fake any official badge shit.

>its gonna happen
Glad to see all your guns did something then

It is still

>Once you get vacced you cant catch the bat flu
>Seasonal flu vaccine has efficacy of 25% for adults 6% for elderly
Pick one

Attached: E75DE9AD-4740-4A85-BA4B-8388CC08BF2C.jpg (963x652, 281.22K)




Attached: 1587648526154.png (500x503, 128.16K)

^^^^ broken jidf bot lol

It still is..

It still is

Find the jingle king, Issac.