What about Asian women? They are still high IQ keep in shape can cook have trad values. They even love white men more then their own men. I wanna save the white race and all but all that's waiting for me is some fat white bitch in her 30's can you really blame me guys?
I know pol is against race mixing But-------
Other urls found in this thread:
sys.Yas Forums.org/pol/imgboard.php?mode=report&no=254774194
If you're such a loser that this is an option then just go for it. Whites don't need your genes. You're the self fulfilling prophecy of a genetic dead end. Pathetic.
It's sideways.
fuck the nazi incel losers on here. None of them have ever had sex.
White guy with an indian woman here. Get an asian girl and be happy. White women are ruined.
Keep copinh NEET
race mixing is ok with oriental Asians as they are actually smarter on average than caucasions. But race mixing is not allowed with any other race. Especially negros and spics.
Read a book called the bell curve to find out why
You can produce billions of sperm over a lifetime, it's yours to throw away and improve the bloodlines of inferior stock. But choose what you raise wisely, and don't get caught.
Subtle you
white western women (at least in America) have turned the sexual marketplace into a nightmare. Chad still gets to fuck for free, of course, but now anyone in the bottom 90% of men has to go through a FUCKING PAYWALL (onlyfans, SA, ect).
Women would rather monetize their pussy and/or be single and sexless, than touch a beta faggot. They'd rather do this and share chad. Antagonism against white men is completely normalized and egged on by mass media as well as race mixing. Why the fuck would i reward these cunts for all this behavior?
meanwhile asian women are compliant, submissive, receptive, friendly, and they don't fuck a random guy at a bar because he displayed primitive indicators of high genetic success of offspring survival. Asian women are still influenced by shame and reputation, while western women spit in its face because its empowering. white women can die in a fire. I hope there's a simpout in the future and some spurned onlyfans faggots start killing roasties
Have sex incel
I prefer my roasties thank you
If you think asian women don't cheat you are retarded.
They have a shame culture(especially japan) but not a guilt one like the west.
that means they see nothing morally wrong with cheating etc and no guilt, so they will do it if they no they wont be caught (no shame if you dont get caught, as you need other people to feel shame).
Yas Forums voted and white women lost. The only time this doesn't happen is when some stormnigger autist raids a poll with a VPN bot.
When are we going to finally settle this debate?
That's why you marry a Christian Asian girl, not some Buddhist whore.
Just post this image next time.
>high IQ
>lowest obesity rates
>lowest divorce rates
>lowest number of sexual partners
>high income
>low levels of criminality
>low levels of substance abuse
>lowest levels of STDs
>highest levels of college degrees
>strong family values
I'm not saying every Asian is great, but it's a good pool to fish from
Gross imagine their fish breath
Opposition to racemixing is not only about inteligence, it´s also about identity, your blood is part of your identity and to prolong white identity through time you need to have white kids
Indeed. It's a tiers list. White women are average to bad and lose to even latina women. None surpass Asian women in quality.
It's not about that.
It's about the fact that it is nothing but evil when pushed at a national level.
People throughout history have all mixed on their own without being pushed to do so by media.
They need to shut up about all of this crap, and just let people live.
I'm dating a 90 pound chinese girl that's doing her PhD at my uni, she was a virgin and cried how she liked it but felt ashamed after we first fucked.I don't think there's any 90 pound white girls at my uni, except anorexic dirty hippies.
The media is against Asians and for niggers.
Here'a your trad Asain wife bro
You're a fag if you think women aren't all shit
>was a degenerate and fornicated
You better be marrying her, user.
They're the biggest cunts of all, I'd rather have a negress wife.
Roastie posts
Opposition to race-mixing is based on race loyalty and reproducing the race. It has nothing to do with whether the non-White is hot or not, coomer.
well i don't date or get into relationships anymore. i either have ONSs or fuck hookers. women are a nuisance so unless their set of 3 holes is virtually guaranteed i don't interact with them
ask yourself this
if you had a white woman with low iq
or an asian woman with high iq
who would you choose?
For me it's the iq that matters the most, race comes second.
I normally would say no but white women are so retarded now they should just go extinct desu
Because you are dumb and just want to have sex you can't understand that a woman who doesn't value her own culture or love her own men cannot possibly be a good partner. She is a "race traitor" and wants to be with you for shallow reasons even if it brings shame to herself and her family. That would be the foundation of your relationship and your children's history. One exception: the off chance that the love is truly genuine and somehow fate brought you together.
Asian girls become asian woman and completely cuck their husbands. Then again maybe thats what OP is going for.
by mixing with asians you destroy asians
what if you agree with that statement for your race (and other races) but you acknowledge that if a few individuals want to racemix that's not going to affect the races/groups because it's rare.
you son will have a smal pp.
>implying women think like men
Stromniggers are simps of the highest order.
Then that is incredibly shallow and has nothing to do with love. Even if she had high IQ that doesn't mean your child would be healthy or well-adjusted.
>wanting mystery meat manlet/chinlet sons
All womanlets and malets should be shot from cannons into the sun. All white woman should be at least 5'7, C cup tiddies and be forced into breeding at least 3 Aryan sons. The only Asians that should be allowed to breed are Mongolians. Zero tolerance policy on race mixing too.
You are a faggot,
all mutts are genetically inferior and mentally ill
take responsibility and make lots of kids with her user
>Not waking up Christmas morning and seeing this waiting for you
I am having difficulty conceptualizing the reasons to continue living.
Gooks are gigamutt subhumans.
The mongoloid race is the mystery meat of human races.
They're what happens after ages of constant racemixing: lowering IQs, progressively more savage customs, inability to form a civilization, lack of empathy, no morality, deformed facial features, etc.
Essentially, they have devolved almost into negro status.
Unlike niggers though, who have never evolved into humanity, they were humans at one point, but then devolved back.
If they have such high IQs, then why are the bulk of them illiterate rice farmers and fishermen?
of course it's not the only thing, the woman has to be kind and loving too, but iq is the most important
We can't allow white wombs to be colonized, but obviously every other womb on the planet should either be occupied with white seed or sterilized. It just stands to reason.
If you can't tell Asians are automatons, you have autism.
I don't think anyone doubts that white women are the sexiest, but it's hard to get one since so many of them are fat and shameless these days. A 7 from old days is like a 10 now :/
ignore the stormfags and get an asian queen
Asians are top-tier, wm/af has the lowest divorce rate of all races. The dynamic just works. Their cultural rot is a lot lower than America's so they keep their trad values mostly.
>False dilemma fallacy
I choose a white women with a high iq. People can't procure one need to be turned into soap right along with the roasties and coalburners. You faggot coomer boomers keep bringing SEAmonkeys into white countries. You will never be based or trad your azn qt is a whore and your hapa sons are dysgenic trash.
Imagine having an incel gook as a son
Here's a lesson in the English language for anyone reading this post.
First things first this is a shill thread. Let's get that straight. I can tell without even reading it.
Secondly, whenever you make a statement, then add the word "but" at the end of it. You have negated everything you said prior to that word.
>The dynamic just works
Strictly talking eastern asian lad.
My point was that there are other characteristics that are more important than race (love and care, iq, number of partners etc).
And the east asian race is at the same level as the white race in many regards and even better in others.
you can have an incel white son lad
false dichotomy
If you have chad genes, your son, whatever race he is will be chadly
Look at Arnold schwarzinigger's latino son compared to his white son for example
> the east asian race is at the same level as the white race in many regards and even better in others
enjoy your dicklet sons
I mean it's a shame if the guy looks like that. I don't though.
Is no one gonna talk about how he was 1 post too late for digits?
You're right BUT you're a faggit
>muh dick
There you go, you're a prime example of trash genes even if you're white.
I don't want a Chinese girl because I know she's a spy from the PLA.
Maybe a nice Viet or Pinay
ricemixers will get roped
Plus ugly eyes.
>high IQ
lol. virgin fucking detected.
kys memeflaggot
Yeah, but if you breed with a full blooded gook, it's gonna be at least 80% gook in the expressed genes. Imagine a son who is good at math or piano but no-one cares because he's a gook who can't play sport.
kek cursed him for posting tautology.
Aren't you Philippino? Um, this is a racemixing thread, bucko
Man white genes are so weak. It's like that with every asian/white couple I know irl. Kids look pretty much pure breed asians.